光净 (光淨) guāngjìng
bright; pure
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: prabhāsvara; similar to 光明 (Dhammajoti 2013, p. 39; Edgerton 1953 'prabhāsvara', p. 382; MW 'prabhāsvara')
Contained in
- 极光净天(極光淨天) ābhāsvara deva
- 佛光山的目标 1. 提倡人间佛教 2. 建设佛光净土 3. 建设四众教团 4. 促进普世和慈(佛光山的目標 1. 提倡人間佛教 2. 建設佛光淨土 3. 建設四眾教團 4. 促進普世和慈) The Purpose of Fo Guang Shan 1. To advocate Humanistic Buddhism 2. To establish a Buddha's Light Pure Land 3. To organize a community for all four categories of Buddhists 4. To promote universal harmony and compassion
- 佛光净土文教基金会(佛光淨土文教基金會) FGS Pure Land Cultural & Educational Foundation
- 光净天(光淨天) ābhāsvara deva
- 佛光山的宗风 1. 八宗兼弘,僧信共有 2. 集体创作,尊重包容 3. 学行弘修,民主行事 4. 六和教团,四众平等 5. 政教世法,和而不流 6. 传统现代,相互融和 7. 国际交流,同体共生 8. 人间佛教,佛光净土(佛光山的宗風 1. 八宗兼弘,僧信共有 2. 集體創作,尊重包容 3. 學行弘修,民主行事 4. 六和教團,四眾平等 5. 政教世法,和而不流 6. 傳統現代,相互融和 7. 國際交流,同體共生 8. 人間佛教,佛光淨土) The Focus of Fo Guang Shan 1. To propagate all eight schools of Buddhism, and promote the coexistence of monastics and laity. 2. To stress teamwork and promote respect and magnanimity. 3. To attend equally to cultivate teaching, learning, and practice, and conduct business democratically. 4. To have our monastery uphold the Six Harmonies and emphasize equality among the four groups (bhiksu, bhiksuni, upasaka, upasika). 5. To harmonize politics, religion, and worldly affairs without conflict. 6. To integrate tradition and modernism. 7. To communicate globally, being conscious of homogeneity and interdependence. 8. To cultivate Humanistic Buddhism to build a Buddha's Light Pure Land.
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 573 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 5 , has parallel version
- Scroll 531 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 5 , has parallel version
- Scroll 168 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 — count: 5
- Scroll 2 Da Boreluomiduo Jing Bore Li Qu Fen Shu Zan 大般若波羅蜜多經般若理趣分述讚 — count: 4
- Scroll 381 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 4 , has parallel version
- Scroll 1 Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodana (Wenshu Zhi Li Pu Chao Sanmei Jing) 文殊支利普超三昧經 — count: 4
- Scroll 4 Shuo Wugou Cheng Jing Shu 說無垢稱經疏 — count: 4
- Scroll 5 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Xuan Zan 妙法蓮華經玄贊 — count: 4
- Scroll 1 Dharmasangraha (Fo Shuo Fa Ji Ming Shu Jing) 佛說法集名數經 — count: 3
- Scroll 3 Fo Shuo Fa Cheng Yi Jueding Jing 佛說法乘義決定經 — count: 3
- 鲜白光净 (鮮白光淨) 鮮白光淨逾於珂雪 — Zhong Xu Mohe Di Jing 佛本行集經, Scroll 3 — count: 9
- 光净离 (光淨離) 周匝端嚴光淨離翳 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 381 — count: 8
- 绀青光净 (紺青光淨) 世尊身毛紺青光淨 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 381 — count: 7
- 光净菩萨 (光淨菩薩) 光淨菩薩 — Sutra on the Magician Bhadra (Huan Shi Ren Xian Jing) 佛說幻士仁賢經, Scroll 1 — count: 7
- 皎洁光净 (皎潔光淨) 皎潔光淨如秋滿月 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 381 — count: 7
- 端严光净 (端嚴光淨) 周匝端嚴光淨離翳 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 381 — count: 7
- 令光净 (令光淨) 承濕掃令光淨 — Creating a Mandala and Selecting a Site for a Ritual (Jianli Mantuluo Ji Jian Zhai Di Fa) 建立曼荼羅及揀擇地法, Scroll 1 — count: 7
- 光净逾 (光淨逾) 鮮白光淨逾於珂雪 — Zhong Xu Mohe Di Jing 佛本行集經, Scroll 3 — count: 5
- 光净照耀 (光淨照耀) 南無東北方光淨照耀佛 — Sutra on the Names of the Buddhas (Fo Shuo Fo Ming Jing) 佛說佛名經, Scroll 27 — count: 4
- 光净爱 (光淨愛) 光淨愛未盡故不成就上二靜慮 — Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論, Scroll 168 — count: 3