一切如来光严住持 (一切如來光嚴住持) yīqiè rúlái guāng yán zhù chí

yīqiè rúlái guāng yán zhù chí phrase the glorious abode maintained by the Tathagatas
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Quote: from 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經 the “Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment” (Gregory 2005, p. 55; T 842, 17.0913a27)

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 1 Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經 — count: 1 , has English translation
  • Scroll 10 Lushan Lian Zong Bao Jian 廬山蓮宗寶鑑 — count: 1