Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī (Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing) 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經

Translated by Amoghavajra


第 21 冊 No. 1252b 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經 唐 不空譯 共 1 卷
Volume 21, No. 1252b; Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī (Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing); Translated by Amoghavajra in the Tang in 1 scroll

Alternative Titles



Siddham for a mantra is included with this esoteric text from the 諸天等儀軌類 deva ritual manuals group (1244–1330).


This text does not appear in the Korean canon. A Taishō footnote for this text reads: <原>明本, <甲>黄檗版淨嚴等加筆本, 此經與麗本大異故別載 Source: Ming Canon; 1. Ōbaku Canon with annotations by Jōgon. This version differs considerably from the version in the Korean Canon.

English Translation


Primary Source

Amoghavajra, 《佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經》 'Mahāśrīsūtra (Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing),' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 21, No. 1252b, Accessed 2016-10-09,


  1. Giebel 2011, pp. 27-36.

Collection vocabulary analysis