播种 (播種) bōzhǒng
to sow seeds
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Agriculture
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '播種'; Guoyu '播種')
Contained in
- 幸福要自我去感受 生活要自我去满足 进步要自我去实践 收成要自我去播种 健康要自我去维护 人缘要自我去培养 成功要自我去努力 安心要自我去调适(幸福要自我去感受 生活要自我去滿足 進步要自我去實踐 收成要自我去播種 健康要自我去維護 人緣要自我去培養 成功要自我去努力 安心要自我去調適) Discover happiness yourself. Fulfill life's needs yourself. Truly improve yourself. Sow before you harvest. Stay in good health yourself. Develop good affinities yourself. Strive to succeed yourself. Change your own mind to feel safe.
- 发心如播种 慈悲似春阳 众生如福田 喜舍似大地 方便如和风 禅定似净水 般若如雨露 菩提似秋月(發心如播種 慈悲似春陽 眾生如福田 喜捨似大地 方便如和風 禪定似淨水 般若如雨露 菩提似秋月) Aspiration is like sowing seeds. Compassion is like the spring sun. Sentient beings are like our field of merits. Joy and equanimity are like the Earth. Expedient means are like soothing breezes. Meditative concentration is like purifying water. Prajna wisdom is like rain and dew. Bodhi wisdom is like the autumn moon.
- 有播种,才会有收成(有播種,才會有收成) One must sow before you can reap
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 8 Beishan Record 北山錄 — count: 2
- Scroll 21 Fo Zu Lidai Tong Zai 佛祖歷代通載 — count: 1
- Scroll 16 Records of the Transmission of the Lamp 景德傳燈錄 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Bian Wei Lu 辯偽錄 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Record of the Teaching and Practices of Siming (Siming Zunzhe Jiao Xing Lu) 四明尊者教行錄 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Shi Shi Ji Gu Lue 釋氏稽古略 — count: 1
- Scroll 96 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Bian Zheng Lun 辯正論 — count: 1
- Scroll 6 Lushan Lian Zong Bao Jian 廬山蓮宗寶鑑 — count: 1
- Scroll 10 A Chronicle of Buddhism in China 佛祖統紀 — count: 1 , has English translation