三昧耶形 sānmèiyé xíng

sānmèiyé xíng phrase samaya sign
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: The distinguishing symbol of a bodhisattva, in the form of a mudra or other symbol (Ding '三昧耶形'; FGDB '三昧耶形'; SH '三昧耶形', p. 67)

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 1 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Great Compassion Wisdom Mudra to Help Sentient Beings throgughout the Dharma Realm Tathata Ritual (Guanzizai Pusa Dabei Zhi Yin Zhou Bian Fajie Liyi Zhongsheng Xun Zhenru Fa) 觀自在菩薩大悲智印周遍法界利益眾生薰真如法 — count: 2
  • Scroll 1 Maitreya Abbreviated Yoga Liturgy (Cishi Pusa Lue Xiu Yujia Niansong Fa) 慈氏菩薩略修瑜伽念誦法 — count: 1