释迦族 (釋迦族) shìjiā zú
shìjiā zú
proper noun
Sakya Clan
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: śākya, Pali: sākya; see 釋迦 (Dhammajoti 2013, p. 253)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 8 Vinayavastu (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Pi Nai Ye Yao Shi) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶藥事 — count: 2
- Scroll 2 Vinayavastu (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Pi Nai Ye Po Seng Shi) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶破僧事 — count: 2
- Scroll 1 Vinayavastu (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Pi Nai Ye Po Seng Shi) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶破僧事 — count: 1
- Scroll 2 Great Secret Wonderous Abdhutadharma Mandala of All Tathagatas Sutra (Yiqie Rulai Da Mimi Wang Weicengyou Zuishang Weimiao Da Mannaluo Jing) 一切如來大祕密王未曾有最上微妙大曼拏羅經 — count: 1
- Scroll 2 A Commentary on the Guiding Principle of the Perfection of Insight in the Sūtra on the Unfailing True Vow of the Thunderbolt of Great Bliss (Dale Jingang Bu Kong Zhenshi Sanmei Ye Jing Boreboluomiduo Li Qu Shi) 大樂金剛不空真實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Shijia Shi Pu 釋迦氏譜 — count: 1
- Scroll 17 Mūlasarvāstivādavinayavibhaṅga (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Pi Nai Ye) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶 — count: 1