可以 kěyǐ
verb can; may; possible; able to
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: For example, 分析可以确定 'analysis can confirm.' (VOA 2016-01-09a; CC-CEDICT '可以') -
capable; adequate
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: 可以 can mean many things depending on tone and context (CC-CEDICT '可以') -
auxiliary verb
can; may; possible; able to
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: Expresses either (1) ability or (2) permission (CC-CEDICT '可以'; Sun 2006, loc. 1723) -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Comparison
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '可以')
Contained in
- 微笑的好处 微笑使烦恼得到解脱 微笑令颓唐获得鼓励 微笑使疲劳可以放松 微笑令悲伤得到安慰(微笑的好處 微笑使煩惱得到解脫 微笑令頹唐獲得鼓勵 微笑使疲勞可以放鬆 微笑令悲傷得到安慰) The Goodness of Smiling A smile relieves us from our worries, A smile helps us get back on our feet, A smile soothes us from our weariness, A smile comforts us from our pains.
- 年年不忘春耕 自然可以收成 时时不离助人 自然能得人缘 念念不起恶心 自然不生业果 处处不论人我 自然没有是非(年年不忘春耕 自然可以收成 時時不離助人 自然能得人緣 念念不起惡心 自然不生業果 處處不論人我 自然沒有是非) If you cultivate diligently every spring, good harvest is all in good time. If you always lend a helping hand, good affinity is all in good time. If you refrain from unwholesome thoughts, good retribution is all in good time. If you stop gossiping, good relationships are all in good time.
- 可以三十二相见如来不(可以三十二相見如來不) to see the Tathāgata by means of the thirty two marks of excellence
- 淤泥可以长出莲花 寒门可以培养孝子 洪炉可以锻鍊钢铁 困境可以成就伟人 认错可以增加勇气 服务可以转为善缘 苦涩可以酝酿甘甜 烦恼可以化为菩提(淤泥可以長出蓮花 寒門可以培養孝子 洪爐可以鍛鍊鋼鐵 困境可以成就偉人 認錯可以增加勇氣 服務可以轉為善緣 苦澀可以醞釀甘甜 煩惱可以化為菩提) Just as lotuses can grow out of mud, A humble family can raise filial children. Just as steel can be forged in a furnace, Adversity can create greatness. Just as courage comes from admitting one's faults, Service can create good affinities. Just as sweet taste can be brewed from bitterness, Defilements can turn into Bodhi.
- 不可以身相得见如来(不可以身相得見如來) A Realized One cannot be seen by virtue of the possession of distinctive features.
- 生命可以更幸福 life can be happier
- 汝今可以此宝贸易所须(汝今可以此寶貿易所須) betake thyself, with this gem, [to some great city,] exchange the gem for money, and with that money do all that can be done with money
- 受持戒法如璎珞 可以庄严身心 坚定信仰如明灯 可以照破痴暗(受持戒法如瓔珞 可以莊嚴身心 堅定信仰如明燈 可以照破痴暗) Upholding precepts is like wearing an ornament that adorns both body and mind. Strengthened faith is like a shining light that dispels the darkness in the mind.
- 开发心田 1. 点亮心中明灯 可以照耀人间 2. 开发心中能源 可以增加财富 3. 种植心中禾苗 可以开花结果 4. 发掘心中自性 可以明心悟道 5. 散播心中欢喜 可以广结善缘 6. 觉照心中真理 可以洞彻世间(開發心田 1. 點亮心中明燈 可以照耀人間 2. 開發心中能源 可以增加財富 3. 種植心中禾苗 可以開花結果 4. 發掘心中自性 可以明心悟道 5. 散播心中歡喜 可以廣結善緣 6. 覺照心中真理 可以洞徹世間) Cultivating the Mind When the mind shines, the world also illuminates. When the energy of the mind is charged, wealth also comes. When the mind is cultivated, there will be harvests. When one's intrinsic nature is uncovered, enlightenment is possible. When joy is spread, friendship will be created. When the Truth is realized, insight also arises.
- 可以身相见如来不(可以身相見如來不) Can the Tathāgata be seen by the appearance of his body?
- 一切都可以成就 can make anything possible
- 宽可以容人 厚可以载物 勤可以补拙 和可以安家(寬可以容人 厚可以載物 勤可以補拙 和可以安家) Magnanimity helps us forgive. Honesty enables us to carry life. Diligence allows us to improve. Harmony keeps us home.
- 我与法界可以融和(我與法界可以融和) the self can be harmonized with the dharma realm
Also contained in
不可以 、 将不可以愠致战 、 星星之火,可以燎原 、 夏虫不可以语冰 、 他山之石可以攻玉 、 得可以 、 可以意会,不可言传 、 宰不可以不忠 、 主不可以不坚
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 1 Sanjiao Ping Xin Lun 三教平心論 — count: 15
- Scroll 1 Long Shu Zeng Guang Jing Tu Wen 龍舒增廣淨土文 — count: 14
- Scroll 1 Fahua Wen Ju Ji 法華文句記 — count: 13
- Scroll 3 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 13
- Scroll 2 Tan Jin Wenji 鐔津文集 — count: 13
- Scroll 18 Guang Hong Ming Ji 廣弘明集 — count: 12 , has English translation
- Scroll 4 Quotations from Chan Master Yuanwu Foguo 圓悟佛果禪師語錄 — count: 11
- Scroll 9 Hongming Ji (Collection on the Propagation and Clarification of Buddhism) 弘明集 — count: 10 , has English translation
- Scroll 3 Commentary on the Zhao Lun 肇論疏 — count: 10
- Scroll 4 Guang Hong Ming Ji 廣弘明集 — count: 10 , has English translation
- 今可以 (今可以) 汝今可以一論滅 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 26 — count: 14
- 便可以 (便可以) 汝便可以一分與我 — Mahāparinibbānasutta 大般涅槃經, Scroll 3 — count: 5
- 可以一 (可以一) 可以一張施於阿難 — Mahāparinibbānasutta 大般涅槃經, Scroll 2 — count: 5
- 汝等可以 (汝等可以) 汝等可以五繫縛之 — Beginning of the World (Qi Shi Jing) 起世經, Scroll 8 — count: 5
- 师可以 (師可以) 世有三師可以自誡 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 17 — count: 3
- 可以负 (可以負) 所有大地之土可以負行 — Zhong Xu Mohe Di Jing 佛本行集經, Scroll 5 — count: 3
- 可以理 (可以理) 乃可以理伏彼沙門 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 3 — count: 3
- 可以化 (可以化) 可以化愚人耳 — Laizhaheluo Jing (Raṭṭhapālasutta) 賴吒和羅經, Scroll 1 — count: 2
- 可以神足 (可以神足) 我今宜可以神足力 — Ekottarāgama 增壹阿含經, Scroll 15 — count: 2
- 可以继嗣 (可以繼嗣) 無有太子可以繼嗣 — Sutra on the Wise and Foolish (Damamūka) 賢愚經, Scroll 2 — count: 2