连续 (連續) liánxù
continuously; consecutively
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: For example, 连续监测 'to continuously monitor.' (XHN 2015-11-28; CC-CEDICT '連續'; Guoyu '連續')
Also contained in
连续监视 、 连续剧 、 连续不断 、 连续体 、 连续性 、 连续变调 、 连续统假设 、 连续介质力学 、 连续犯 、 连续函数 、 连续集 、 不连续面 、 莫霍洛维奇不连续面 、 绝对连续 、 不连续 、 连续译码阶段
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 24 Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra (Apidamo Shun Zheng Lilun) 阿毘達磨順正理論 — count: 9
- Scroll 13 Abhidharmakośaśāstrakārikāvibhāṣya (Apidamo Cang Xian Zong Lun) 阿毘達磨藏顯宗論 — count: 8
- Scroll 2 Vibhāṣāśāstra (Bing Po Sha Lun) 鞞婆沙論 — count: 6
- Scroll 69 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 — count: 5
- Scroll 23 Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra (Apidamo Shun Zheng Lilun) 阿毘達磨順正理論 — count: 4
- Scroll 19 Notes on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論記 — count: 4
- Scroll 8 Vibhāṣāśāstra (Bing Po Sha Lun) 鞞婆沙論 — count: 3
- Scroll 8 Dharanisamgraha Sutra (Collected Dharanis Sutra) 陀羅尼集經 — count: 3 , has English translation
- Scroll 8 Notes on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論記 — count: 3
- Scroll 1 Shi Moheyan Lun 釋摩訶衍論 — count: 2