培养 (培養) péiyǎng
verb to train; to culture; to groom
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Education
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '培養'; Guoyu '培養' 1) -
to take care of
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 照料 (Guoyu '培養' 2) -
to culture [plants]
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '培養'; Guoyu '培養' 3)
Contained in
- 佛光山好苗子培养计画(佛光山好苗子培養計畫) Fo Guang Shan Seeds of Hope Project
- 淤泥可以长出莲花 寒门可以培养孝子 洪炉可以锻鍊钢铁 困境可以成就伟人 认错可以增加勇气 服务可以转为善缘 苦涩可以酝酿甘甜 烦恼可以化为菩提(淤泥可以長出蓮花 寒門可以培養孝子 洪爐可以鍛鍊鋼鐵 困境可以成就偉人 認錯可以增加勇氣 服務可以轉為善緣 苦澀可以醞釀甘甜 煩惱可以化為菩提) Just as lotuses can grow out of mud, A humble family can raise filial children. Just as steel can be forged in a furnace, Adversity can create greatness. Just as courage comes from admitting one's faults, Service can create good affinities. Just as sweet taste can be brewed from bitterness, Defilements can turn into Bodhi.
- 幸福要自我去感受 生活要自我去满足 进步要自我去实践 收成要自我去播种 健康要自我去维护 人缘要自我去培养 成功要自我去努力 安心要自我去调适(幸福要自我去感受 生活要自我去滿足 進步要自我去實踐 收成要自我去播種 健康要自我去維護 人緣要自我去培養 成功要自我去努力 安心要自我去調適) Discover happiness yourself. Fulfill life's needs yourself. Truly improve yourself. Sow before you harvest. Stay in good health yourself. Develop good affinities yourself. Strive to succeed yourself. Change your own mind to feel safe.
- 佛光山四大宗旨 1. 以文化弘扬佛法 2. 以教育培养人才 3. 以慈善福利社会 4. 以共修净化人心(佛光山四大宗旨 1. 以文化弘揚佛法 2. 以教育培養人才 3. 以慈善福利社會 4. 以共修淨化人心) Fo Guang Shan’s Four Objectives: 1. To propagate the Dharma through culture; 2. To foster talent through education; 3. To benefit society through charity; 4. To purify human minds through spiritual cultivation.