A Commentary on the Guiding Principle of the Perfection of Insight in the Sūtra on the Unfailing True Vow of the Thunderbolt of Great Bliss (Dale Jingang Bu Kong Zhenshi Sanmei Ye Jing Boreboluomiduo Li Qu Shi) 大樂金剛不空真實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋

Translated by Amoghavajra


第 19 冊 No. 1003 大樂金剛不空真實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋 唐 不空譯 共 2 卷
Volume 19, No. 1003; Dale Jingang Bu Kong Zhenshi Sanmei Ye Jing Boreboluomiduo Li Qu Shi; A Commentary on the Guiding Principle of the Perfection of Insight in the Sutra on the Unfailing True Vow of the Thunderbolt of Great Bliss Translated by Amoghavajra in the Tang in 2 scrolls

Alternative names

理趣釋經 Rishushakukyō; 大樂金剛理趣經 Commentary on the Guiding Principle of the Sutra of the Thunderbolt of Great Bliss; 般若理趣釋 Prajna Commentary on the Guiding Principle Sutra; 理趣釋 Commentary on the Guiding Principle Sutra; Japanese: Tairaku kongō fukū shinjitsu sanmayakyō hannya haramita rishushaku


A commentary on the 大樂金剛不空真實三麼耶經 Adhyardhaśatikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra (T 243), also known as 理趣經 Rishukyō, by Amoghavajra and ritual manual. The commentary gives an explaination the origin of the Vajrayāna School and doctrine.


Date 720-774 from Lancaster (2004, 'K 1333')

English translations

Astley, Ian 1994, “An Annotated Translation of Amoghavajra’s Commentary on the Liqu jing (Rishukyō)—Part I,” Studies in Central and East Asian Religions, 7, pp.27-53, at https://www.shin-ibs.edu/research/archived-publications-and-research-projects/scear/v7/, accessed 2021-10-31. Partial translation.

Primary Source

Amoghavajra, 《大樂金剛不空真實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋》 'Dale Jingang Bu Kong Zhenshi Sanmei Ye Jing Boreboluomiduo Li Qu Shi,' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 19, No. 1003, Accessed 2016-10-05, http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/T19n1003.


  1. Abé, R 1999, p. 549.
  2. FGDB, s.v. 理趣釋經.
  3. Giebel 2011, pp. 27-36.
  4. Lancaster 2004, 'K 1333'.

Collection vocabulary analysis