佛诞节 (佛誕節) fódàn jié
fódàn jié
proper noun
Buddha's Birthday Celebration
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: (FGDB '佛誕日'; Guoyu '佛誕節')
Contained in
- 国定佛诞节暨母亲节庆祝大会(國定佛誕節暨母親節慶祝大會) National Buddha's Day and Mother's Day Celebration
- 佛诞节花车遊行(佛誕節花車遊行) Parade With Floats for the Buddha's Birthday
- 国定佛诞节浴佛大会(國定佛誕節浴佛大會) National Buddha's Birthday Bathing the Buddha Celebration
- 佛诞节浴佛暨三皈五戒法会(佛誕節浴佛暨三皈五戒法會) Buddha's Birthday Celebration and Triple Gem Refuge and Five Precepts Ceremony