Notes on the Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna 起信論疏筆削記

Recorded by Zi Xuan


第 44 冊 No. 1848 起信論疏筆削記 宋 子璿錄 共 20 卷 Volume 44, No. 1848 Notes on the Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna Recorded by Zi Xuan in the Song in 20 scrolls


A commentary on 《大乘起信論》 Mahāyānaśraddhotpādaśāstra or 'Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna' by Aśvaghoṣa (T 1666) English translations: None

Primary Source

Zi Xuan, 《起信論疏筆削記》 'Notes on the Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna,' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 44, No. 1848, Accessed 2016-10-24,

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