无忧 (無憂) wú yōu
wú yōu
did not worry
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Quote: from Scroll 1, Chapter 4 of 新語 “New Discussions,” by 陸賈 Lu Jia, d. 170 BCE (reworded from tr. by Csikszentmihalyi 2006, p. 55) -
wú yōu
proper noun
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism) -
wú yōu
proper noun
without sorrow
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism) -
wú yōu
no sorrow
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: aśoka, Tibetan: mya ngan med pa (Mahāvyutpatti 'aśokaḥ'; MW 'aśoka'; SH '無憂', p. 379) -
wú yōu
proper noun
Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Indian Buddhism , Concept: Person 人
Notes: See 阿育王 (FGDB '阿育王')
Contained in
- 静无忧运动(靜無憂運動) Santi Asoke Community
- 无忧人(無憂人) Carefree One
- 无忧恼处(無憂惱處) a place with sorrow or affliction
- 无忧王(無憂王) King Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
- 三思终有益 百忍永无忧(三思終有益 百忍永無憂) Nothing can go wrong with thinking thrice; No troubles befall an ever persevering mind.
- 无忧最胜吉祥如来(無憂最勝吉祥如來) Wu You Zui Sheng Jixiang Rulai
- 能者十无 1. 从善如流 贤者无恼 2. 思想细密 智者无忧 3. 正直无私 勇者无惧 4. 乐于工作 勤者无惰 5. 人我来往 诚者无欺 6. 解衣推食 义者无悔 7. 敬重父母 孝者无违 8. 给人方便 善者无碍 9. 一心学佛 信者无妄 10. 慈悲待人 仁者无敌(能者十無 1. 從善如流 賢者無惱 2. 思想細密 智者無憂 3. 正直無私 勇者無懼 4. 樂於工作 勤者無惰 5. 人我來往 誠者無欺 6. 解衣推食 義者無悔 7. 敬重父母 孝者無違 8. 給人方便 善者無礙 9. 一心學佛 信者無妄 10. 慈悲待人 仁者無敵) Ten Freedom of the Capable In forging ahead in doing what is right, an eminent one is free of afflictions. In contemplating deliberately, a wise one is free of worries. In being honest and selfless, a brave one is free of fear. In finding joy in one's work, a diligent one is free of indolence. In dealing with people, a sincere one is free of deceit. In relinquishing one's food and clothing, a righteous one is free of regrets. In being respectful to one's parents, a dutiful son is free of defiance. In making things easier for others, a kind one is free of hindrances. In single-heartedly learning the Dharma, a faithful one is free of delusions. In treating others with compassion, a kind one is free of enemies.
- 智者无忧(智者無憂) The Wise Is Free from Worries
- 1. 当挫败困厄的时候 要能不气不馁不恼 2.当恐惧徬徨的时候 要能无忧无虑无苦 3.当遭受批评的时候 要能反省惭愧改正 4.当遇到瓶颈的时候 要能积极向上进取(1. 當挫敗困厄的時候 要能不氣不餒不惱 2.當恐懼徬徨的時候 要能無憂無慮無苦 3.當遭受批評的時候 要能反省慚愧改正 4.當遇到瓶頸的時候 要能積極向上進取) 1. In times of setback and adversity, do not get angry, depressed or troubled. 2. In times of fear and confusion, do not worry, get anxious, or suffer. 3. In times of criticism, remember to introspect, repent, and correct one's wrongdoings. 4. In times of stagnation, be positive and willing to forge ahead.
- 无忧花(無憂花) aśoka flower
Also contained in
无忧树 、 无忧无虑 、 高枕无忧 、 衣食无忧 、 安枕无忧
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 3 Kuśalamūlasamparigraha (Fo Shuo Hua Shou Jing) 佛說華手經 — count: 17
- Scroll 43 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 17 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 4 Da Ban Niepan Jing Yi Ji 大般涅槃經義記 — count: 17
- Scroll 47 Mūlasarvāstivādavinayavibhaṅga (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Pi Nai Ye) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶 — count: 12
- Scroll 18 Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經 — count: 12 , has English translation , has parallel version
- Scroll 1 Yaoshi Qi Fo Gongyang Yi Gui Ruyi Wang Jing (Medicine Buddha and Seven Buddhas Liturgy and Sutra) 藥師七佛供養儀軌如意王經 — count: 12
- Scroll 12 Da Ban Niepan Jing Shu 大般涅槃經疏 — count: 9
- Scroll 1 Yaoshi Liuli Guang Wang Qi Fo Benyuan Gongde Jing Niansong Yi Gui Gongyang Fa (Medicine Buddha, King of Lapis Lazuli Light and Merits of the Seven Buddhas Sutra and Liturgy for Offering Ritual) 藥師琉璃光王七佛本願功德經念誦儀軌供養法 — count: 9
- Scroll 10 Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra) 大方廣佛華嚴經 — count: 9
- Scroll 1 Medicine Buddha, King of Lapis Lazuli Light and Merits of the Seven Buddhas Sutra and Liturgy (Yaoshi Liuli Guang Wang Qi Fo Benyuan Gongde Jing Niansong Yi Gui) 藥師琉璃光王七佛本願功德經念誦儀軌 — count: 9
- 无忧慼 (無憂慼) 心無憂慼 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 12 — count: 33
- 意无忧 (意無憂) 意無憂慼耶 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 17 — count: 14
- 无忧患 (無憂患) 至終無憂患 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 11 — count: 12
- 无忧恼 (無憂惱) 令母無憂惱 — Sutra of the Seven Buddhas 七佛經, Scroll 1 — count: 8
- 无忧苦 (無憂苦) 心無憂苦 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 5 — count: 7
- 无忧愁 (無憂愁) 無憂愁慼 — Middle Length Discourses (Zhong Ahan Jing) 中阿含經, Scroll 22 — count: 6
- 无忧喜 (無憂喜) 無憂喜想 — Nirvāṇa Sūtra 般泥洹經, Scroll 1 — count: 5
- 无忧处 (無憂處) 得到無憂處 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 4 — count: 4
- 心得无忧 (心得無憂) 心得無憂畏 — Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經, Scroll 40 — count: 4
- 名曰无忧 (名曰無憂) 名曰無憂 — Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經, Scroll 1 — count: 3