恩 ēn
noun kindness; grace; graciousness
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '恩' n 1; Kroll 2015 '恩' 1, p. 101; Unihan '恩') -
kind; benevolent
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '恩' adj; Kroll 2015 '恩' 1a, p. 101) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 情爱 (Guoyu '恩' n 2; Kroll 2015 '恩' 2, p. 101) -
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism) -
kindness; grace; upakāra
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: upakāra (BCSD '恩', p. 479; FGDB '恩'; MW 'upakāra'; SH '恩', p. 325)
Contained in
- 盂兰盆道粮供僧报恩回向法会(盂蘭盆道糧供僧報恩回向法會) Ullambana Merit Transfer Dharma Service & Sangha Day Celebration
- 慈恩宗 Faxiang School; Ci'en School; Dharmalaksana School
- 慈恩浩荡(慈恩浩蕩) Kindness of Boundless Compassion
- 爱国报恩(愛國報恩) Love and Repay Your Country
- 三宝恩(三寶恩) kindness of the Triple Gem
- 滴水之恩,湧泉以报(滴水之恩,湧泉以報) Repay the kindness of a drop of water with a fountain.
- 报恩(報恩) to pay a debt of gratitude ; repaying others' kindness
- 四恩总报; 1. 父母恩 2. 众生恩 3. 国家恩 4. 三宝恩(四恩總報; 1. 父母恩 2. 眾生恩 3. 國家恩 4. 三寶恩) Four Kinds of Gratitude: 1. Kindness of parents; 2. Kindness of sentient beings; 3. Kindness of one’s country; 4. Kindness of the Triple Gem
- 慈恩 Compassion and Kindness ; compassion and grace
- 怀恩堂(懷恩堂) Huai-en Hall
- 报恩法会(報恩法會) Repaying Gratitude Dharma Service ; Gratitude Dharma Service
- 报施恩(報施恩) repay kindness
- 佛光四句偈 慈悲喜舍遍法界 惜福结缘利人天 禅净戒行平等忍 惭愧感恩大愿心(佛光四句偈 慈悲喜捨遍法界 惜福結緣利人天 禪淨戒行平等忍 慚愧感恩大願心) Buddha's Light Verse May kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity pervade all worlds; May we cherish and build affinities to benefit all beings; May Chan, Pure Land, and Precepts inspire equality and patience; May our humility and gratitude give rise to great vows.
- 报恩寺版(報恩寺版) Bao'en Temple Edition; Wanli Canon
- 生活乐趣 困难时先忧后乐 失意时苦中想乐 贫苦时知足常乐 落魄时奋起为乐 受罪时忏悔得乐 委屈时放下能乐 忙碌时闹中取乐 饭食时感恩有乐 耕种时收成获乐 休憩时舒服安乐 独处时自得其乐 布施时为善最乐 安居时淡泊自乐 应酬时谈笑共乐 得意时怡然享乐 富贵时与众同乐 团圆时天伦之乐 掌权时助人为乐 日常时平安喜乐 修行时吾有法乐(生活樂趣 困難時先憂後樂 失意時苦中想樂 貧苦時知足常樂 落魄時奮起為樂 受罪時懺悔得樂 委屈時放下能樂 忙碌時鬧中取樂 飯食時感恩有樂 耕種時收成獲樂 休憩時舒服安樂 獨處時自得其樂 布施時為善最樂 安居時淡泊自樂 應酬時談笑共樂 得意時怡然享樂 富貴時與眾同樂 團圓時天倫之樂 掌權時助人為樂 日常時平安喜樂 修行時吾有法樂) The “Fun” about Life Enjoy the sorrow in times of tribulations. Enjoy the pain in times of disappointment. Enjoy the sense of contentment in times of poverty. Enjoy the efforts in times of failure. Enjoy the repentance in times of transgression. Enjoy letting go in times of aggrievement. Enjoy the excitement in times of activity. Enjoy the gratitude in times of eating. Enjoy the harvest in times of cultivation. Enjoy the comfort in times of rest. Enjoy the moments in times of solitude. Enjoy doing good deeds in times of giving. Enjoy the simplicity in times of dwelling at home. Enjoy the friendly exchanges in times of social engagement. Enjoy the happiness in times of success. Enjoy the ability to share in times of wealth. Enjoy the intimacy in times of family reunion. Enjoy the luxury of helping others when in acceptance of power. Enjoy the blessings of safety in ordinary times. Enjoy the joy of Dharma in times of spiritual cultivation.
- 大慈恩寺三藏法师传(大慈恩寺三藏法師傳) Biography of Dharma Master San Zang of Da Ci En Temple
- 父母恩难报经(父母恩難報經) Fumu En Nan Bao Jing
- 报恩爱国(報恩愛國) Love and Repay Your Country
- 大方便佛報恩经(大方便佛報恩經) Dafangbian Fo Bao'en Jing
- 知恩报德(知恩報德) Be Mindful and Repay Others' Kindness
- 佛说报恩奉盆经(佛說報恩奉盆經) Fo Shuo Bao'en Feng Pen Jing
Also contained in
推恩 、 大恩大德 、 救恩 、 梯恩梯 、 灵恩 、 恩慈 、 恩人 、 恩仇 、 蒙恩 、 宣恩县 、 知恩不报 、 报师恩 、 恩师 、 鱼朝恩 、 恩典 、 奇异恩典 、 恩断义绝 、 刻薄寡恩 、 金正恩 、 恩俸 、 恩怨 、 沐恩 、 承恩 、 宣恩 、 渥恩 、 知遇之恩 、 恩比天大 、 恩将仇报 、 示恩 、 科罗恩病
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 50 Fa Yuan Zhu Lin 法苑珠林 — count: 37
- Scroll 23 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 36 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 3 Dasheng Bensheng Xin Di Guan Jing 大乘本生心地觀經 — count: 36 , has English translation
- Scroll 8 Zhu Jing Yao Ji 諸經要集 — count: 36
- Scroll 1 Si Shamen Xuan Zang Shang Biao Ji 寺沙門玄奘上表記 — count: 35
- Scroll 7 Fa Hua Yi Shu 法華義疏 — count: 35
- Scroll 7 Dafangbian Fo Bao'en Jing 大方便佛報恩經 — count: 33
- Scroll 7 Fahua Wen Ju Ji 法華文句記 — count: 32
- Scroll 18 Notes on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論記 — count: 32
- Scroll 15 Vinayavastu (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Pi Nai Ye Po Seng Shi) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶破僧事 — count: 32
- 不知恩 (不知恩) 不知恩 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 23 — count: 27
- 恩润 (恩潤) 不知恩潤 — Shou Sui Jing (Anumānasutta) 受歲經, Scroll 1 — count: 17
- 不无恩 (不無恩) 不無恩 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 23 — count: 17
- 佛恩 (佛恩) 我蒙佛恩 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 4 — count: 12
- 四恩 (四恩) 務行四恩 — Nirvāṇa Sūtra 般泥洹經, Scroll 2 — count: 11
- 知恩 (知恩) 野狐必當知恩報恩 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 47 — count: 9
- 小恩 (小恩) 其有小恩尚報 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 47 — count: 6
- 大恩 (大恩) 蒙佛大恩 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 6 — count: 6
- 受恩 (受恩) 亦自身一切人亦受恩 — Sutra on Seven Places and Three Subjects for Contemplation (Qi Chu San Guan Jing) 七處三觀經, Scroll 1 — count: 6
- 背恩 (背恩) 背恩追勢 — Sutra of the Collection of the Six Perfections (Liu Du Ji Jing) 六度集經, Scroll 3 — count: 5