众经目录 (眾經目錄) zhòng jīng mùlù
zhòng jīng mùlù
proper noun
Catalog of All Scriptures; Zhong Jing Mulu
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
, Subdomain: China
, Concept: Canonical Text 典籍
Notes: The title of a text composed by 法經 Fa Jing and others included in the Chinese Buddhist canon (FGDB '眾經目錄'; KDC 1054; Silk 2008, p. 374; T 2146; Wu 2016, loc. 738)
Contained in
- 魏世众经目录(魏世眾經目錄) Wei Era Catalog of Scriptures
- 大周刊定众经目录(大周刊定眾經目錄) Zhou Dynasty Corrected Catalog of Scriptures; Da Zhoukan Ding Zhong Jing Mulu
- 隋众经目录(隋眾經目錄) Sui Catalog of Scriptures (Fa Jing) ; Sui Dynasty Renshou Era Catalog of Scriptures
- 华林佛殿众经目录(華林佛殿眾經目錄) Hualin Buddha Hall Catalog of Scriptures
- 苻秦沙门释道安综理众经目录(苻秦沙門釋道安綜理眾經目錄) Former Qin Monk Shi Dao An Catalog of All Buddhist Scriptures
- 齐世众经目录(齊世眾經目錄) Qi Era Catalog of Scriptures
- 综理众经目录(綜理眾經目錄) Catalog of all Chinese Buddhist Scriptures; Zongli Zhong Jing Mulu
- 梁世众经目录(梁世眾經目錄) Liang Era Catalog of Scriptures
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 18 Zhen Yuan Era Catalog of Newly Authorized Buddhist Teachings (Zhen Yuan Xin Ding Shijiao Mulu) 貞元新定釋教目錄 — count: 10
- Scroll 10 Record of Buddhist Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan Era 開元釋教錄 — count: 10
- Scroll 2 Tang Catalog of Sutras and Sastras from Eastern Capital Da Jing Ai Monastery (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄 — count: 4
- Scroll 15 Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀 — count: 4
- Scroll 20 Record of Buddhist Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan Era 開元釋教錄 — count: 4
- Scroll 1 Tang Catalog of Sutras and Sastras from Eastern Capital Da Jing Ai Monastery (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄 — count: 4
- Scroll 1 Sui Dynasty Renshou Era Catalog of Scriptures (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄 — count: 4
- Scroll 4 Tang Catalog of Sutras and Sastras from Eastern Capital Da Jing Ai Monastery (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄 — count: 3
- Scroll 2 Sui Catalog of Scriptures by Fa Jing (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄 — count: 3
- Scroll 3 Sui Catalog of Scriptures by Fa Jing (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄 — count: 3
- 众经目录五 (眾經目錄五) 撰眾經目錄五卷 — Shi Shi Ji Gu Lue 釋氏稽古略, Scroll 2 — count: 16
- 众经目录七 (眾經目錄七) 撰眾經目錄七卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 3 — count: 11
- 众经目录卷第二 (眾經目錄卷第二) 眾經目錄卷第二 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 15 — count: 9
- 众经目录卷第一 (眾經目錄卷第一) 眾經目錄卷第一 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 15 — count: 9
- 众经目录卷第三 (眾經目錄卷第三) 眾經目錄卷第三 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 15 — count: 9
- 众经目录卷第四 (眾經目錄卷第四) 眾經目錄卷第四 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 15 — count: 9
- 众经目录卷第五 (眾經目錄卷第五) 眾經目錄卷第五 — Sui Catalog of Scriptures by Fa Jing (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄, Scroll 5 — count: 7
- 撰众经目录 (撰眾經目錄) 撰眾經目錄四卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 3 — count: 7
- 众经目录四 (眾經目錄四) 撰眾經目錄四卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 3 — count: 6
- 众经目录二 (眾經目錄二) 眾經目錄二卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 11 — count: 4