清凉 (清涼) qīngliáng
cool; refreshing
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 凉爽 (Guoyu '清涼')
Contained in
- 静地禅坐颐养身心 海边散步开阔胸怀 树下小憩清凉自在 道路行走注意安全 居家团聚天伦之乐 月下沉思反省改过 心中有佛明心见性 人间修行与人为善(靜地禪坐頤養身心 海邊散步開闊胸懷 樹下小憩清涼自在 道路行走注意安全 居家團聚天倫之樂 月下沉思反省改過 心中有佛明心見性 人間修行與人為善) Nurture the body and mind in silent meditation. Broaden your mind by taking strolls along the beach. Stay calm and at peace when resting under trees. Be careful and safe when crossing roads. Enjoy time together with family at home. Reflect in the moonlight to amend your mistakes. Be mindful of the Buddha to discover your true nature. The cultivation of life is to be kind to others.
- 获清凉(獲清涼) obtaining cool; śītabhūta
- 生命活水 清凉自在(生命活水 清涼自在) Life as Free-Flowing Water; Cool and at Perfect Ease
- 仁风清凉(仁風清涼) The Soothing Breeze of Benevolence
- 得清凉(得清涼) obtaining cool; śītabhūta
- 活水人生 清凉自在(活水人生 清涼自在) A Life Like Free-Flowing Water; Remain Calm and at Perfect Ease
- 赞美的语言好似香水 劝诫的开示好比甘露 善美的歌曲扣人心弦 励志的文章让人上进 滴水的功用生长万物 和风的吹拂清凉人心 洪钟的鸣声惊醒迷梦 冬日的太阳温暖人间(讚美的語言好似香水 勸誡的開示好比甘露 善美的歌曲扣人心弦 勵志的文章讓人上進 滴水的功用生長萬物 和風的吹拂清涼人心 洪鐘的鳴聲驚醒迷夢 冬日的太陽溫暖人間) Words of praise are fragrant perfumes. Sincere admonition is nourishing nectar. Inspirational songs are heart-gripping. Inspirational writings are motivating. Water droplets cultivate lives. Soft breezes caress and soothe the heart. A big bell's chime awakens dreamers. The winter sun warms the world.
- 清凉月(清涼月) Pure and Cool Moon ; pure and cool moon
- 清凉自在(清涼自在) Remain Calm and at Perfect Ease
- 清凉文益(清涼文益) Qingliang Wenyi
- 十数佛法 一心二门捐除真妄 二谛圆融缘起中道 三学增上入如来家 四大皆空示现诸有 五戒受持人天佛国 六波罗蜜自度利他 七菩提分增长智慧 八功德水清凉甘露 九品莲生花开见佛 十大愿王圆满佛道(十數佛法 一心二門捐除真妄 二諦圓融緣起中道 三學增上入如來家 四大皆空示現諸有 五戒受持人天佛國 六波羅蜜自度利他 七菩提分增長智慧 八功德水清涼甘露 九品蓮生花開見佛 十大願王圓滿佛道) List of Ten Dharmas One Mind and its Two Aspects can eliminate both the genuine and the deceptive. Two Truths can harmonize dependent origination and the Middle Path. Threefold Training can guide one into the Tathagata's home. Four Elements can manifest emptiness through all forms of existence. Five Precepts help manifest the Buddha land in this world. Six Perfections can benefit both self and others. Seven Factors of Bodhi can enhance the growth of wisdom. Eight Merits Water is the nectar of soothing dew. Nine Stages of Lotus Incarnation enables buddhas to emerge from blooming lotuses. Ten Great Vows can enable the attainment of Buddhahood.
- 广清凉传(廣清涼傳) Guang Qingliang Chuan
- 续清凉传(續清涼傳) Xu Qingliang Chuan
- 清凉明月(清涼明月) Cool and Bright Moon
- 古清凉传(古清涼傳) Gu Qingliang Chuan
- 心游禅海 清凉自在(心游禪海 清涼自在) Traverse the Ocean of Chan; Remain Calm and Cool
- 赞美如花香芬芳而怡人 助人如冬阳光明而温暖 信心如舟航乘风而破浪 愿望如满月清凉而美好(讚美如花香芬芳而怡人 助人如冬陽光明而溫暖 信心如舟航乘風而破浪 願望如滿月清涼而美好) Words of praise are like flowers whose aroma soothes hearts. A helping hand is like the sun bringing warmth in cold winter. Confidence is like a ferry which sails through rough wind and waves. Hope is like a full moon which is so bright and beautiful.
- 登清凉地 结欢喜缘(登清涼地 結歡喜緣) Ascend to the Refreshing Ground ; Establish Joyous Affinity
- 到处都是清凉地 随时广结欢喜缘(到處都是清涼地 隨時廣結歡喜緣) Every place is a pure place, Every moment is a moment of affinity.
- 大地何许热 慈悲自清凉(大地何許熱 慈悲自清涼) However much the Earth may burn; Compassion keeps everything cool.
- 金陵清凉院文益禅师语录(金陵清涼院文益禪師語錄) Quotations from Chan Master Qingjing Wenyi of Jinling
- 清凉池(清涼池) Lake Anavatapta
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 1 Guang Qingliang Chuan 廣清涼傳 — count: 26 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Story about Five Hundred Buddha Disciples (Fo Wu Bai Dizi Zi Shuo Benqi Jing) 佛五百弟子自說本起經 — count: 24
- Scroll 2 Xu Qingliang Chuan 續清涼傳 — count: 18
- Scroll 1 Xu Qingliang Chuan 續清涼傳 — count: 13
- Scroll 1 Quotations from Abbot Ru Jing 如淨和尚語錄 — count: 12
- Scroll 3 Shi Shi Ji Gu Lue 釋氏稽古略 — count: 12
- Scroll 2 A String of Pearls of Remarks on the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra 般若心經略疏連珠記 — count: 11
- Scroll 3 Guang Qingliang Chuan 廣清涼傳 — count: 11 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Gu Qingliang Chuan 古清涼傳 — count: 10
- Scroll 2 Gu Qingliang Chuan 古清涼傳 — count: 9
- 清凉甘美 (清涼甘美) 清涼甘美水滿池中 — Ding Sheng Wang Yinyuan Jing (Mandhātāvadāna) 頂生王因緣經, Scroll 2 — count: 12
- 施清凉 (施清涼) 園果施清涼 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 2 — count: 5
- 水清凉 (水清涼) 其水清涼 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 18 — count: 4
- 清凉法 (清涼法) 善說清涼法 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 38 — count: 3
- 清凉香 (清涼香) 佛名多摩羅鉢多羅清涼香 — Yangjuemoluo Jing (Aṅgulimālīyasūtra) 央掘魔羅經, Scroll 3 — count: 3
- 清凉水 (清涼水) 清涼水濡且美 — Creation and Destruction of the World (Da Lou Tan Jing) 大樓炭經, Scroll 6 — count: 3
- 清凉风 (清涼風) 有清涼風 — Beginning of the World (Qi Shi Jing) 起世經, Scroll 2 — count: 3
- 树木清凉 (樹木清涼) 樹木清涼 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 15 — count: 3
- 清凉轻 (清涼輕) 清涼輕軟 — Beginning of the World (Qi Shi Jing) 起世經, Scroll 6 — count: 2
- 戒清凉 (戒清涼) 是處菩薩語言教授戒清涼義 — Pusa Bensheng Man Lun (Jātakamālā) 菩薩本生鬘論, Scroll 5 — count: 2