除名 chúmíng

chúmíng verb to expell
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: From a school or strike from a list of people forming a group; in the sense of 开除 (CC-CEDICT '除名'; Guoyu '除名')

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words

  • Scroll 19 Commentary on the Yogācārabhūmiśāstra 瑜伽論記 — count: 3
  • Scroll 5 Śāriputrābhidharmaśāstra (Shelifu Apitan Lun) 舍利弗阿毘曇論 — count: 2
  • Scroll 10 Commentary on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 中觀論疏 — count: 2
  • Scroll 10 Da Ban Niepan Jing Yi Ji 大般涅槃經義記 — count: 2
  • Scroll 13 Abhidharmavibhāṣāśāstra (Apitan Pi Po Sha Lun) 阿毘曇毘婆沙論 — count: 2
  • Scroll 9 Commentary on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 俱舍論疏 — count: 2
  • Scroll 2 Commentary on the Treatise on Contemplating Thoughts 觀心論疏 — count: 1
  • Scroll 5 Fahua Wen Ju Ji 法華文句記 — count: 1
  • Scroll 58 Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra (Apidamo Shun Zheng Lilun) 阿毘達磨順正理論 — count: 1
  • Scroll 7 Dasheng Yi Zhang 大乘義章 — count: 1


  • 除名色 (除名色) 為除名色 — Sarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhisūtra (Deng Ji Zhong De Sanmei Jing) 等集眾德三昧經, Scroll 2 — count: 10
  • 支除名 (支除名) 色界有十一支除名色 — Abhidharmavibhāṣāśāstra (Apitan Pi Po Sha Lun) 阿毘曇毘婆沙論, Scroll 13 — count: 5
  • 除名修 (除名修) 所除名修所斷 — Abhidharmakośaśāstrakārikāvibhāṣya (Apidamo Cang Xian Zong Lun) 阿毘達磨藏顯宗論, Scroll 25 — count: 3
  • 中除名 (中除名) 但以依他中除名等 — Commentary on the Yogācārabhūmiśāstra 瑜伽論記, Scroll 19 — count: 2
  • 正身除名 (正身除名) 正命正身除名未知欲知根色 — Śāriputrābhidharmaśāstra (Shelifu Apitan Lun) 舍利弗阿毘曇論, Scroll 5 — count: 2
  • 悔除名 (悔除名) 所犯發露悔除名具尸羅 — Abhidharmakośaśastra (Apidamo Jushe Lun) 阿毘達磨俱舍論, Scroll 15 — count: 2
  • 难除名 (難除名) 難除名麁 — Outline of the Viṁśatikāvṛtti 成唯識論掌中樞要, Scroll 1 — count: 2
  • 可除名 (可除名) 無法可除名不除法 — Commentary on the Hundred Treatise 百論疏, Scroll 3 — count: 2
  • 除名俱解脱 (除名俱解脫) 二障竝除名俱解脫 — Exploring the Mysteries of the Avatamsaka Sutra (Huayan Jing Tan Xuan Ji) 華嚴經探玄記, Scroll 8 — count: 2
  • 除名余 (除名餘) 除名餘實有義 — Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra (Apidamo Shun Zheng Lilun) 阿毘達磨順正理論, Scroll 58 — count: 2