轮转五道罪福报应经 (輪轉五道罪福報應經) lúnzhuǎn wǔ dào zuì fú bàoyīng jīng

lúnzhuǎn wǔ dào zuì fú bàoyīng jīng proper noun Lunzhuan Wu Dao Zui Fu Baoying Jing
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Mahāyāna Buddhism , Concept: Sutra 经
Notes: The title of a text in the Chinese Buddhist canon (T 747b)

Contained in

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 23 Zhen Yuan Era Catalog of Newly Authorized Buddhist Teachings (Zhen Yuan Xin Ding Shijiao Mulu) 貞元新定釋教目錄 — count: 2
  • Scroll 20 Record of Buddhist Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan Era 開元釋教錄 — count: 2
  • Scroll 13 Record of Buddhist Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan Era 開元釋教錄 — count: 2
  • Scroll 30 Zhen Yuan Era Catalog of Newly Authorized Buddhist Teachings (Zhen Yuan Xin Ding Shijiao Mulu) 貞元新定釋教目錄 — count: 2
  • Scroll 7 Sutra on the Names of the Buddhas (Fo Shuo Fo Ming Jing) 佛說佛名經 — count: 1
  • Scroll 1 Tang Catalog of Sutras and Sastras from Eastern Capital Da Jing Ai Monastery (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄 — count: 1
  • Scroll 3 Sui Catalog of Scriptures by Fa Jing (Zhong Jing Mulu) 眾經目錄 — count: 1
  • Scroll 14 Zhou Dynasty Corrected Catalog of Scriptures (Da Zhoukan Ding Zhong Jing Mulu) 大周刊定眾經目錄 — count: 1
  • Scroll 7 Catalog of the Inner Canon of the Great Tang Dynasty 大唐內典錄 — count: 1
  • Scroll 27 Zhen Yuan Era Catalog of Newly Authorized Buddhist Teachings (Zhen Yuan Xin Ding Shijiao Mulu) 貞元新定釋教目錄 — count: 1


  • 轮转五道罪福报应经一 (輪轉五道罪福報應經一) 輪轉五道罪福報應經一卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 14 — count: 11