助 zhù
verb to help; to assist
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In Literary Chinese, 助 can be a transitive verb with two arguments in a pivot construction. The pattern is A 助 B C, which means A helps B to do C (Guoyu '助' v; Pulleyblank 1995, pp. 40-41; Unihan '助'). -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the Yin and Shang dynasties (Guoyu '助' n). -
help; samavadhāna
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: samavadhāna, Tibetan: 'grogs pa'am phrad pa (BCSD '助', p. 202; Mahāvyutpatti 'samavadhānam'; MW 'samavadhāna'; SH '助', p. 231) -
help; sāhāyya
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: sāhāyya (BCSD '助', p. 202; MW 'sāhāyya'; SH '助', p. 231)
Contained in
- 助理教授 assistant professor ; Assistant Professor
- 助缘(助緣) Supporting Conditions ; supportive conditions
- 特助 Executive Assistant
- 言说之巧(下) 心内的事少对人说 过去的事不必再说 紧急的事长话短说 重要的事谨慎的说 不懂的事了解再说 别人的事尽量不说 烦琐的事见面再说 准备的事不能漏说 商量的事当面好说 炫耀的事完成再说 快乐的事看场合说 公开的事无须您说 赞美的事应当常说 助人的事一定可说 利众的事公然来说 励志的事着书立说 有益的事到处宣说 应答的事有话当说 承诺的事不要空说 明天的事明日再说(言說之巧(下) 心內的事少對人說 過去的事不必再說 緊急的事長話短說 重要的事謹慎的說 不懂的事了解再說 別人的事儘量不說 煩瑣的事見面再說 準備的事不能漏說 商量的事當面好說 炫耀的事完成再說 快樂的事看場合說 公開的事無須您說 讚美的事應當常說 助人的事一定可說 利眾的事公然來說 勵志的事著書立說 有益的事到處宣說 應答的事有話當說 承諾的事不要空說 明天的事明日再說) The Art of Talking (2) It is better not to talk about the secrets in your mind. There is no need to mention what is already in the past. Speak concisely in moments of urgency. Speak deliberately about important matters. It is important to understand clearly what you are about to say. Refrain from talking about other people's matters. Discuss tedious matters in person. Do not disclose your plans. Negotiation is done best face to face. Never boast about what is not yet finished. Sense the atmosphere before you share good news. Needless to announce what is already known to the public. Praises should be said often. Always make kind deeds known. Talk openly about what is for the greater good. Publish and speak about good inspirations. Spread good news far and wide. Be honest about the promises you have made. Never speak empty words of promise. Leave talks about tomorrow for tomorrow.
- 改过才会进步 认错才能增上 助人才能结缘 内敛才能养德(改過才會進步 認錯才能增上 助人才能結緣 內斂才能養德) The way to be better is by correcting our mistakes. The way to improve is by admitting our faults. The way to create affinity is by helping people. The way to be virtuous is by remaining self-contained.
- 年年不忘春耕 自然可以收成 时时不离助人 自然能得人缘 念念不起恶心 自然不生业果 处处不论人我 自然没有是非(年年不忘春耕 自然可以收成 時時不離助人 自然能得人緣 念念不起惡心 自然不生業果 處處不論人我 自然沒有是非) If you cultivate diligently every spring, good harvest is all in good time. If you always lend a helping hand, good affinity is all in good time. If you refrain from unwholesome thoughts, good retribution is all in good time. If you stop gossiping, good relationships are all in good time.
- 援助赈灾中心(援助賑災中心) relief aid center
- 生活乐趣 困难时先忧后乐 失意时苦中想乐 贫苦时知足常乐 落魄时奋起为乐 受罪时忏悔得乐 委屈时放下能乐 忙碌时闹中取乐 饭食时感恩有乐 耕种时收成获乐 休憩时舒服安乐 独处时自得其乐 布施时为善最乐 安居时淡泊自乐 应酬时谈笑共乐 得意时怡然享乐 富贵时与众同乐 团圆时天伦之乐 掌权时助人为乐 日常时平安喜乐 修行时吾有法乐(生活樂趣 困難時先憂後樂 失意時苦中想樂 貧苦時知足常樂 落魄時奮起為樂 受罪時懺悔得樂 委屈時放下能樂 忙碌時鬧中取樂 飯食時感恩有樂 耕種時收成獲樂 休憩時舒服安樂 獨處時自得其樂 布施時為善最樂 安居時淡泊自樂 應酬時談笑共樂 得意時怡然享樂 富貴時與眾同樂 團圓時天倫之樂 掌權時助人為樂 日常時平安喜樂 修行時吾有法樂) The “Fun” about Life Enjoy the sorrow in times of tribulations. Enjoy the pain in times of disappointment. Enjoy the sense of contentment in times of poverty. Enjoy the efforts in times of failure. Enjoy the repentance in times of transgression. Enjoy letting go in times of aggrievement. Enjoy the excitement in times of activity. Enjoy the gratitude in times of eating. Enjoy the harvest in times of cultivation. Enjoy the comfort in times of rest. Enjoy the moments in times of solitude. Enjoy doing good deeds in times of giving. Enjoy the simplicity in times of dwelling at home. Enjoy the friendly exchanges in times of social engagement. Enjoy the happiness in times of success. Enjoy the ability to share in times of wealth. Enjoy the intimacy in times of family reunion. Enjoy the luxury of helping others when in acceptance of power. Enjoy the blessings of safety in ordinary times. Enjoy the joy of Dharma in times of spiritual cultivation.
Also contained in
电脑辅助辅助 、 助产 、 结构助词 、 壁助 、 助人 、 助产婆 、 助人为快乐之本 、 赞助 、 援助机构 、 求助 、 建屋互助会 、 助选 、 助听器 、 相助 、 寡助 、 助学贷款 、 求助于人 、 助威 、 贤内助 、 辅助 、 辅助语 、 医疗补助 、 借助 、 扶助 、 互助会 、 援助交际 、 帮助 、 助焊剂 、 助手 、 补助 、 个人数码助理 、 协助 、 失道寡助 、 助记方法 、 捐助 、 补助组织 、 自助洗衣店 、 严助 、 助学 、 鼎助 、 动态助词 、 助推 、 助一臂之力
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 3 Daoxing Bore Jing 道行般若經 — count: 61 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 3 Condensed Version of the Mahāprajñāpāramitā Sūtra (Mohe Bore Chao Jing) 摩訶般若鈔經 — count: 57 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 8 Notes on the Viṁśatikāvṛtti 成唯識論述記 — count: 51
- Scroll 7 Zhi Guan Fu Xing Chuan Hong Jue 止觀輔行傳弘決 — count: 46
- Scroll 9 Bei Hua Jing (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra) 悲華經 — count: 44 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Mañjuśrī Teaches Repentance (Fo Shuo Wenshu Huiguo Jing) 佛說文殊悔過經 — count: 42
- Scroll 8 Daśabhūmikasūtraśāstra (Treatise on the Scripture of the Ten Stages) 十地經論 — count: 35
- Scroll 5 Bei Hua Jing (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra) 悲華經 — count: 34 , has English translation
- Scroll 47 Sarvāstivādavinaya (Shi Song Lu) 十誦律 — count: 34
- Scroll 8 Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā Sūtra 放光般若經 — count: 32
- 助菩提 (助菩提) 云何助菩提法 — Bei Hua Jing (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra) 悲華經, Scroll 5 — count: 86
- 劝助 (勸助) 我便以法勸助 — Creation and Destruction of the World (Da Lou Tan Jing) 大樓炭經, Scroll 4 — count: 38
- 佐助 (佐助) 輙往佐助 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 9 — count: 18
- 护助 (護助) 諸尊菩薩威神護助 — Dafangbian Fo Bao'en Jing 大方便佛報恩經, Scroll 5 — count: 11
- 助喜 (助喜) 助喜皆得福 — Nirvāṇa Sūtra 佛般泥洹經, Scroll 1 — count: 6
- 助成 (助成) 八事助成齋體 — Dafangbian Fo Bao'en Jing 大方便佛報恩經, Scroll 6 — count: 5
- 我相助 (我相助) 汝我相助豈相離 — Sutra on the Great Reliable Brahman (Da Jiangu Poluomen Jing) 大堅固婆羅門緣起經, Scroll 2 — count: 5
- 助王 (助王) 助王為祀 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 15 — count: 5
- 三十七助 (三十七助) 若有眾生未得具足三十七助菩提法 — Bei Hua Jing (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra) 悲華經, Scroll 7 — count: 4
- 营助 (營助) 不欲營助諸比丘作衣 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 38 — count: 4