福慧双修 (福慧雙修) fú huì shuāng xiū

fú huì shuāng xiū phrase Merit and Wisdom
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: (Tzu Chuang 2012)

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 5 A Biography of the Tripitaka Master of the Great Ci'en Monastery of the Great Tang Dynasty 大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 — count: 1 , has English translation
  • Scroll 2 Guang Qingliang Chuan 廣清涼傳 — count: 1 , has English translation
  • Scroll 10 Lushan Lian Zong Bao Jian 廬山蓮宗寶鑑 — count: 1