Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經
Translated by Buddhayaśas and Fo Nian in the Later Qin in 22 scrolls.
- Scroll 1
- Scroll 2
- Scroll 3
- Scroll 4
- Scroll 5
- Scroll 6
- Scroll 7
- Scroll 8
- Scroll 9
- Scroll 10
- Scroll 11
- Scroll 12
- Scroll 13
- Scroll 14
- Scroll 15
- Scroll 16
- Scroll 17
- Scroll 18
- Scroll 19
- Scroll 20
- Scroll 21
- Scroll 22
長阿含經 後秦 佛陀耶舍共竺佛念譯 共 22 卷Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing); Translated by Buddhayaśas and Fo Nian in the Later Qin in 22 scrolls.
Other Titles
Translated in Chang'an in 413 (Lancaster, 2004, 'K 647')English Translations
- Anālayo 2009, “Views and the Tathāgata – A Comparative Study and Translation of the Brahmajāla in the Chinese Dīrgha-āgama,” In: K.L. Dhammajoti et al. ed. Buddhist and Pali Studies in Honour of the Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha, Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, pp. 183-234. Partial.
- Anālayo 2015, “Brahmavihāra and Awakening, A Study of the Dīrgha-āgama Parallel to the Tevijja-Sutta,” Asian Literature and Translation, 3(4). Partial.
- Anālayo, 2017, Dīrgha-āgama Studies, Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing, at https://buddhistuniversity.net/content/monographs/da-studies_analayo. Partial.
- DiSimone, Charles 2016, “Intertextuality, Contradiction, and Confusion in the Prasādanīya-sūtra, Sampasādanīya-sutta, and 自歡喜經 (Zì huānxǐ jīng),” Buddhist Studies Review, Vol.33-2: 141-162. Partial.
- Howard, A. F. 1986, “The Sutra of Cosmology Constituting the Fourth Part of the Dīrghāgama, Translated by Buddhayaśas during the Later Ch'in Dynasty (384-417),” In: The Imagery of the Cosmological Buddha. Netherlands: E.J. Brill, pp. 115-156. Partial (Sutra 30).
- Ichimura, Shohei 2015, The Canonical Book of the Buddha’s Lengthy Discourses, Volume I, (Taishō Volume 1, Number 1), translated from the Chinese, BDK English Tripiṭaka Series, Moraga, California: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, at https://bdkamerica.org/product/the-canonical-book-of-the-buddhas-lengthy-discourses-vol-i. Partial (sutras 1-10).
- Ichimura, Shohei 2016, The Canonical Book of the Buddha’s Lengthy Discourses, Volume II, (Taishō Volume 1, Number 1), translated from the Chinese, BDK English Tripiṭaka Series, Moraga, California: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, at https://bdkamerica.org/product/the-canonical-book-of-the-buddhas-lengthy-discourses-vol-ii. Partial (sutras 11-20).
- Ichimura, Shohei 2018, The Canonical Book of the Buddha’s Lengthy Discourses, Volume III, (Taishō Volume 1, Number 1), translated from the Chinese, BDK English Tripiṭaka Series, Moraga, California: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, at https://bdkamerica.org/product/the-canonical-book-of-the-buddhas-lengthy-discourses-vol-iii. Partial (sutras 21-30).
- Kieschnick, John and Simon Wiles 2017, A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings, Volume One: Foundations, Stanford, California: Stanford University, https://religiousstudies.stanford.edu/people/john-kieschnick/primer-chinese-buddhist-writings. Partial.
- Meisig, K 2011, Beginnings of Buddhist Ethics: the Chinese Parallel to the Kūṭadantasutta, Germany: Harrassowitz. Partial.
- “Digha Nikaya: The Long Discourses,” edited by Access to Insight, Access to Insight (Legacy Edition), 15 November 2013, http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/dn/index.html.
- Walshe, Maurice 2005, The Long Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Digha Nikaya, Simon and Schuster.
Adapted from Lancaster, (Lancaster 2004) reproduced with permission. Korean variants have been replaced with the variants in the Taishō- 1. 大本經 D.14 Mahāpadānasutta - Scroll 1
- 2. 遊行經 D.16. Mahāparinibbānasutta - Scrolls 2-4
- 3. 典尊經 D.19 Mahāgovindasutta Mahāvastu - Scroll 5
- 4. 闍尼沙經 D.18 Janavasabhasutta - Scroll 5
- 5. 小緣經 D.27 Aggaññasutta - Scroll 6
- 6. 轉輪聖王修行經 D.26 Cakkavattisīhanādasutta - Scroll 6
- 7. 弊宿經 D.23 Pāyāsisutta - Scroll 7
- 8. 散陀那經 D.25 Udumbarikasīhanādasutta - Scroll 8
- 9. 眾集經 D.33 Saṅgītisutta - Scroll 8
- 10. 十上經 D.34 Dasuttarasutta - Scroll 9
- 11. 增一經 Gradual Increase of Doctrines by One - Scroll 9
- 12. 三聚經 Doctrines in Groups of Three - Scroll 10
- 13. 大緣方便經 D.15 Mahānidānasutta - Scroll 10
- 14. 釋提桓因問經 D.21 Sakkapañhasutta - Scroll 10
- 15. 阿㝹夷經 Episode at Anupiya - Scroll 11
- 16. 善生經 D.31 Siṅgālovādasutta - Scroll 11
- 17. 清淨經 D.29 Pāsādikasutta - Scroll 12
- 18. 自歡喜經 D.28 Sampasādanīyasutta - Scroll 12
- 19. 大會經 D.20 Mahāsamayasutta - Scroll 12
- 20. 阿摩晝經 D.3 Ambaṭṭhasutta - Scroll 13
- 21. 梵動經 D.1 Brahmajālasutta - Scroll 14
- 22. 種德經 D.4 Soṇadaṇḍasutta - Scroll 15
- 23. 究羅檀頭經 D.5 Kūṭadantasutta - Scroll 15
- 24. 堅固經 D.11 Kevaṭṭạsutta - Scroll 16
- 25. 倮形梵志經 D.8 Kassapasīhanādasutta - Scroll 16
- 26. 三明經 D.13 Tevijjasutta - Scroll 16
- 27. 沙門果經 D.2 Samaññaphalasutta - Scroll 17
- 28. 布吒婆樓經 D.9 Poṭṭhapādasutta - Scroll 17
- 29. 露遮經 D.12 Lohiccasutta - Scroll 17
- 30. 世記經 Discourse on Buddhist Cosmology - Scroll 18
Primary Source
Buddhayaśas, trans., 《長阿含經》 'Dīrghāgama,' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 1, No. 1, Accessed 2016-07-09, http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/T01n0001.References
- Lancaster, 2004, 'K 647'.