智者 zhìzhě
a sage; a wise man
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '智者'; Guoyu '智者' 1) -
proper noun
Zhi Yi; Chih-i
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: China , Concept: Monastic 师父
Notes: See 智顗 (Guoyu '智者' 2)
Contained in
- 世人二十苦 忍者苦口难言 愚者苦海无边 病者苦不堪言 盲者苦于无光 佞者苦心积虑 孤者苦无照顾 老者苦有代沟 贪者苦求无着 贫者苦雨淒风 邪者苦事无穷 犯者苦陷牢狱 恶者苦果必然 业者苦心经营 师者苦口婆心 达者苦中有乐 勇者苦忍有力 学者苦心研究 勤者苦尽甘来 智者苦能转乐 仁者苦节飘香(世人二十苦 忍者苦口難言 愚者苦海無邊 病者苦不堪言 盲者苦於無光 佞者苦心積慮 孤者苦無照顧 老者苦有代溝 貪者苦求無著 貧者苦雨淒風 邪者苦事無窮 犯者苦陷牢獄 惡者苦果必然 業者苦心經營 師者苦口婆心 達者苦中有樂 勇者苦忍有力 學者苦心研究 勤者苦盡甘來 智者苦能轉樂 仁者苦節飄香) Twenty Pains of Life One who endures finds the pain indescribable. One who is ignorant is trapped in the abyss of suffering. One who is sick is in unspeakable pain. One who is blind is blocked from rays of light. One who is wicked is chained by painstaking plot. One who is in solitude is threatened by loneliness. One who is old is isolated by generation gaps. One who is greedy is deprived of freedom. One who is poor is desolated by rain and cold. One who is evil is trapped in endless suffering. One who is convicted is locked behind bars. One who is unwholesome will never escape suffering. One who is in business is entangled by the tediousness of management. One who is the teacher is willing to advise earnestly and kindly. One who is skillful is able to find joy in hardship. One who is brave has the power to end suffering. One who is well learned is able to commit to his research. One who is diligent can put an end to hardship. One who is wise can turn suffering into happiness. One who is benevolent will leave behind a good name.
- 隋天台智者大师别传(隋天台智者大師別傳) Sui Tiantai Zhizhe Dashi Bie Chuan
- 仁者乐山 智者乐水(仁者樂山 智者樂水) The Benevolent Enjoy the Mountains; The Wise Enjoy the Water
- 天台智者大师禅门口诀(天台智者大師禪門口訣) Zhi Yi's Meditation Chant
- 天台智者 Sage of Tiantai
- 天台智者大师斋忌礼赞文(天台智者大師齋忌禮讚文) Tiantai Zhizhe Dashi Zhai Ji Lizan Wen
- 智者大师塔院(智者大師塔院) Venerable Master Zhi Yi Pagoda
- 能者十无 1. 从善如流 贤者无恼 2. 思想细密 智者无忧 3. 正直无私 勇者无惧 4. 乐于工作 勤者无惰 5. 人我来往 诚者无欺 6. 解衣推食 义者无悔 7. 敬重父母 孝者无违 8. 给人方便 善者无碍 9. 一心学佛 信者无妄 10. 慈悲待人 仁者无敌(能者十無 1. 從善如流 賢者無惱 2. 思想細密 智者無憂 3. 正直無私 勇者無懼 4. 樂於工作 勤者無惰 5. 人我來往 誠者無欺 6. 解衣推食 義者無悔 7. 敬重父母 孝者無違 8. 給人方便 善者無礙 9. 一心學佛 信者無妄 10. 慈悲待人 仁者無敵) Ten Freedom of the Capable In forging ahead in doing what is right, an eminent one is free of afflictions. In contemplating deliberately, a wise one is free of worries. In being honest and selfless, a brave one is free of fear. In finding joy in one's work, a diligent one is free of indolence. In dealing with people, a sincere one is free of deceit. In relinquishing one's food and clothing, a righteous one is free of regrets. In being respectful to one's parents, a dutiful son is free of defiance. In making things easier for others, a kind one is free of hindrances. In single-heartedly learning the Dharma, a faithful one is free of delusions. In treating others with compassion, a kind one is free of enemies.
- 智者无忧(智者無憂) The Wise Is Free from Worries
- 如智者见水中月(如智者見水中月) like a sage seeing the moon reflected in the water
- 乐以忘忧真智者 心能转境即如来(樂以忘憂真智者 心能轉境即如來) In forgetting their sorrows the truly wise take joy; Transforming all conditions is the mind of the Thus Comer.
- 智者大师(智者大師) Venerable Master Zhi Yi
- 智者得解 whereby the knowledgeable may gain understanding
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 34 Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahayana Mahaparinirvana sutra) 大般涅槃經 — count: 61
- Scroll 9 A Chronicle of Buddhism in China 佛祖統紀 — count: 60 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Śraddhābāladhānāavatāramudrāsūtra (Xin Li Ru Yin Famen Jing) 信力入印法門經 — count: 47
- Scroll 1 Tiantai School Documents 天台宗章疏 — count: 43
- Scroll 37 Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahaparinirvana Sutra) 大般涅槃經 — count: 42 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Scriptures Compiled by Saṃgharakṣa (Sengjialuocha Suo Ji Jing) 僧伽羅剎所集經 — count: 33
- Scroll 38 Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Mahaparinirvana Sutra) 大般涅槃經 — count: 31 , has English translation
- Scroll 6 Gagaṇagañjaparipṛcchā (Da Ji Da Xukongzang Pusa Suo Wen Jing) 大集大虛空藏菩薩所問經 — count: 31
- Scroll 6 A Chronicle of Buddhism in China 佛祖統紀 — count: 27 , has English translation
- Scroll 22 Chu Yao Jing (Udānavarga) 出曜經 — count: 26
- 智者作 (智者作) 彼有智者作如是觀 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 16 — count: 12
- 其一智者 (其一智者) 其一智者言 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 7 — count: 7
- 智者自知 (智者自知) 智者自知 — An Alternative Translation of the Saṃyukta Āgama (Saṁyukatāgamasūtra) 別譯雜阿含經, Scroll 7 — count: 5
- 智者能 (智者能) 唯智者能了 — Sutra on Śakra's Questions (Dishi Suo Wen Jing) 帝釋所問經, Scroll 1 — count: 5
- 智者言 (智者言) 其一智者言 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 7 — count: 4
- 夫智者 (夫智者) 夫智者以譬得解 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 5 — count: 4
- 智者所知 (智者所知) 智者所知 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 3
- 智者见 (智者見) 智者見之 — The Fruits of the Contemplative Life (Jizhiguo Jing) 寂志果經, Scroll 1 — count: 3
- 唯有智者 (唯有智者) 唯有智者 — An Alternative Translation of the Saṃyukta Āgama (Saṁyukatāgamasūtra) 別譯雜阿含經, Scroll 4 — count: 3
- 智者成就 (智者成就) 智者成就口四行 — Ekottarāgama 增壹阿含經, Scroll 12 — count: 3