衰 shuāi
verb to weaken; to decline
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '衰' v 1; Kroll 2015 '衰' 1; Unihan '衰') -
mourning garments
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '衰' cuī n 1) -
to harm
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: Minnan dialect (Guoyu '衰' v 2) -
to decline
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '衰' cuī v)
Contained in
- 五衰相现; 1. 衣服垢秽 2. 头上华萎 3. 腋下出汗 4. 身体臭秽 5. 不乐本座; 小五衰相; 1.乐声不起 2.身光忽灭 3.浴水着身 4.着境不舍 5. 眼目数瞬(五衰相現; 1. 衣服垢穢 2. 頭上華萎 3. 腋下出汗 4. 身體臭穢 5. 不樂本座; 小五衰相; 1.樂聲不起 2.身光忽滅 3.浴水著身 4.著境不捨 5. 眼目數瞬) Five Signs of Decay: 1. Clothes become filthy; 2. Garland atop the head fades; 3. The armpits become sweaty; 4. The body becomes foul-smelling; 5. The heavenly palace appears unpleasant; Five Minor Signs of Decay: 1. The music stops; 2. The body’s radiance fades; 3. Bathwater clings to the body; 4. Attachment to their surroundings; 5. The eyes start blinking
- 度脱衰败救度(度脫衰敗救度) Sukhada Tara
- 五衰相现(五衰相現) Five Signs of Decay
- 度脱衰败救度佛母(度脫衰敗救度佛母) Sukhada Tara
- 五衰 five signs of decline [of devas]
- 如是观兴衰(如是觀興衰) keeping track of arising and passing away
- 八风吹不动; 1. 称 2. 讥 3. 毁 4. 誉 5. 利 6. 衰 7. 苦 8. 乐(八風吹不動; 1. 稱 2. 譏 3. 毀 4. 譽 5. 利 6. 衰 7. 苦 8. 樂) Eight Winds: 1. praise; 2. ridicule; 3. defamation; 4. honor; 5. gain; 6. loss; 7. sorrow; 8. joy
- 六衰 six sense organs; ṣaḍ-indriya
Also contained in
凶衰 、 衰变热 、 衰乱 、 国势日衰 、 唱衰 、 兴衰 、 经济衰退 、 未老先衰 、 早衰 、 放射性衰变 、 衰退期 、 衰竭 、 神经衰弱 、 盛衰 、 年老力衰 、 衰微 、 衰变 、 周之衰 、 衰退 、 衰落 、 衰运 、 精神衰弱 、 衰败 、 振衰起敝 、 再衰三竭 、 衰亡 、 心力衰竭 、 衰减 、 衰朽 、 光纤衰减 、 人生盛衰 、 衰变曲线 、 半衰期 、 盛转衰 、 由盛转衰 、 至其将衰也 、 衰变链 、 振衰起弊 、 衰之以属 、 经久不衰 、 衰老 、 不衰 、 衰颓
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 31 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 28 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 9 Hong Zhi Chan Shi Guang Lu 宏智禪師廣錄 — count: 26
- Scroll 5 Jin Guang Ming Zui Sheng Wang Jing Shu 金光明最勝王經疏 — count: 21
- Scroll 2 Mātangīsūtra (Modengjia Jing) 摩登伽經 — count: 17 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 3 Ren Wang Hu Guo Boreluomi Jing Shu 仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經疏 — count: 17
- Scroll 18 Śāriputrābhidharmaśāstra (Shelifu Apitan Lun) 舍利弗阿毘曇論 — count: 16
- Scroll 3 Shi Shi Yao Lan 釋氏要覽 — count: 15
- Scroll 57 Saddharmasmṛtyupasthānasūtra (Sutra of the Right Mindfulness of Dharma) 正法念處經 — count: 13
- Scroll 20 Zhu Jing Yao Ji 諸經要集 — count: 13
- Scroll 58 Saddharmasmṛtyupasthānasūtra (Sutra of the Right Mindfulness of Dharma) 正法念處經 — count: 13
- 衰耗 (衰耗) 日當衰耗 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 27
- 日衰 (日衰) 盛壯日衰 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 5 — count: 8
- 种衰 (種衰) 有四種衰 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 31 — count: 7
- 衰损 (衰損) 顏色為衰損 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 6
- 衰弊 (衰弊) 體轉衰弊 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 8 — count: 5
- 病衰 (病衰) 病衰 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 31 — count: 5
- 色衰 (色衰) 形變色衰 — Sutra on the Origin of Practice (Xiuxing Ben Qi Jing) 修行本起經, Scroll 2 — count: 5
- 亲衰 (親衰) 親衰 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 31 — count: 5
- 老衰 (老衰) 老衰 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 31 — count: 5
- 财衰 (財衰) 財衰 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 31 — count: 5