滴 dī
verb to drip
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '滴'; Guoyu '滴' v; Unihan '滴') -
measure word
a drop
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Quantity
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '滴'; Guoyu '滴' n 2; Unihan '滴') -
a drop; bindu
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: bindu, Japanese: teki (BCSD '滴', p. 742; MW 'bindu'; Unihan '滴')
Contained in
- 佛光一滴 Fo Guang Waterdrop Tea House 1
- 一滴水 A Water Drop
- 滴水集 A Collection of Drops of Water
- 滴水之恩,湧泉以报(滴水之恩,湧泉以報) Repay the kindness of a drop of water with a fountain.
- 1. 合抱之木 生于幼苗 2. 穿石之水 始于涓滴 3. 成功之基 奠于勤劳 4. 悟道之缘 在于用心(1. 合抱之木 生於幼苗 2. 穿石之水 始於涓滴 3. 成功之基 奠於勤勞 4. 悟道之緣 在於用心) A giant tree comes from tiny sprouts. Water that wears through rock comes from a stream of droplets. Success comes from a foundation built by diligence. Conditions for awakening come from commitment.
- 礼敬大厅滴水坊(禮敬大廳滴水坊) Front Hall Water Drop Teahouse
- 滴星 Mercury
- 赞美的语言好似香水 劝诫的开示好比甘露 善美的歌曲扣人心弦 励志的文章让人上进 滴水的功用生长万物 和风的吹拂清凉人心 洪钟的鸣声惊醒迷梦 冬日的太阳温暖人间(讚美的語言好似香水 勸誡的開示好比甘露 善美的歌曲扣人心弦 勵志的文章讓人上進 滴水的功用生長萬物 和風的吹拂清涼人心 洪鐘的鳴聲驚醒迷夢 冬日的太陽溫暖人間) Words of praise are fragrant perfumes. Sincere admonition is nourishing nectar. Inspirational songs are heart-gripping. Inspirational writings are motivating. Water droplets cultivate lives. Soft breezes caress and soothe the heart. A big bell's chime awakens dreamers. The winter sun warms the world.
- 杨枝一滴,甘露法水(楊枝一滴,甘露法水) a drop from the willow is like the nectar of Dharma
- 滴水坊总部(滴水坊總部) Water Drop Teahouse Headquarters
- 樟树林滴水坊(樟樹林滴水坊) Camphor Grove Tea House
- 曹源一滴水 one drop from the spring of Cao
- 佛光缘滴水坊(佛光緣滴水坊) Fo Guang Yuan Water Drop Teahouse
- 香光亭滴水坊 Serenity Pavilion Water Drop Teahouse
- 滴水 water drop; dripping water ; eaves ; Water Drop
- 滴水坊 Water Drop Teahouse ; Water Drop Teahouse
- 滴水总部(滴水總部) Waterdrop Teahouse Head office
- 只园樟树林滴水坊(祇園樟樹林滴水坊) Camphor Grove Tea House at Jetavana Grove
- 似一滴投于巨壑(似一滴投於巨壑) like a drop of water thrown into the sea
Also contained in
滴里嘟噜 、 滴下 、 小滴 、 滴定管 、 滴道区 、 滴漏 、 滴溜圆 、 馋涎欲滴 、 滴里耷拉 、 滴定 、 静脉点滴 、 滴剂 、 吊点滴 、 滴水不羼 、 霭滴 、 垂涎欲滴 、 滴石 、 雨滴 、 涓滴 、 滴答 、 一点一滴 、 滴流 、 滴水不漏 、 打点滴 、 滴注 、 水滴鱼 、 滴瓶 、 涓滴归公 、 滴溜溜 、 滴虫病 、 滴点 、 水滴石穿
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 20 Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 摩訶僧祇律 — count: 10
- Scroll 1 Essential Methods for Curing Chan Sickness (Zhi Chan Bing Mi Yao Fa) 治禪病祕要法 — count: 10
- Scroll 29 The Sounds and Meanings of all the Terms in the Canonical Texts 一切經音義 — count: 7
- Scroll 60 Yogācāryabhūmiśāstra (Yujia Shi Di Lun) 瑜伽師地論 — count: 6
- Scroll 2 Da Ji Piyu Wang Jing 大集譬喻王經 — count: 6
- Scroll 12 Fa Hua Yi Shu 法華義疏 — count: 6
- Scroll 2 Quotations from Abbot Ru Jing 如淨和尚語錄 — count: 6
- Scroll 1 Quotations from Abbot Ru Jing 如淨和尚語錄 — count: 5
- Scroll 1 Quotations from Chan Master Huanglong Huinan 黃龍慧南禪師語錄 — count: 5
- Scroll 20 Quotations from Chan Master Yuanwu Foguo 圓悟佛果禪師語錄 — count: 5
- 一滴 (一滴) 一滴滅一復興 — Taizi Rui Ying Ben Qi Jing 太子瑞應本起經, Scroll 2 — count: 58
- 滴数 (滴數) 持一分端沾彼海水可知滴數 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 521 — count: 18
- 滴滴 (滴滴) 於四大海水滴滴數之能知多少 — Ākāśagarbha Sūtra (Xukong Zang Pusa Shen Zhou Jing) 虛空孕菩薩經, Scroll 2 — count: 16
- 毛滴 (毛滴) 欲以一毛滴海水 — Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經, Scroll 16 — count: 9
- 滴入口 (滴入口) 由業力故一滴入口 — The Sūtra on the Mahāyāna Practice of the Six Perfections 大乘理趣六波羅蜜多經, Scroll 3 — count: 6
- 草滴 (草滴) 如是不得草滴髮滴入口 — Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 摩訶僧祇律, Scroll 20 — count: 5
- 发滴 (髮滴) 如是不得草滴髮滴入口 — Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 摩訶僧祇律, Scroll 20 — count: 5
- 滴酥 (滴酥) 或於一日食一滴酥 — The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 570 — count: 4
- 血滴 (血滴) 增長血滴 — Itivṛttakasūtra (Benshi Jing) 本事經, Scroll 2 — count: 4
- 滴发 (滴髮) 如是不得草滴髮滴入口 — Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 摩訶僧祇律, Scroll 20 — count: 3