鱼虾藏身于海洋 鸟兽栖息于山林 人类安住于家国 华人散居于地球 (魚蝦藏身於海洋 鳥獸棲息於山林 人類安住於家國 華人散居於地球) yú xiā cáng shēn yú hǎi yáng niǎo shòu qī xí yú shān lín rén lèi ān zhù yú jiā guó huá rén sǎn jū yú dì qiú

yú xiā cáng shēn yú hǎi yáng niǎo shòu qī xí yú shān lín rén lèi ān zhù yú jiā guó huá rén sǎn jū yú dì qiú phrase Fish and prawns find their hidings in the ocean, Birds and animals find their nests in mountain forests, Humans find their dwellings in their homes and nations, Chinese people find their sense of belonging all across the globe.
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism)