为学要通识 人际要通情 个性要通达 求道要通理 (為學要通識 人際要通情 個性要通達 求道要通理) wéi xué yào tōng shì rén jì yào tōng qíng gè xìng yào tōng dá qiú dào yào tōng lǐ

wéi xué yào tōng shì rén jì yào tōng qíng gè xìng yào tōng dá qiú dào yào tōng lǐ phrase Make sure the knowledge you attain is broad. Make sure the relationships you have are reasonable. Make sure the character in you is open. Make sure the path you seek is well understood.
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism)