乎 hū
particle expresses question or doubt
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In Literary Chinese, final particle 乎 may turn a sentence into a question (Guoyu '乎' particle 1; Rouzer 2007, p. 38; Pulleyblank 1995, p. 139). For example, 賢者亦樂此乎?'Do wise and good princes also find pleasure in these things?' (Mengzi: 1.2/1/11, translation by Legge) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '乎' preposition; Rouzer 2007, p. 38) -
marks a return question
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Marks a question that is a response to another question, used at the end of a sentence (Guoyu '乎' particle 2) -
marks a beckoning tone
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Used at the end of a sentence (Guoyu '乎' particle 3) -
marks conjecture
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Used at the end of a sentence (Guoyu '乎' particle 4) -
marks a pause
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Used in the middle of a sentence (Guoyu '乎' particle 5) -
marks praise
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Used at the end of a sentence (Guoyu '乎' particle 6) -
ah; sigh
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Similar to 啊 (Guoyu '乎' interjection)
Contained in
- 至道实乎无言(至道實乎無言) the ultimate way truly cannot be expressed in words
- 渐至乎如如(漸至乎如如) gradually arrive at suchness
- 譬喻问号(二) 智慧似海洋, 深乎浅乎? 戒律似老师, 是正是邪? 布施似耕耘, 有收无收? 供养似奉献, 真心假意? 美女似春花, 是久是暂? 欲望似饑渴, 太多太少? 语言似冬阳, 炙乎暖乎? 笑容似春风, 是真是假? 时间似车轮, 该快该慢? 精进似电力, 是动是停?(譬喻問號(二) 智慧似海洋, 深乎淺乎? 戒律似老師, 是正是邪? 布施似耕耘, 有收無收? 供養似奉獻, 真心假意? 美女似春花, 是久是暫? 欲望似饑渴, 太多太少? 語言似冬陽, 炙乎暖乎? 笑容似春風, 是真是假? 時間似車輪, 該快該慢? 精進似電力, 是動是停?) Metaphors (2) Wisdom is an ocean. Is it shallow or deep? Precepts are teachers. Are they righteous or not? Generosity is cultivation. Will there be harvests or not? Offering is dedication. Is it genuine or pretentious? Beauty is a spring blossom. Does it last long or short? Desire is thirst. Is it too much or too little? Words are the winter sun. Do they warm or burn? Smile is a spring breeze. Is it real or fake? Time is a cartwheel. Should it go fast or slow? Diligence is electricity. Should it energize or stop?
- 譬喻问号(三) 静默似雷声, 大声小声? 无明似乌云, 是耶否耶? 妄语似汙垢, 净乎秽乎? 业力似影子, 随也离也? 人死似搬家, 此处彼处? 杀人似杀己, 是也不是? 忧虑似盗贼, 是偷是抢? 烦恼似尘劳, 陈乎留乎? 内心似田地, 种草种谷? 信仰似宝藏, 要与不要?(譬喻問號(三) 靜默似雷聲, 大聲小聲? 無明似烏雲, 是耶否耶? 妄語似汙垢, 淨乎穢乎? 業力似影子, 隨也離也? 人死似搬家, 此處彼處? 殺人似殺己, 是也不是? 憂慮似盜賊, 是偷是搶? 煩惱似塵勞, 陳乎留乎? 內心似田地, 種草種穀? 信仰似寶藏, 要與不要?) Metaphors (3) Silence is thunder. Is it loud or soft? Ignorance is a grey cloud. Is it or is it not? Lying is pollution. Is it pure or dirty? Karma is a shadow. Does it follow or leave you? Death is moving houses. Here or there? Killing life is killing yourself. Is it or is it not? Worry is a thief. Does it steal or rob? Affliction is dust. Does it accumulate or stay? The mind is a field. Shall we grow weeds or crops? Faith is a treasure. Do you want it or not?
Also contained in
确乎 、 几乎不 、 超乎寻常 、 卓乎不群 、 邪乎 、 不在乎 、 神乎其技 、 粘乎乎 、 于是乎 、 之乎者也 、 不亦乐乎 、 温乎 、 梳乎厘 、 断乎 、 油乎乎 、 套近乎 、 出乎预料 、 似乎 、 攻乎异端 、 介乎 、 受命乎天 、 无怪乎 、 玄乎 、 出乎 、 肉乎乎 、 渺乎其微 、 出乎意外 、 合乎 、 在乎 、 关乎 、 胖乎乎 、 热乎 、 晕乎 、 知耻近乎勇 、 满口之乎者也 、 几乎 、 近乎同步 、 并不在乎 、 视乎 、 好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇 、 不外乎 、 犹之乎 、 微乎其微 、 傻乎乎 、 忘乎所以 、 嗟乎 、 忙乎
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 2 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 176
- Scroll 8 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 118
- Scroll 3 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 97
- Scroll 1 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 96
- Scroll 21 Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra (Apitan Ba Jiandu Lun) 阿毘曇八犍度論 — count: 94
- Scroll 2 Brahmaviśeṣacintīparipṛcchā (Chi Xin Fantian Suo Wen Jing) 持心梵天所問經 — count: 88
- Scroll 15 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 81
- Scroll 2 Chuan Fa Zhengzong Lun 傳法正宗論 — count: 80
- Scroll 7 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 78
- Scroll 1 Hongming Ji (Collection on the Propagation and Clarification of Buddhism) 弘明集 — count: 75 , has English translation