聊且 liáoqiě
for the time being; tentatively
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '聊且')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 10 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Xuan Zan 妙法蓮華經玄贊 — count: 1
- Scroll 3 Quotations from Chan Master Fayan 法演禪師語錄 — count: 1
- Scroll 10 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 11 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 23 Supplement to Records of the Transmission of the Lamp 續傳燈錄 — count: 1