数清 (數清) shǔqīng

shǔqīng verb to count; to enumerate exactly
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '數清')

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 2 Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna 大乘起信論 — count: 1
  • Scroll 2 Avoiding Misfortune Caused by the Seven Planets (Qi Yao Rang Zai Jue) 七曜攘災決 — count: 1
  • Scroll 2 Fu Fa Zang Yinyuan Zhuan 付法藏因緣傳 — count: 1
  • Scroll 5 Outline Summary of the Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna 大乘起信論裂網疏 — count: 1
  • Scroll 3 Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra 大方廣佛華嚴經 — count: 1
  • Scroll 1 Ren Wang Bore Jing Shu 仁王般若經疏 — count: 1
  • Scroll 2 Pusa Cong Doshuaitian Jiang Shen Mu Tai Shuo Guang Pu Jing 菩薩從兜術天降神母胎說廣普經 — count: 1


  • 数清净 (數清淨) 此音響中亦有無數清淨所說 — Pusa Cong Doshuaitian Jiang Shen Mu Tai Shuo Guang Pu Jing 菩薩從兜術天降神母胎說廣普經, Scroll 2 — count: 3
  • 恒沙数清 (恆沙數清) 明如來藏從本具有過恒沙數清淨功德不異真如 — Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna 大乘起信論, Scroll 2 — count: 2