慧持 huìchí

huìchí proper noun Huichi
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: China , Concept: Monastic 法师
Notes: 337-412; Eastern Jin monk from Shanxi mentioned in the Liang Biographies of Eminent Monks, Scroll 6 梁高僧傳卷第六 (T 2059)

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 1 Ritual Manual for Overcoming Hindrances with the Great Compassion Dharani Sutra, the Significance of the Complete Vows of the South, the Majestic Presence of the Deities of the Potalaka Assembly and Five Divisions, Samaya, Symbols, and Mandala 攝無礙大悲心大陀羅尼經計一法中出無量義南方滿願補陀落海會五部諸尊等弘誓力方位及威儀形色執持三摩耶幖幟曼荼羅儀軌 — count: 13
  • Scroll 26 A Chronicle of Buddhism in China 佛祖統紀 — count: 5 , has English translation
  • Scroll 1 Le Bang Yigao 樂邦遺稿 — count: 4
  • Scroll 1 Jing Tu Wang Sheng Chuan 淨土往生傳 — count: 4
  • Scroll 3 Records of Lushan (Lushan Ji) 廬山記 — count: 3
  • Scroll 6 Biographies of Eminent Monks 高僧傳 — count: 3 , has English translation
  • Scroll 4 Shi Shi Ji Gu Lue 釋氏稽古略 — count: 2
  • Scroll 4 Lushan Lian Zong Bao Jian 廬山蓮宗寶鑑 — count: 2
  • Scroll 3 Le Bang Wenlei 樂邦文類 — count: 2
  • Scroll 2 Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Liturgy (She Da Piluzhena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Ru Lianhua Tai Cang Hai Hui Bei Sheng Man Tu Luo Guangda Niansong Yi Gui Gongyang Fangbian Hui) 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經入蓮華胎藏海會悲生曼荼攞廣大念誦儀軌供養方便會 — count: 2


  • 释慧持 (釋慧持) 延請有道釋慧持等義學沙門四十餘人 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 60 — count: 14
  • 右慧持 (右慧持) 右慧持鉞斧 — Ritual Manual for Overcoming Hindrances with the Great Compassion Dharani Sutra, the Significance of the Complete Vows of the South, the Majestic Presence of the Deities of the Potalaka Assembly and Five Divisions, Samaya, Symbols, and Mandala 攝無礙大悲心大陀羅尼經計一法中出無量義南方滿願補陀落海會五部諸尊等弘誓力方位及威儀形色執持三摩耶幖幟曼荼羅儀軌, Scroll 1 — count: 13
  • 弟慧持 (弟慧持) 與弟慧持 — Nian Fo Sanmei Bao Wang Lun 念佛三昧寶王論, Scroll 2 — count: 9
  • 慧持等 (慧持等) 延請有道釋慧持等義學沙門四十餘人 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 60 — count: 7
  • 慧持昙 (慧持曇) 偕慧持曇順 — Le Bang Wenlei 樂邦文類, Scroll 2 — count: 4
  • 慧持宝剑 (慧持寶劍) 右慧持寶劍 — Ritual Manual for Overcoming Hindrances with the Great Compassion Dharani Sutra, the Significance of the Complete Vows of the South, the Majestic Presence of the Deities of the Potalaka Assembly and Five Divisions, Samaya, Symbols, and Mandala 攝無礙大悲心大陀羅尼經計一法中出無量義南方滿願補陀落海會五部諸尊等弘誓力方位及威儀形色執持三摩耶幖幟曼荼羅儀軌, Scroll 1 — count: 4
  • 慧持法师 (慧持法師) 慧持法師割愛 — Le Bang Yigao 樂邦遺稿, Scroll 1 — count: 4
  • 慧远慧持 (慧遠慧持) 至如道安道立慧遠慧持 — Guang Hong Ming Ji 廣弘明集, Scroll 29 — count: 3
  • 慧持群 (慧持群) 慧持群萠佛 — Sutra on the Names of One Thousand and Five Hundred Buddhas of the Ten Directions (Shi Fang Qian Wu Bai Fo Ming Jing) 十方千五百佛名經, Scroll 1 — count: 3
  • 慧持数珠 (慧持數珠) 次慧持數珠 — Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Liturgy (She Da Piluzhena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Ru Lianhua Tai Cang Hai Hui Bei Sheng Man Tu Luo Guangda Niansong Yi Gui Gongyang Fangbian Hui) 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經入蓮華胎藏海會悲生曼荼攞廣大念誦儀軌供養方便會, Scroll 2 — count: 3