无边音声 (無邊音聲) wúbiān yīnshēng
wúbiān yīnshēng
proper noun
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: anantasvaraghoṣa; see 無邊音聲佛頂 (Giebel 2005, p. 32; T 848, Scroll 1, 18.0006b09)
Contained in
- 无边音声佛顶(無邊音聲佛頂) Anantasvaraghosa
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 4 Ocean of the Adamantine Nature of Mahāyāna Yoga, Being the Scripture of the Great King of Teachings of Mañjuśrī of a Thousand Arms and a Thousand Bowls 大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經 — count: 3 , has English translation
- Scroll 9 Mahāyānasaṅgrahopanibandhana (She Dacheng Lun Shi) 攝大乘論釋 — count: 2
- Scroll 2 Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Attainment Ritual Manual (Da Pi Lushena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Lianhua Tai Cang Bei Sheng Mantuluo Guangda Chengjiu Yi Gui) 大毘盧舍那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏悲生曼荼羅廣大成就儀軌 — count: 2
- Scroll 3 Vairocana Sutra Lotus Matrix, Bodhi Banner Mantra Collection and Attainment Yoga (Da Piluzhena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Lianhua Tai Cang Puti Chuang Biao Zhi Putong Zhenyan Cang Guangda Chengjiu Yujia) 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏菩提幢標幟普通真言藏廣大成就瑜伽 — count: 2
- Scroll 2 Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Attainment Liturgy (Da Piluzhena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Lianhua Tai Cang Bei Sheng Mantuluo Guangda Chengjiu Yi Gui Gongyang Fangbian Hui) 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏悲生曼荼羅廣大成就儀軌供養方便會 — count: 2
- Scroll 1 Five Buddha Crowns Samadhi Dharani Sutra; Wu Fo Ding Sanmei Tuoluoni Jing 五佛頂三昧陀羅尼經 — count: 1
- Scroll 7 Ratnameghasūtra (Chu Gai Zhang Pusa Suo Wen Jing) 佛說除蓋障菩薩所問經 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Mahāvairocanaabhisaṃbodhivikurvitādhiṣṭānavaipulya (Vairocana Sutra) 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經 — count: 1 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 32 Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 2 Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Liturgy (She Da Piluzhena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Ru Lianhua Tai Cang Hai Hui Bei Sheng Man Tu Luo Guangda Niansong Yi Gui Gongyang Fangbian Hui) 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經入蓮華胎藏海會悲生曼荼攞廣大念誦儀軌供養方便會 — count: 1
- 无边音声吼 (無邊音聲吼) 則有西方無量壽世界無邊音聲吼手菩薩菩 — Ocean of the Adamantine Nature of Mahāyāna Yoga, Being the Scripture of the Great King of Teachings of Mañjuśrī of a Thousand Arms and a Thousand Bowls 大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經, Scroll 3 — count: 4
- 无边音声顶 (無邊音聲頂) 無邊音聲頂 — Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Liturgy (She Da Piluzhena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Ru Lianhua Tai Cang Hai Hui Bei Sheng Man Tu Luo Guangda Niansong Yi Gui Gongyang Fangbian Hui) 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經入蓮華胎藏海會悲生曼荼攞廣大念誦儀軌供養方便會, Scroll 2 — count: 4
- 无边音声佛 (無邊音聲佛) 無邊音聲佛 — Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Attainment Liturgy (Da Piluzhena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Lianhua Tai Cang Bei Sheng Mantuluo Guangda Chengjiu Yi Gui Gongyang Fangbian Hui) 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏悲生曼荼羅廣大成就儀軌供養方便會, Scroll 2 — count: 3
- 相好无边音声 (相好無邊音聲) 一由佛土自身相好無邊音聲無見頂 — Mahāyānasaṅgrahabhāṣya (She Dacheng Lun Shi) 攝大乘論釋, Scroll 9 — count: 3
- 世界无边音声 (世界無邊音聲) 則有西方無量壽世界無邊音聲吼手菩薩菩 — Ocean of the Adamantine Nature of Mahāyāna Yoga, Being the Scripture of the Great King of Teachings of Mañjuśrī of a Thousand Arms and a Thousand Bowls 大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經, Scroll 3 — count: 2
- 无量无边音声 (無量無邊音聲) 一眾生以無量無邊音聲差別問難 — Daśabhūmikasūtra (Shi Zhu Jing) 十住經, Scroll 4 — count: 2
- 无边音声差别 (無邊音聲差別) 一眾生以無量無邊音聲差別問難 — Daśabhūmikasūtra (Shi Zhu Jing) 十住經, Scroll 4 — count: 2