耕耘 gēngyún
to plow and weed; to do farm work; to work or study diligently
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Agriculture
Contained in
- 譬喻问号(二) 智慧似海洋, 深乎浅乎? 戒律似老师, 是正是邪? 布施似耕耘, 有收无收? 供养似奉献, 真心假意? 美女似春花, 是久是暂? 欲望似饑渴, 太多太少? 语言似冬阳, 炙乎暖乎? 笑容似春风, 是真是假? 时间似车轮, 该快该慢? 精进似电力, 是动是停?(譬喻問號(二) 智慧似海洋, 深乎淺乎? 戒律似老師, 是正是邪? 布施似耕耘, 有收無收? 供養似奉獻, 真心假意? 美女似春花, 是久是暫? 欲望似饑渴, 太多太少? 語言似冬陽, 炙乎暖乎? 笑容似春風, 是真是假? 時間似車輪, 該快該慢? 精進似電力, 是動是停?) Metaphors (2) Wisdom is an ocean. Is it shallow or deep? Precepts are teachers. Are they righteous or not? Generosity is cultivation. Will there be harvests or not? Offering is dedication. Is it genuine or pretentious? Beauty is a spring blossom. Does it last long or short? Desire is thirst. Is it too much or too little? Words are the winter sun. Do they warm or burn? Smile is a spring breeze. Is it real or fake? Time is a cartwheel. Should it go fast or slow? Diligence is electricity. Should it energize or stop?
- 花开四季,耕耘心田 Cultivate a Heart that Blooms in All Seasons
- 耕耘心田 Cultivate the Mind's Field
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 62 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 2 Shi Men Bian Huo Lun 十門辯惑論 — count: 1
- Scroll 12 Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra 大方廣佛華嚴經 — count: 1
- Scroll 3 Nan Yue Zong Sheng Ji 南嶽總勝集 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Sutra on the Merits of the Medicine Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance and Seven Buddhas (Yaoshi Liuli Guang Qi Fo Ben Yuan Gongde Jing) 藥師琉璃光七佛本願功德經 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Yaoshi Qi Fo Gongyang Yi Gui Ruyi Wang Jing (Medicine Buddha and Seven Buddhas Liturgy and Sutra) 藥師七佛供養儀軌如意王經 — count: 1
- Scroll 22 Mūlasarvāstivādavinayakṣudrakavastu (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Pi Nai Ye Za Shi) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶雜事 — count: 1
- Scroll 2 Medicine Buddha, King of Lapis Lazuli Light and Merits of the Seven Buddhas Sutra and Liturgy (Yaoshi Liuli Guang Wang Qi Fo Benyuan Gongde Jing Niansong Yi Gui) 藥師琉璃光王七佛本願功德經念誦儀軌 — count: 1
- Scroll 23 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Mūlasarvāstivādabhikṣuṇīvinayavibhaṅga (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Bi Chu Ni Pi Nai Ye) 根本說一切有部苾芻尼毘奈耶 — count: 1
- 藉耕耘 (藉耕耘) 不藉耕耘而生稻粱 — Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經, Scroll 70 — count: 3