阿毘昙毘婆沙 (阿毘曇毘婆沙) āpítánpípóshā

āpítánpípóshā proper noun Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: See 鞞婆沙論 (Wikipedia '鞞婆沙論')

Contained in

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 5 Translating Sanskrit (Fan Fanyu) 翻梵語 — count: 8
  • Scroll 7 Translating Sanskrit (Fan Fanyu) 翻梵語 — count: 6
  • Scroll 8 Translating Sanskrit (Fan Fanyu) 翻梵語 — count: 4
  • Scroll 10 Zhou Dynasty Corrected Catalog of Scriptures (Da Zhoukan Ding Zhong Jing Mulu) 大周刊定眾經目錄 — count: 3
  • Scroll 10 Translating Sanskrit (Fan Fanyu) 翻梵語 — count: 3
  • Scroll 2 Collection of records concerning the Chinese Buddhist Canon (Chu San Zang Ji Ji) 出三藏記集 — count: 3
  • Scroll 13 Collection of records concerning the Chinese Buddhist Canon (Chu San Zang Ji Ji) 出三藏記集 — count: 2
  • Scroll 3 Catalog of the Inner Canon of the Great Tang Dynasty 大唐內典錄 — count: 2
  • Scroll 14 Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀 — count: 2
  • Scroll 1 Biographies of Eminent Monks 高僧傳 — count: 2 , has English translation


  • 杂阿毘昙毘婆沙 (雜阿毘曇毘婆沙) 雜阿毘曇毘婆沙十四卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 10 — count: 10
  • 阿毘昙毘婆沙十四 (阿毘曇毘婆沙十四) 阿毘曇毘婆沙十四卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 8 — count: 6
  • 抄阿毘昙毘婆沙 (抄阿毘曇毘婆沙) 抄阿毘曇毘婆沙五十九卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 11 — count: 5
  • 阿毘昙毘婆沙第二十 (阿毘曇毘婆沙第二十) 出阿毘曇毘婆沙第二十二卷 — Jing Lu Yi Xiang 經律異相, Scroll 18 — count: 4
  • 阿毘昙毘婆沙第四 (阿毘曇毘婆沙第四) 阿毘曇毘婆沙第四十八卷 — Translating Sanskrit (Fan Fanyu) 翻梵語, Scroll 5 — count: 4
  • 阿毘昙毘婆沙第七 (阿毘曇毘婆沙第七) 阿毘曇毘婆沙第七之內 — Translating Sanskrit (Fan Fanyu) 翻梵語, Scroll 4 — count: 4
  • 阿毘昙毘婆沙五十九 (阿毘曇毘婆沙五十九) 抄阿毘曇毘婆沙五十九卷 — Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties 歷代三寶紀, Scroll 11 — count: 4
  • 阿毘昙毘婆沙第五 (阿毘曇毘婆沙第五) 阿毘曇毘婆沙第五十七卷 — Translating Sanskrit (Fan Fanyu) 翻梵語, Scroll 3 — count: 3
  • 阿毘昙毘婆沙第一 (阿毘曇毘婆沙第一) 阿毘曇毘婆沙第一卷 — Translating Sanskrit (Fan Fanyu) 翻梵語, Scroll 4 — count: 3
  • 阿毘昙毘婆沙一部 (阿毘曇毘婆沙一部) 阿毘曇毘婆沙一部十四卷 — Zhou Dynasty Corrected Catalog of Scriptures (Da Zhoukan Ding Zhong Jing Mulu) 大周刊定眾經目錄, Scroll 10 — count: 3