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Diamond Sūtra Discussion

No severing, no annihilation 無斷無滅分

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No severing, no annihilation 無斷無滅


須菩提:『如來不以具足阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。』須菩提如來不以具足阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 「須菩提: 『阿耨多羅三藐三菩提諸法斷滅。』 何以發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心斷滅

“Subhūti, suppose you think, ‘The Tathāgata has not, from the perfection of characteristics [lakṣaṇa], attained Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi.’ Subhūti, do not compose the thought, ‘The Tathāgata has not, from the perfection of characteristics [lakṣaṇa], attained Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi.’ Subhūti, composing this thought, the one who is developing the mind of Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi is then speaking of the severence [vināśa] and annihilation [uccheda] of dharmas. Do not compose this thought. Why? One who is developing the mind of Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi does not speak of a characteristic of the severence [uccheda] and annihilation [vināśa] of dharmas.

Sanskrit: tatkiṃ manyase subhūte lakṣaṇasaṃpadā tathāgatena anuttarā samyaksaṃbodhirabhisaṃbuddhā? na khalu punaste subhūte evaṃ draṣṭavyam| tatkasya hetoḥ ? na hi subhūte lakṣaṇasaṃpadā tathāgatena anuttarā samyaksaṃbodhirabhisaṃbuddhā syāt| na khalu punaste subhūte kaścidevaṃ vadet-bodhisattvayānasaṃprasthitaiḥ kasyaciddharmasya vināśaḥ prajñaptaḥ ucchedo veti| na khalu punaste subhūte evaṃ draṣṭavyam| tatkasya hetoḥ ? na bodhisattvayānasaṃprasthitaiḥ kasyaciddharmasya vināśaḥ prajñapto nocchedaḥ||27||


There are several different readings of this passage. Kumārajīva's translation is differnt to other Chinese translations. The reading by Hui Neng is that the Buddha says this so that listeners will not think that they can attain Buddhahood without practicing the thirty-two pure practices. (Red Pine 2009, p 388)

The English word severence in the passage translates the Chinese (Sanskrit: uccheda). The word annihilation translates the Chinese (Sanskrit: vināśa).

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