殑伽 jìngjiā
proper noun
the Ganges
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: gaṅgā; see 恆河 (FGDB '恆河')
Contained in
- 殑伽沙 grains of sand in the Ganges River; innumerable
- 殑伽河沙等 equal to the number of grains of sand in the River Ganges
- 殑伽河 Ganges River
- 殑伽沙劫 as many kalpas as there are grains of sand in the Ganges River
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 1 Shijia Fangzhi 釋迦方志 — count: 10
- Scroll 29 Fa Yuan Zhu Lin 法苑珠林 — count: 8
- Scroll 198 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 — count: 6
- Scroll 451 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 4 , has parallel version
- Scroll 550 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 3 , has parallel version
- Scroll 517 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 3 , has parallel version
- Scroll 5 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 — count: 3
- Scroll 331 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 3 , has parallel version
- Scroll 32 A Chronicle of Buddhism in China 佛祖統紀 — count: 3 , has English translation
- Scroll 4 Supplement to the Biographies of Eminent Monks 續高僧傳 — count: 3
- 殑伽天 (殑伽天) 初分殑伽天品第五十二 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 331 — count: 12
- 殑伽大河 (殑伽大河) 無不皆趣殑伽大河 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 351 — count: 7
- 临殑伽 (臨殑伽) 王都臨殑伽 — Supplement to the Biographies of Eminent Monks 續高僧傳, Scroll 4 — count: 6
- 殑伽北 (殑伽北) 於殑伽北 — Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra (Apidamo Fa Zhi Zu Lun) 阿毘達磨發智論, Scroll 20 — count: 5
- 殑伽南 (殑伽南) 於殑伽南 — Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra (Apidamo Fa Zhi Zu Lun) 阿毘達磨發智論, Scroll 20 — count: 4
- 分殑伽 (分殑伽) 初分殑伽天品第五十二 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 331 — count: 4
- 殑伽岸 (殑伽岸) 殑伽岸有觀自在像 — Shijia Fangzhi 釋迦方志, Scroll 1 — count: 3
- 殑伽俱胝 (殑伽俱胝) 是殑伽俱胝佛 — Five Buddha Crowns Samadhi Dharani Sutra; Wu Fo Ding Sanmei Tuoluoni Jing 五佛頂三昧陀羅尼經, Scroll 1 — count: 3
- 云殑伽 (雲殑伽) 梵云殑伽 — Miaofa Lianhua Jing Xuan Zan 妙法蓮華經玄贊, Scroll 2 — count: 3
- 殑伽神女 (殑伽神女) 殑伽神女非鼻聞香 — Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva’s Thinking-of-Buddhas as the Perfect Passage (Śūraṅgama Sūtra) 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經, Scroll 4 — count: 3