得人 dé rén
dé rén
win the people
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Collocation: from 管子·五輔 “Guanzi”, Wu Fu (Amies 2021 tr.; see also tr. in Yin 2014, p. 84)
Contained in
- 识得人我关系处 山水草木尽放光(識得人我關係處 山水草木盡放光) To know the ways between self and other; Light shines upon the mountains, rivers, and trees.
- 年年不忘春耕 自然可以收成 时时不离助人 自然能得人缘 念念不起恶心 自然不生业果 处处不论人我 自然没有是非(年年不忘春耕 自然可以收成 時時不離助人 自然能得人緣 念念不起惡心 自然不生業果 處處不論人我 自然沒有是非) If you cultivate diligently every spring, good harvest is all in good time. If you always lend a helping hand, good affinity is all in good time. If you refrain from unwholesome thoughts, good retribution is all in good time. If you stop gossiping, good relationships are all in good time.
- 愿将佛手双垂下 摸得人心一样平(願將佛手双垂下 摸得人心一樣平) May the Buddha’s hands reach down; To smooth the hearts of people as equals.
- 识得人我关系处 一花一叶一如来(識得人我關係處 一花一葉一如來) To know the ways between the self and others; One can see a buddha in a single flower or leaf.
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 334 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 42 , has parallel version
- Scroll 48 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 13 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 1 Story about Five Hundred Buddha Disciples (Fo Wu Bai Dizi Zi Shuo Benqi Jing) 佛五百弟子自說本起經 — count: 13
- Scroll 14 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 10 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 8 Commentary on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 中觀論疏 — count: 9
- Scroll 15 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 7 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 20 Bodhisattva Teachings (Dasheng Pusa Cang Zhengfa Jing) 佛說大乘菩薩藏正法經 — count: 7 , has English translation
- Scroll 335 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 7 , has parallel version
- Scroll 454 The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經 — count: 6 , has parallel version
- Scroll 4 Upāsakāśīlasūtra (Youposai Jie Jing) 優婆塞戒經 — count: 6
- 得人身 (得人身) 若得人身者 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 29 — count: 240
- 得人上 (得人上) 頗得人上之法而有差降安樂住止耶 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 17 — count: 19
- 欲得人 (欲得人) 亦不欲得人歡樂故 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 18 — count: 16
- 得人天 (得人天) 能使於人疾得人天 — Za Baozang Jing 雜寶藏經, Scroll 1 — count: 13
- 得人四 (得人四) 得人四種如意之德 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 14 — count: 13
- 纵得人 (縱得人) 縱得人身經千轉 — Bodhisattva Teachings (Dasheng Pusa Cang Zhengfa Jing) 佛說大乘菩薩藏正法經, Scroll 19 — count: 9
- 有余得人 (有餘得人) 頗更有餘得人上之法 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 48 — count: 7
- 善得人 (善得人) 善得人身 — Fo Ben Xing Ji Jing (Abhiniṣkramaṇasūtra) 佛本行集經, Scroll 10 — count: 7
- 得人天乐 (得人天樂) 云何當令一切眾生得人天樂及以解脫 — Da Zhuangyan Lun Jing (Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā) 大莊嚴論經, Scroll 15 — count: 7
- 今得人 (今得人) 何況汝等今得人身 — Ekottarāgama 增壹阿含經, Scroll 24 — count: 7