佛性 fó xìng
fó xìng
Buddha-nature; buddhadhatu
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: buddhatva, or: buddhatā, Japanese: busshō, Tibetan: sangs rgy as kyi khams; the potential to become a Buddha (BL 'buddhadhātu', pp. 151-152; Dhammajoti 2013, p. 33; FGDB '佛性'; MW 'buddhatva'; SH '佛性', p. 228)
Contained in
- 佛性三昧耶戒 Buddha nature precepts
- 悟本性无非佛性 了凡心即是圣心(悟本性無非佛性 了凡心即是聖心) Attaining the Buddha nature is none other than realizing one's intrinsic nature; Seeing the sagely mind is no different from seeing the ordinary mind.
- 大地众生,皆有佛性(大地眾生,皆有佛性) all living beings possess buddha-nature
- 佛性论(佛性論) Fo Xing Lun
- 三学增上明佛性 一尘不染照禅心(三學增上明佛性 一塵不染照禪心) Along the progress of the Threefold Training one's buddha-nature is uncovered; Upon the state of purity shines the mind of Ch'an.
- 有佛无佛性相常住(有佛無佛性相常住) whether there is a buddha or no buddha, the presence of this nature always remains
- 人人皆有佛性 everyone possesses the buddha-nature
- 一时与长久 岁月是流转的 文化是千秋的 花开是时节的 青山是常在的 劝导是有限的 守戒是不变的 感受是短暂的 相处是长远的 伤痛是当下的 欢喜是持久的 委屈是暂时的 真相是恒常的 功名是一时的 生命是一世的 生死是瞬间的 愿力是无穷的 妄念是刹那的 佛性是不灭的 因缘是变化的 悟道是永恒的(一時與長久 歲月是流轉的 文化是千秋的 花開是時節的 青山是常在的 勸導是有限的 守戒是不變的 感受是短暫的 相處是長遠的 傷痛是當下的 歡喜是持久的 委屈是暫時的 真相是恆常的 功名是一時的 生命是一世的 生死是瞬間的 願力是無窮的 妄念是剎那的 佛性是不滅的 因緣是變化的 悟道是永恆的) Momentary vs Everlasting Age is fleeting, but culture is timeless. Flowers are seasonal, but mountains are abiding. Counseling is limited, but discipline is sustainable. Feelings are momentary, but relationships are for life. Pain is transient, but joy is perpetual. Misunderstanding is temporary, but Truth is eternal. Fame and gain are short-lived, but life is everlasting. Birth and death are ephemeral, but vows are abiding. Delusion is swift, but Buddha-nature is imperishable. Causes and conditions are changing, but enlightenment is forever.
- 皆有佛性 possess the Buddha-nature
- 性得佛性 innate attainment of Buddha nature
- 佛性戒 the bodhisattva precepts
- 修得佛性 cultivation of Buddha nature
- 人人有佛性 everyone has the buddha-nature
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 8 Da Ban Niepan Jing Yi Ji 大般涅槃經義記 — count: 265
- Scroll 3 Treatise on the Mystery of the Mahayana 大乘玄論 — count: 254
- Scroll 1 Niepan Zong Yao 涅槃宗要 — count: 147
- Scroll 9 Da Ban Niepan Jing Yi Ji 大般涅槃經義記 — count: 146
- Scroll 1 Dasheng Yi Zhang 大乘義章 — count: 125
- Scroll 32 Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahayana Mahaparinirvana sutra) 大般涅槃經 — count: 103
- Scroll 66 Da Ban Niepan Jing Ji Jie 大般涅槃經集解 — count: 94
- Scroll 35 Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahaparinirvana Sutra) 大般涅槃經 — count: 92 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Neng Xian Zhong Bian Hui Ri Lun 能顯中邊慧日論 — count: 92
- Scroll 30 Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahayana Mahaparinirvana sutra) 大般涅槃經 — count: 89
- 不见佛性 (不見佛性) 謂不見佛性 — Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahaparinirvana Sutra) 大般涅槃經, Scroll 9 — count: 27
- 众生佛性 (眾生佛性) 眾生佛性 — Vajrasamādhi 金剛三昧經, Scroll 1 — count: 26
- 名为佛性 (名為佛性) 我見者名為佛性 — Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahaparinirvana Sutra) 大般涅槃經, Scroll 5 — count: 13
- 知佛性 (知佛性) 我等如是知佛性 — Mahāratnakūṭasūtra (The Great Treasures Collection Sūtra) 大寶積經, Scroll 68 — count: 8
- 所谓佛性 (所謂佛性) 第一性者所謂佛性 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 587 — count: 7
- 无有佛性 (無有佛性) 無有佛性 — Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahaparinirvana Sutra) 大般涅槃經, Scroll 7 — count: 5
- 佛性及 (佛性及) 而於佛性及一切智 — Mahāratnakūṭasūtra (The Great Treasures Collection Sūtra) 大寶積經, Scroll 20 — count: 5
- 言佛性 (言佛性) 若言佛性定是常者 — Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahaparinirvana Sutra) 大般涅槃經, Scroll 7 — count: 4
- 同一佛性 (同一佛性) 同一佛性猶如彼乳 — Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahaparinirvana Sutra) 大般涅槃經, Scroll 10 — count: 4
- 佛性佛性 (佛性佛性) 佛性佛性空故 — The Perfection of Wisdom in 25,000 Lines 摩訶般若波羅蜜經, Scroll 6 — count: 4