骨干 (骨幹) gǔgàn
backbone; diaphysis (long segment of a bone)
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '骨幹'; Guoyu '骨幹' 1) -
a structural element; a strut
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '骨幹' 2)
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 18 Chu Yao Jing (Dharmapada) 出曜經 — count: 4
- Scroll 3 Chu Yao Jing (Dharmapada) 出曜經 — count: 2
- Scroll 43 Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 — count: 1 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 1 Fa Ju JIng (Dharmapada) 法句經 — count: 1
- Scroll 30 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 2 Fa Ji Yao Song Jing (Dharmapada) 法集要頌經 — count: 1
- Scroll 46 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Request of Surata (Fo Shuo Xulai Jing) 佛說須賴經 — count: 1
- Scroll 19 Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (Da Zhi Du Lun) 大智度論 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 74 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 1