勇气 (勇氣) yǒngqì
courage; valor
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: An example of an endocentric Chinese word where the first morpheme 勇 'brave' modifies the second 气 'air' (Shei 2014, loc. 314)
Contained in
- 认错,要有勇气(認錯,要有勇氣) It takes courage to admit one's mistakes.
- 淤泥可以长出莲花 寒门可以培养孝子 洪炉可以锻鍊钢铁 困境可以成就伟人 认错可以增加勇气 服务可以转为善缘 苦涩可以酝酿甘甜 烦恼可以化为菩提(淤泥可以長出蓮花 寒門可以培養孝子 洪爐可以鍛鍊鋼鐵 困境可以成就偉人 認錯可以增加勇氣 服務可以轉為善緣 苦澀可以醞釀甘甜 煩惱可以化為菩提) Just as lotuses can grow out of mud, A humble family can raise filial children. Just as steel can be forged in a furnace, Adversity can create greatness. Just as courage comes from admitting one's faults, Service can create good affinities. Just as sweet taste can be brewed from bitterness, Defilements can turn into Bodhi.
- 要有向困难挑战的勇气(要有向困難挑戰的勇氣) Have the courage confront challenges
- 人生二十笑 (一) 争执时友善一笑 展现人生的风度 吃亏时微微一笑 展现人生的肚量 委屈时坦然一笑 展现人生的自信 无奈时幽默一笑 展现人生的境界 危难时泰然一笑 展现人生的定力 生气时平静一笑 展现人生的素养 出糗时会心一笑 展现人生的智慧 挫折时淡然一笑 展现人生的力量 失意时乐观一笑 展现人生的豁达 害怕时轻松一笑 展现人生的勇气(人生二十笑 (一) 爭執時友善一笑 展現人生的風度 吃虧時微微一笑 展現人生的肚量 委屈時坦然一笑 展現人生的自信 無奈時幽默一笑 展現人生的境界 危難時泰然一笑 展現人生的定力 生氣時平靜一笑 展現人生的素養 出糗時會心一笑 展現人生的智慧 挫折時淡然一笑 展現人生的力量 失意時樂觀一笑 展現人生的豁達 害怕時輕鬆一笑 展現人生的勇氣) Twenty Reasons to Laugh (1) A friendly smile in times of quarrel is a demonstration of one's demeanor. A faint smile in times of disadvantage is a demonstration of one's tolerance. A genuine smile in times of aggrievement is a demonstration of one's dignity. A subtle smile in times of helplessness is a demonstration of one's state of mind. A composed smile in times of danger is a demonstration of one's calmness. A peaceful smile in times of anger is a demonstration of one's disposition. A reassuring smile in times of embarrassment is a demonstration of one's wisdom. A bland smile in times of setback is a demonstration of one's strength. A cheerful smile in times of disappointment is a demonstration of one's magnanimity. An airy smile in times of fear is a demonstration of one's courage.
- 人生二十最 人生最大的敌人是自己 人生最大的毛病是自私 人生最大的悲哀是无知 人生最大的错误是邪见 人生最大的失败是骄慢 人生最大的烦恼是欲望 人生最大的无明是怨尤 人生最大的过失是侵犯 人生最大的困扰是是非 人生最大的美德是慈悲 人生最大的勇气是认错 人生最大的能源是信仰 人生最大的拥有是感恩 人生最大的修养是宽容 人生最大的本钱是尊严 人生最大的欢喜是法乐 人生最大的发心是利众 人生最大的富有是满足 人生最大的希望是平安 人生最大的收获是圆满(人生二十最 人生最大的敵人是自己 人生最大的毛病是自私 人生最大的悲哀是無知 人生最大的錯誤是邪見 人生最大的失敗是驕慢 人生最大的煩惱是欲望 人生最大的無明是怨尤 人生最大的過失是侵犯 人生最大的困擾是是非 人生最大的美德是慈悲 人生最大的勇氣是認錯 人生最大的能源是信仰 人生最大的擁有是感恩 人生最大的修養是寬容 人生最大的本錢是尊嚴 人生最大的歡喜是法樂 人生最大的發心是利眾 人生最大的富有是滿足 人生最大的希望是平安 人生最大的收穫是圓滿) Twenty Foremost Things in Life The foremost enemy in life is self. The foremost malady in life is selfishness. The foremost sadness in life is ignorance. The foremost error in life is delusion. The foremost failure in life is arrogance. The foremost defilement in life is desire. The foremost ignorance in life is complaint. The foremost default in life is transgression. The foremost problem in life is conscience. The foremost virtue in life is compassion. The foremost courage in life is to confess. The foremost energy in life is religious faith. The foremost possession in life is gratitude. The foremost cultivation in life is magnanimity. The foremost asset in life is dignity. The foremost happiness in life is spiritual joy. The foremost devotion in life is to benefit beings. The foremost hope in life is peace. The foremost wealth in life is contentment. The foremost reward in life is a perfect outcome.
- 阻碍碍要有诚意去消除 打击要有力量去承受 破坏要有勇气去修复 委屈要有自我去化解 汙辱要有宽容去忍受 失败要有毅力去振作 冲动要有定力去克服 无明要有慧光去照耀(阻碍礙要有誠意去消除 打擊要有力量去承受 破壞要有勇氣去修復 委屈要有自我去化解 汙辱要有寬容去忍受 失敗要有毅力去振作 衝動要有定力去克服 無明要有慧光去照耀) Overcome obstacles with sincerity. Bear the weight of setbacks with strength. Repair destruction with courage. Reconcile misunderstandings in person. Endure insults with tolerance. Recover from failure with persistence. Control your impulses with meditative concentration. Dispel the darkness of ignorance with the light of wisdom.
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 5 Fo Suo Xing Zan (Buddhacarita) 佛所行讚 — count: 2
- Scroll 4 Bian Zheng Lun 辯正論 — count: 2
- Scroll 4 Fo Suo Xing Zan (Buddhacarita) 佛所行讚 — count: 1
- Scroll 13 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 2 Beishan Record 北山錄 — count: 1
- Scroll 3 Zhe Yi Lun 折疑論 — count: 1
- Scroll 7 Supplement to the Biographies of Eminent Monks 續高僧傳 — count: 1
- Scroll 19 Song Biographies of Eminent Monks 宋高僧傳 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 6 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 23 Mūlasarvāstivādavinayakṣudrakavastu (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Pi Nai Ye Za Shi) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶雜事 — count: 1