离色因有色 (離色因有色) lí sè yīn yǒu sè

lí sè yīn yǒu sè phrase form separate from the cause of form
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Quote: from Scroll 1 of 中論 “Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way” (Siderits and Katsura 2013, p. 53; T 1564 30.0006b22)

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 4 The Lamp of Discernment (Prajñāpradīpa) 般若燈論釋 — count: 2
  • Scroll 1 Mūlamadhyamakaśāstra (Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way) 中論 — count: 2 , has English translation , has parallel version
  • Scroll 4 Dasheng Zhong Guan Shi Lun Di Juan Di Juan 大乘中觀釋論 — count: 2
  • Scroll 4 Commentary on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 中觀論疏 — count: 2