霸王别姬 (霸王別姬) bàwáng bié jī

  1. bàwáng bié jī proper noun Farewell My Concubine (song)
    Domain: Literature 文学 , Subdomain: China , Concept: Song 歌
    Notes: Name of a folk song from a story in the Qin dynasty (Guoyu '霸王別姬' 1)
  2. bàwáng bié jī proper noun Farewell My Concubine (opera)
    Domain: Drama 戏剧 , Subdomain: China , Concept: Beijing Opera 京剧
    Notes: Name of a Beijing opera about the Qin dynasty story of a meeting between 刘邦 Liu Bang and 项羽 Xiang Yu where Xiang Yu was defeated and his favored consort committed suicide (Guoyu '霸王別姬' 2; Wikipedia '霸王别姬 (京剧)')