三慧 sān huì
sān huì
three kinds of wisdom
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: tisrah prajñā, Tibetan: shes rab rnam pa gsum gyi ming la; 1. 聞慧 wisdom acquired from listening, 2. 思慧 wisdom acquired from reflection, and 3. 修慧 wisdom acquired from cultivation (BL, p. 1068; Ding '三慧'; Tzu Chuang 2012, pp. 388-390; FGDB '三慧'; Mahāvyutpatti 'trividhāḥ prajñāḥ'; SH '三慧', p. 65)
Contained in
- 三慧经(三慧經) San Hui Jing
- 三慧; 1. 闻慧 2. 思慧 3. 修慧(三慧; 1. 聞慧 2. 思慧 3. 修慧) Three Kinds of Wisdom: 1. wisdom from hearing; 2. wisdom from thinking; 3. wisdom from practice
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 6 Dasheng Fa Yuan Yi Lin Zhang 大乘法苑義林章 — count: 30
- Scroll 42 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 — count: 26
- Scroll 19 Commentary on the Yogācārabhūmiśāstra 瑜伽論記 — count: 13
- Scroll 8 Fa Hua Yi Shu 法華義疏 — count: 13
- Scroll 7 Miaofa Lianhua Jing Wen Ju 妙法蓮華經文句 — count: 11
- Scroll 10 Dasheng Yi Zhang 大乘義章 — count: 11
- Scroll 8 Mahāyānasaṅgrāhabhāṣya (She Dacheng Lun Shi) 攝大乘論釋 — count: 10
- Scroll 1 Ren Wang Jing Shu 仁王經疏 — count: 9
- Scroll 8 Fa Hua Xuan Lun 法華玄論 — count: 9
- Scroll 20 Commentary on the Yogācārabhūmiśāstra 瑜伽論記 — count: 8
- 随顺三慧 (隨順三慧) 四由知義隨順三慧 — Summary of the Great Vehicle (Mahāyānasaṅgraha, Paramārtha tr.) 攝大乘論, Scroll 1 — count: 6
- 具三慧 (具三慧) 欲色二界皆具三慧 — Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論, Scroll 42 — count: 5
- 明三慧 (明三慧) 此中先明三慧境 — Mahāyānasaṅgrāhabhāṣya (She Dacheng Lun Shi) 攝大乘論釋, Scroll 8 — count: 5
- 闻思修三慧 (聞思修三慧) 聞思修三慧 — Abhidharmakośaśāstra (Apidamo Ju She Shi Lun) 阿毘達磨俱舍釋論, Scroll 16 — count: 4
- 三慧功能 (三慧功能) 後明三慧功能 — Mahāyānasaṅgrāhabhāṣya (She Dacheng Lun Shi) 攝大乘論釋, Scroll 8 — count: 4
- 三慧境 (三慧境) 此中先明三慧境 — Mahāyānasaṅgrāhabhāṣya (She Dacheng Lun Shi) 攝大乘論釋, Scroll 8 — count: 4
- 三慧品 (三慧品) 心心所皆入如是三慧品攝 — Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論, Scroll 42 — count: 3
- 三慧思慧 (三慧思慧) 三慧思慧 — Śāriputrābhidharmaśāstra (Shelifu Apitan Lun) 舍利弗阿毘曇論, Scroll 7 — count: 3
- 辩三慧 (辯三慧) 爾時難辯三慧相 — Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra (Apidamo Shun Zheng Lilun) 阿毘達磨順正理論, Scroll 59 — count: 3
- 修三慧 (修三慧) 修所成慧現在前時能修三慧 — Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論, Scroll 42 — count: 3