Pure Dharma Vairocana Mind Teaching Dharanis for Three Types of Siddhi (Qing Jing Fashen Piluzhena Xin Di Famen Chengjiu Yiqie Tuoluoni San Zhong Xidi) 清淨法身毘盧遮那心地法門成就一切陀羅尼三種悉地



第 18 冊 No. 899 清淨法身毘盧遮那心地法門成就一切陀羅尼三種悉地 共 1 卷
Volume 18, No. 899, Qing Jing Fashen Piluzhena Xin Di Famen Chengjiu Yiqie Tuoluoni San Zhong Xidi, Pure Dharma Vairocana Mind Teaching Dharanis for Three Types of Siddhi


Describes teachings for magical attainments; included within the 金剛頂經類 Vajraśekhara sūtra group of related texts.


This text does not appear in the Korean canon. A Taishō footnote for this text reads: <原>大日本續藏經, <甲>文永二年寫高野山寶壽院本 Source: Dai Nippon Zokuzōkyō [Supplementary Buddhist Canon], 1. Hojuin Temple version was transcribed in the second year of the Bun'ei era [1264-1275].

English translation


Primary Source

《清淨法身毘盧遮那心地法門成就一切陀羅尼三種悉地》 'Qing Jing Fashen Piluzhena Xin Di Famen Chengjiu Yiqie Tuoluoni San Zhong Xi Di,' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 18, No. 899, Accessed 2016-09-29, http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/T18n0899.


  1. Giebel, 2011, pp. 27-36.
  2. Orzech 2011b, pp. 326-327

Collection vocabulary analysis