捲走 juǎnzǒu
to sap the strength of
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '捲走')
Contained in
- 1. 瞋心如狂风 会吹走人缘 2. 愚痴似急流 会捲走幸福 3. 我慢像暗礁 会搁浅前途 4. 嫉妒同巨浪 会淹没理智(1. 瞋心如狂風 會吹走人緣 2. 愚痴似急流 會捲走幸福 3. 我慢像暗礁 會擱淺前途 4. 嫉妒同巨浪 會淹沒理智) 1. Anger is like a storm that sweeps away your affinities. 2. Ignorance is like a swift current that washes away your happiness. 3. Arrogance is like a hidden reef that strands your future. 4. Jealousy is like a tsunami that overwhelms your reason.