Sūtra on Understanding the Origin of Birth and Death (Le Bensheng Si Jing) 了本生死經

Translated by Zhi Qian


第 16 冊 No. 708 了本生死經 吳 支謙譯 共 1 卷 Volume 16, No. 708; Sūtra on Understanding the Origin of Birth and Death (Le Bensheng Si Jing); Translated by Zhi Qian in the Wu in 1 scroll

Other Titles

Śālistamba Sūtra; Śālistambhakasūtra


Sanskrit title and date 222-229 from Lancaster (2004, 'K 268')

English translations

From the Tibetan (Reat 1998)

Primary Source

Zhi Qian, 《了本生死經》 'Śālistambhakasūtra (Le Bensheng Si Jing),' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 16, No. 708, Accessed 2016-09-24, http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/T16n0708.


  1. Barnett, L. D. 1903.
  2. FGDB, s.v. 了本生死經.
  3. Lancaster 2004, s.v. K 268.
  4. Nanjio 1883, p. 74.
  5. Reat 1998.

Collection vocabulary analysis