Glossary and Vocabulary for Mahavairocana abbreviated Five Branch Healing Liturgy (Da Piluzhena Lue Yao Su Ji Men Wu Zhi Niansong Fa) 大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念誦法, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 12 sòng to recite; to read aloud; to recite from memory 誦三遍
2 12 sòng to recount; to narrate 誦三遍
3 12 sòng a poem 誦三遍
4 12 sòng recite; priase; pāṭha 誦三遍
5 12 yǐn to lead; to guide
6 12 yǐn to draw a bow
7 12 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen
8 12 yǐn to stretch
9 12 yǐn to involve
10 12 yǐn to quote; to cite
11 12 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend
12 12 yǐn to recruit
13 12 yǐn to hold
14 12 yǐn to withdraw; to leave
15 12 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart
16 12 yǐn a preface ; a forward
17 12 yǐn a license
18 12 yǐn long
19 12 yǐn to cause
20 12 yǐn to pull; to draw
21 12 yǐn a refrain; a tune
22 12 yǐn to grow
23 12 yǐn to command
24 12 yǐn to accuse
25 12 yǐn to commit suicide
26 12 yǐn a genre
27 12 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money
28 12 yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
29 11 biàn all; complete 誦三遍
30 11 biàn to be covered with 誦三遍
31 11 biàn everywhere; sarva 誦三遍
32 11 biàn pervade; visva 誦三遍
33 11 biàn everywhere fragrant; paricitra 誦三遍
34 11 biàn everywhere; spharaṇa 誦三遍
35 11 sān three 三金剛真言
36 11 sān third 三金剛真言
37 11 sān more than two 三金剛真言
38 11 sān very few 三金剛真言
39 11 sān San 三金剛真言
40 11 sān three; tri 三金剛真言
41 11 sān sa 三金剛真言
42 11 sān three kinds; trividha 三金剛真言
43 10 真言 zhēnyán true words 三金剛真言
44 10 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 三金剛真言
45 10 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 三金剛真言
46 9 曩莫 nǎngmò namo; to pay respect to; homage 曩莫三滿多沒馱南
47 9 三滿多 sānmǎnduō together with; samanta 曩莫三滿多沒馱南
48 8 èr two 二合
49 8 èr Kangxi radical 7 二合
50 8 èr second 二合
51 8 èr twice; double; di- 二合
52 8 èr more than one kind 二合
53 8 èr two; dvā; dvi 二合
54 8 èr both; dvaya 二合
55 8 to join; to combine 二合
56 8 to close 二合
57 8 to agree with; equal to 二合
58 8 to gather 二合
59 8 whole 二合
60 8 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
61 8 a musical note 二合
62 8 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
63 8 to fight 二合
64 8 to conclude 二合
65 8 to be similar to 二合
66 8 crowded 二合
67 8 a box 二合
68 8 to copulate 二合
69 8 a partner; a spouse 二合
70 8 harmonious 二合
71 8 He 二合
72 8 a container for grain measurement 二合
73 8 Merge 二合
74 8 unite; saṃyoga 二合
75 7 suō to dance; to frolic 曳娑縛
76 7 suō to lounge 曳娑縛
77 7 suō to saunter 曳娑縛
78 7 suō suo 曳娑縛
79 7 suō sa 曳娑縛
80 7 to bind; to tie 曳娑縛
81 7 to restrict; to limit; to constrain 曳娑縛
82 7 a leash; a tether 曳娑縛
83 7 binding; attachment; bond; bandha 曳娑縛
84 7 va 曳娑縛
85 6 沒馱南 méiduònán buddhānām 曩莫三滿多沒馱南
86 6 hōng hum
87 6 óu to bellow
88 6 hōng dull; stupid
89 6 hōng hum
90 4 to congratulate
91 4 to send a present
92 4 He
93 4 ha
94 4 縛日羅 fúrìluó vajra 曩莫三滿多縛日羅
95 4 é to intone 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
96 4 é ga 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
97 4 é na 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
98 3 金剛 jīngāng a diamond 三金剛真言
99 3 金剛 jīngāng King Kong 三金剛真言
100 3 金剛 jīngāng a hard object 三金剛真言
101 3 金剛 jīngāng gorilla 三金剛真言
102 3 金剛 jīngāng diamond 三金剛真言
103 3 金剛 jīngāng vajra 三金剛真言
104 3 grieved; saddened 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
105 3 worried 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
106 3 ta 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
107 3 hán to contain 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
108 3 hán to hold in the mouth 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
109 3 hán to harbor feelings; to cherish 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
110 3 hán to withold; to hold in; to restrain; to endure 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
111 3 hán to be infused with [color] 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
112 3 hán to tolerate; to forgive 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
113 3 hàn a piece of jade placed in the mouth of the deceased 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
114 3 hàn to place a piece of jade placed in the mouth of the deceased 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
115 3 hán together; saha 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
116 3 shè to forgive; to pardon 赦嚩日囉
117 3 shè She 赦嚩日囉
118 2 verbose; talkative 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
119 2 mumbling 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
120 2 ru 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
121 2 to bewitch; to charm; to infatuate 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
122 2 a fan; an enthusiast 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
123 2 mi 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
124 2 to be confused; to be lost 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
125 2 to be obsessed with 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
126 2 complete; full 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
127 2 to confuse; creating illusions; māyā 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
128 2 cān to take part in; to participate 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
129 2 shēn ginseng 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
130 2 sān three 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
131 2 shēn to intervene 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
132 2 cān to mix; to blend 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
133 2 cān to call on a superior; to visit 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
134 2 cān to accuse of misconduct 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
135 2 cān to investigate 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
136 2 cēn uneven; jagged; crisscrossed 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
137 2 shēn Shen 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
138 2 cān to assist with 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
139 2 cān to arrange 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
140 2 cān to even up 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
141 2 cān to extend to an equal level 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
142 2 cān to consult 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
143 2 cān Inquire 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
144 2 cān ginger; ārdrā 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
145 2 cān assembly; worship on the four fives 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
146 2 sentence 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
147 2 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
148 2 gōu to tease 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
149 2 gōu to delineate 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
150 2 gōu a young bud 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
151 2 clause; phrase; line 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
152 2 a musical phrase 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
153 2 verse; pada; gāthā 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
154 2 niè a sprout 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
155 2 niè yeast; leaven for making liquors 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
156 2 nǎng ancient times; former times 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
157 2 nǎng na 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
158 2 hān to put in the mouth
159 2 seven 誦七遍
160 2 a genre of poetry 誦七遍
161 2 seventh day memorial ceremony 誦七遍
162 2 seven; sapta 誦七遍
163 2 móu barley
164 2 móu to make
165 2 móu to moo; bellow; low
166 2 móu to increase; to enlarge
167 2 móu to seek; to obtain; to take
168 2 large
169 2 móu to be equal; to be the same
170 2 móu Mou
171 2 móu muḥ
172 2 to take 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
173 2 to bring 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
174 2 to grasp; to hold 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
175 2 to arrest 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
176 2 da 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
177 2 na 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
178 2 大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念誦法 dà pílúzhēnà lüè yào sù jí mén wǔ zhī niànsòng fǎ Mahavairocana abbreviated Five Branch Healing Liturgy; Da Piluzhena Lue Yao Su Ji Men Wu Zhi Niansong Fa 大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念誦法
179 2 five 誦五遍
180 2 fifth musical note 誦五遍
181 2 Wu 誦五遍
182 2 the five elements 誦五遍
183 2 five; pañca 誦五遍
184 2 emperor; supreme ruler 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
185 2 the ruler of Heaven 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
186 2 a god 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
187 2 imperialism 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
188 2 lord; pārthiva 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
189 2 Indra 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
190 2 ā to groan 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
191 2 ā a 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
192 2 ē to flatter 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
193 2 ē river bank 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
194 2 ē beam; pillar 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
195 2 ē a hillslope; a mound 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
196 2 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
197 2 ē E 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
198 2 ē to depend on 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
199 2 ē e 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
200 2 ē a buttress 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
201 2 ē be partial to 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
202 2 ē thick silk 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
203 2 ē e 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
204 2 duò to carry on one's back 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
205 2 tuó to carry on one's back 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
206 2 duò dha 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
207 2 to grind 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
208 2 grindstone 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
209 2 to polish; to sharpen; to rub 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
210 2 to turn around 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
211 2 to mill 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
212 2 to eliminate 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
213 2 to be tangled 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
214 2 a difficulty; an obstruction 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
215 2 grindstone; śilāputra 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
216 1 to cry out; to shout 上聲呼之
217 1 to breath out; to exhale 上聲呼之
218 1 to praise 上聲呼之
219 1 to regard as 上聲呼之
220 1 to call; to beckon 上聲呼之
221 1 to call by name; to refer to 上聲呼之
222 1 hu 上聲呼之
223 1 Hu 上聲呼之
224 1 to call; āhūta 上聲呼之
225 1 ho 上聲呼之
226 1 zhì to create; to make; to manufacture 迦縛制
227 1 zhì to formulate; to regulate; to designate 迦縛制
228 1 zhì a system; laws; rules; regulations 迦縛制
229 1 zhì to overpower; to control; to restrict 迦縛制
230 1 zhì to cut 迦縛制
231 1 zhì a style 迦縛制
232 1 zhì zhi 迦縛制
233 1 zhì an imperial order 迦縛制
234 1 zhì to establish; to create; to make; to manufacture 迦縛制
235 1 zhì to consider and decide 迦縛制
236 1 zhì the funeral of a relative 迦縛制
237 1 zhì to tailor; to make clothes 迦縛制
238 1 zhì writing; literature 迦縛制
239 1 zhì regulations; prajñāpti 迦縛制
240 1 No 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
241 1 nuó to move 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
242 1 nuó much 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
243 1 nuó stable; quiet 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
244 1 na 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
245 1 nán nan 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
246 1 nán nama; praise 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
247 1 one 誦法一卷
248 1 Kangxi radical 1 誦法一卷
249 1 pure; concentrated 誦法一卷
250 1 first 誦法一卷
251 1 the same 誦法一卷
252 1 sole; single 誦法一卷
253 1 a very small amount 誦法一卷
254 1 Yi 誦法一卷
255 1 other 誦法一卷
256 1 to unify 誦法一卷
257 1 accidentally; coincidentally 誦法一卷
258 1 abruptly; suddenly 誦法一卷
259 1 one; eka 誦法一卷
260 1 lún a wheel 轉大法輪真言
261 1 lún a disk; a ring 轉大法輪真言
262 1 lún a revolution 轉大法輪真言
263 1 lún to revolve; to turn; to recur 轉大法輪真言
264 1 lún to take turns; in turn 轉大法輪真言
265 1 lún a steamer; a steamboat 轉大法輪真言
266 1 lún a 12 year cycle 轉大法輪真言
267 1 lún a vehicle with wheels 轉大法輪真言
268 1 lún a north-south measurement 轉大法輪真言
269 1 lún perimeter; circumference 轉大法輪真言
270 1 lún high soaring 轉大法輪真言
271 1 lún Lun 轉大法輪真言
272 1 lún wheel; cakra 轉大法輪真言
273 1 method; way 誦法一卷
274 1 France 誦法一卷
275 1 the law; rules; regulations 誦法一卷
276 1 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 誦法一卷
277 1 a standard; a norm 誦法一卷
278 1 an institution 誦法一卷
279 1 to emulate 誦法一卷
280 1 magic; a magic trick 誦法一卷
281 1 punishment 誦法一卷
282 1 Fa 誦法一卷
283 1 a precedent 誦法一卷
284 1 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 誦法一卷
285 1 relating to a ceremony or rite 誦法一卷
286 1 Dharma 誦法一卷
287 1 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 誦法一卷
288 1 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 誦法一卷
289 1 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 誦法一卷
290 1 quality; characteristic 誦法一卷
291 1 niàn to read aloud 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
292 1 niàn to remember; to expect 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
293 1 niàn to miss 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
294 1 niàn to consider 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
295 1 niàn to recite; to chant 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
296 1 niàn to show affection for 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
297 1 niàn a thought; an idea 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
298 1 niàn twenty 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
299 1 niàn memory 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
300 1 niàn an instant 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
301 1 niàn Nian 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
302 1 niàn mindfulness; smrti 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
303 1 niàn a thought; citta 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
304 1 zhī to go 上聲呼之
305 1 zhī to arrive; to go 上聲呼之
306 1 zhī is 上聲呼之
307 1 zhī to use 上聲呼之
308 1 zhī Zhi 上聲呼之
309 1 zhī winding 上聲呼之
310 1 xiàn to offer; to present 獻閼伽真言
311 1 xiàn to show; to display 獻閼伽真言
312 1 xiàn to celebrate 獻閼伽真言
313 1 xiàn a worthy person 獻閼伽真言
314 1 xiàn a document 獻閼伽真言
315 1 xiàn to perform 獻閼伽真言
316 1 suō a technique for filtering wine 獻閼伽真言
317 1 suō a container for sacrificial wine 獻閼伽真言
318 1 xiàn offering; arpaṇa 獻閼伽真言
319 1 閼伽 èjiā scented water; argha 獻閼伽真言
320 1 chú to cut grass, hay, or fodder 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
321 1 戰拏 zhànná canda; violent 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
322 1 qiàn to owe 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
323 1 qiàn to yawn 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
324 1 qiàn Kangxi radical 76 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
325 1 qiàn to lift [one's body] 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
326 1 qiàn to lack; to be deficient 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
327 1 qiàn debt 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
328 1 qiàn yawn; vijṛmbhita 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
329 1 達磨 dámó Bodhidharma 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
330 1 不動尊 bù dòng zūn Acala 不動尊真言
331 1 不動尊 bù dòng zūn Acalanatha 不動尊真言
332 1 三摩 sānmó samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
333 1 法界生真言 fǎjiè shēng zhēnyán Birth in the Dharmadhatu Mantra 法界生真言
334 1 嚩日囉 fúrìluó vajra 赦嚩日囉
335 1 ǎn to contain 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
336 1 ǎn to eat with the hands 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
337 1 yào to want; to wish for 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
338 1 yào to want 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
339 1 yāo a treaty 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
340 1 yào to request 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
341 1 yào essential points; crux 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
342 1 yāo waist 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
343 1 yāo to cinch 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
344 1 yāo waistband 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
345 1 yāo Yao 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
346 1 yāo to pursue; to seek; to strive for 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
347 1 yāo to force; to coerce; to threaten; to compell; to intimidate 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
348 1 yāo to obstruct; to intercept 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
349 1 yāo to agree with 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
350 1 yāo to invite; to welcome 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
351 1 yào to summarize 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
352 1 yào essential; important 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
353 1 yào to desire 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
354 1 yào to demand 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
355 1 yào to need 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
356 1 yào should; must 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
357 1 yào might 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
358 1 to drag 曳娑縛
359 1 to drag 曳娑縛
360 1 to flutter; to sway 曳娑縛
361 1 exhausted 曳娑縛
362 1 ye 曳娑縛
363 1 common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive 普供養真言
364 1 Prussia 普供養真言
365 1 Pu 普供養真言
366 1 equally; impartially; universal; samanta 普供養真言
367 1 yùn to bring together; to collect; to accumulate 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
368 1 yùn to contain 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
369 1 yùn profundity 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
370 1 yùn withered grass 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
371 1 yùn aggregate; skandha 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
372 1 astringent; tart; acerbity; unsmooth; rough; hard to understand; obscure 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
373 1 to vex; to offend; to incite 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
374 1 to attract 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
375 1 to worry about 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
376 1 to infect 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
377 1 injure; viheṭhaka 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
378 1 護身 hù shēn protection of the body 金剛護身真言
379 1 inside; interior 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
380 1 Kangxi radical 166 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
381 1 a small village; ri 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
382 1 a residence 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
383 1 a neighborhood; an alley 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
384 1 a local administrative district 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
385 1 interior; antar 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
386 1 village; antar 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
387 1 fu 娑嚩
388 1 va 娑嚩
389 1 juǎn to coil; to roll 誦法一卷
390 1 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 誦法一卷
391 1 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 誦法一卷
392 1 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 誦法一卷
393 1 juǎn to involve; to embroil 誦法一卷
394 1 juǎn a break roll 誦法一卷
395 1 juàn an examination paper 誦法一卷
396 1 juàn a file 誦法一卷
397 1 quán crinkled; curled 誦法一卷
398 1 juǎn to include 誦法一卷
399 1 juǎn to store away 誦法一卷
400 1 juǎn to sever; to break off 誦法一卷
401 1 juǎn Juan 誦法一卷
402 1 juàn tired 誦法一卷
403 1 quán beautiful 誦法一卷
404 1 juǎn wrapped 誦法一卷
405 1 yùn to move; to transport 仁運睿
406 1 yùn fortune; luck; fate 仁運睿
407 1 yùn to rotate; to turn 仁運睿
408 1 yùn turning of the universe 仁運睿
409 1 yùn to advance 仁運睿
410 1 yùn to use; to apply 仁運睿
411 1 yùn north-south distance 仁運睿
412 1 yùn to wave; to brandish 仁運睿
413 1 yùn games; competition 仁運睿
414 1 yùn Yun 仁運睿
415 1 yùn transport; vāhin 仁運睿
416 1 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
417 1 shā to hurt 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
418 1 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
419 1 shā hurt; han 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
420 1 other; another; some other 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
421 1 other 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
422 1 tha 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
423 1 ṭha 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
424 1 other; anya 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
425 1 達磨馱都 dámóduòdōu dharmadhatu 達磨馱都拏蘖帝娑縛
426 1 根本 gēnběn fundamental; basic 毘盧舍那根本真言
427 1 根本 gēnběn a foundation; a basis 毘盧舍那根本真言
428 1 根本 gēnběn root 毘盧舍那根本真言
429 1 根本 gēnběn capital 毘盧舍那根本真言
430 1 根本 gēnběn Basis 毘盧舍那根本真言
431 1 根本 gēnběn mūla; root 毘盧舍那根本真言
432 1 ruì shrewd; astute; clever; keen; wise 仁運睿
433 1 ruì wisdom 仁運睿
434 1 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail) 轉大法輪真言
435 1 zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about 轉大法輪真言
436 1 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to shift; to turn 轉大法輪真言
437 1 zhuǎn to turn; to rotate 轉大法輪真言
438 1 zhuǎi to use many literary allusions 轉大法輪真言
439 1 zhuǎn to transfer 轉大法輪真言
440 1 zhuǎn to move forward; pravartana 轉大法輪真言
441 1 燒香 shāo xiāng to burn incense 燒香真言
442 1 燒香 shāo xiāng to burn incense 燒香真言
443 1 燒香 shāo xiāng aromatic powder; incense intended for burning; cūrṇa 燒香真言
444 1 燒香 shāo xiāng to burn incense; dhūpa 燒香真言
445 1 燒香 shāo xiāng Head of Devotees’ Gathering 燒香真言
446 1 Wu 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
447 1 crow; rook; raven 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
448 1 black; dark 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
449 1 a dark sky during daytime 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
450 1 to dye black 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
451 1 crow; kāka 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
452 1 speed 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
453 1 quick; fast 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
454 1 urgent 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
455 1 to recruit 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
456 1 to urge; to invite 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
457 1 quick; śīghra 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
458 1 供養 gòngyǎng to provide for one's elders; to support one's parents 普供養真言
459 1 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to provide offerings; to worship 普供養真言
460 1 供養 gòngyǎng offering 普供養真言
461 1 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to worship; to honor 普供養真言
462 1 zhà shout in a rage; roar; bellow 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
463 1 zhà to scold; to find fault with someone 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
464 1 zhà to sympathize with; to lament 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
465 1 zhā zha 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
466 1 zhà to exaggerate 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
467 1 zhà ta 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
468 1 luó baby talk
469 1 luō to nag
470 1 luó ra
471 1 大毘盧 dàpílú Mahavairocana 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
472 1 to rub 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
473 1 to approach; to press in 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
474 1 to sharpen; to grind 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
475 1 to obliterate; to erase 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
476 1 to compare notes; to learn by interaction 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
477 1 friction 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
478 1 ma 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
479 1 Māyā 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
480 1 慈覺 cíjué Ci Jue 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
481 1 慈覺 cíjué Jikaku 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
482 1 lüè plan; strategy 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
483 1 lüè to administer 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
484 1 lüè Lue 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
485 1 lüè to plunder; to seize 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
486 1 lüè to simplify; to omit; to leave out 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
487 1 lüè an outline 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
488 1 lüè concisely; samāsatas 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
489 1 book; volume
490 1 a roll of bamboo slips
491 1 a plan; a scheme
492 1 to confer
493 1 chǎi a book with embroidered covers
494 1 patent of enfeoffment
495 1 to break; to split; to smash 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
496 1 worn-out; broken 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
497 1 to destroy; to ruin 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
498 1 to break a rule; to allow an exception 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
499 1 to defeat 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
500 1 low quality; in poor condition 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破

Frequencies of all Words

Top 654

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 12 sòng to recite; to read aloud; to recite from memory 誦三遍
2 12 sòng to recount; to narrate 誦三遍
3 12 sòng a poem 誦三遍
4 12 sòng recite; priase; pāṭha 誦三遍
5 12 yǐn to lead; to guide
6 12 yǐn to draw a bow
7 12 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen
8 12 yǐn to stretch
9 12 yǐn to involve
10 12 yǐn to quote; to cite
11 12 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend
12 12 yǐn to recruit
13 12 yǐn to hold
14 12 yǐn to withdraw; to leave
15 12 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart
16 12 yǐn a preface ; a forward
17 12 yǐn a license
18 12 yǐn long
19 12 yǐn yin; a measure of distance about 1/30th of a km
20 12 yǐn to cause
21 12 yǐn yin; a measure of for salt certificates
22 12 yǐn to pull; to draw
23 12 yǐn a refrain; a tune
24 12 yǐn to grow
25 12 yǐn to command
26 12 yǐn to accuse
27 12 yǐn to commit suicide
28 12 yǐn a genre
29 12 yǐn yin; a weight measure
30 12 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money
31 12 yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
32 11 biàn turn; one time 誦三遍
33 11 biàn all; complete 誦三遍
34 11 biàn everywhere; common 誦三遍
35 11 biàn to be covered with 誦三遍
36 11 biàn everywhere; sarva 誦三遍
37 11 biàn pervade; visva 誦三遍
38 11 biàn everywhere fragrant; paricitra 誦三遍
39 11 biàn everywhere; spharaṇa 誦三遍
40 11 sān three 三金剛真言
41 11 sān third 三金剛真言
42 11 sān more than two 三金剛真言
43 11 sān very few 三金剛真言
44 11 sān repeatedly 三金剛真言
45 11 sān San 三金剛真言
46 11 sān three; tri 三金剛真言
47 11 sān sa 三金剛真言
48 11 sān three kinds; trividha 三金剛真言
49 10 真言 zhēnyán true words 三金剛真言
50 10 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 三金剛真言
51 10 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 三金剛真言
52 9 曩莫 nǎngmò namo; to pay respect to; homage 曩莫三滿多沒馱南
53 9 三滿多 sānmǎnduō together with; samanta 曩莫三滿多沒馱南
54 8 èr two 二合
55 8 èr Kangxi radical 7 二合
56 8 èr second 二合
57 8 èr twice; double; di- 二合
58 8 èr another; the other 二合
59 8 èr more than one kind 二合
60 8 èr two; dvā; dvi 二合
61 8 èr both; dvaya 二合
62 8 to join; to combine 二合
63 8 a time; a trip 二合
64 8 to close 二合
65 8 to agree with; equal to 二合
66 8 to gather 二合
67 8 whole 二合
68 8 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
69 8 a musical note 二合
70 8 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
71 8 to fight 二合
72 8 to conclude 二合
73 8 to be similar to 二合
74 8 and; also 二合
75 8 crowded 二合
76 8 a box 二合
77 8 to copulate 二合
78 8 a partner; a spouse 二合
79 8 harmonious 二合
80 8 should 二合
81 8 He 二合
82 8 a unit of measure for grain 二合
83 8 a container for grain measurement 二合
84 8 Merge 二合
85 8 unite; saṃyoga 二合
86 7 suō to dance; to frolic 曳娑縛
87 7 suō to lounge 曳娑縛
88 7 suō to saunter 曳娑縛
89 7 suō suo 曳娑縛
90 7 suō sa 曳娑縛
91 7 to bind; to tie 曳娑縛
92 7 to restrict; to limit; to constrain 曳娑縛
93 7 a leash; a tether 曳娑縛
94 7 binding; attachment; bond; bandha 曳娑縛
95 7 va 曳娑縛
96 6 沒馱南 méiduònán buddhānām 曩莫三滿多沒馱南
97 6 hōng hum
98 6 óu to bellow
99 6 hōng dull; stupid
100 6 hōng hum
101 4 to congratulate
102 4 to send a present
103 4 He
104 4 ha
105 4 縛日羅 fúrìluó vajra 曩莫三滿多縛日羅
106 4 é to intone 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
107 4 é ga 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
108 4 é na 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
109 3 金剛 jīngāng a diamond 三金剛真言
110 3 金剛 jīngāng King Kong 三金剛真言
111 3 金剛 jīngāng a hard object 三金剛真言
112 3 金剛 jīngāng gorilla 三金剛真言
113 3 金剛 jīngāng diamond 三金剛真言
114 3 金剛 jīngāng vajra 三金剛真言
115 3 grieved; saddened 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
116 3 worried 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
117 3 ta 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
118 3 hán to contain 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
119 3 hán to hold in the mouth 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
120 3 hán to harbor feelings; to cherish 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
121 3 hán to withold; to hold in; to restrain; to endure 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
122 3 hán to be infused with [color] 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
123 3 hán to tolerate; to forgive 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
124 3 hàn a piece of jade placed in the mouth of the deceased 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
125 3 hàn to place a piece of jade placed in the mouth of the deceased 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
126 3 hán together; saha 娑泮吒耶吽怛羅吒含
127 3 shè to forgive; to pardon 赦嚩日囉
128 3 shè She 赦嚩日囉
129 2 verbose; talkative 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
130 2 mumbling 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
131 2 ru 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
132 2 to bewitch; to charm; to infatuate 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
133 2 a fan; an enthusiast 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
134 2 mi 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
135 2 to be confused; to be lost 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
136 2 to be obsessed with 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
137 2 complete; full 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
138 2 to confuse; creating illusions; māyā 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
139 2 cān to take part in; to participate 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
140 2 shēn ginseng 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
141 2 sān three 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
142 2 shēn to intervene 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
143 2 cān to mix; to blend 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
144 2 cān to call on a superior; to visit 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
145 2 cān to accuse of misconduct 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
146 2 cān to investigate 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
147 2 cēn uneven; jagged; crisscrossed 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
148 2 shēn Shen 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
149 2 cān to assist with 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
150 2 cān to arrange 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
151 2 cān to even up 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
152 2 cān to extend to an equal level 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
153 2 cān to consult 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
154 2 cān Inquire 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
155 2 cān ginger; ārdrā 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
156 2 cān assembly; worship on the four fives 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
157 2 sentence 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
158 2 measure word for phrases or lines of verse 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
159 2 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
160 2 gōu to tease 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
161 2 gōu to delineate 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
162 2 gōu if 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
163 2 gōu a young bud 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
164 2 clause; phrase; line 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
165 2 a musical phrase 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
166 2 verse; pada; gāthā 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
167 2 niè a sprout 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
168 2 niè yeast; leaven for making liquors 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
169 2 nǎng ancient times; former times 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
170 2 nǎng na 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
171 2 hān grunt
172 2 hān to put in the mouth
173 2 hān grunt; ham
174 2 seven 誦七遍
175 2 a genre of poetry 誦七遍
176 2 seventh day memorial ceremony 誦七遍
177 2 seven; sapta 誦七遍
178 2 móu barley
179 2 móu to make
180 2 móu to moo; bellow; low
181 2 móu to increase; to enlarge
182 2 móu to seek; to obtain; to take
183 2 large
184 2 móu to be equal; to be the same
185 2 móu Mou
186 2 móu muḥ
187 2 to take 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
188 2 to bring 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
189 2 to grasp; to hold 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
190 2 to arrest 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
191 2 da 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
192 2 na 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
193 2 大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念誦法 dà pílúzhēnà lüè yào sù jí mén wǔ zhī niànsòng fǎ Mahavairocana abbreviated Five Branch Healing Liturgy; Da Piluzhena Lue Yao Su Ji Men Wu Zhi Niansong Fa 大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念誦法
194 2 five 誦五遍
195 2 fifth musical note 誦五遍
196 2 Wu 誦五遍
197 2 the five elements 誦五遍
198 2 five; pañca 誦五遍
199 2 emperor; supreme ruler 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
200 2 the ruler of Heaven 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
201 2 a god 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
202 2 imperialism 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
203 2 lord; pārthiva 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
204 2 Indra 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
205 2 ā prefix to names of people 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
206 2 ā to groan 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
207 2 ā a 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
208 2 ē to flatter 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
209 2 ā expresses doubt 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
210 2 ē river bank 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
211 2 ē beam; pillar 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
212 2 ē a hillslope; a mound 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
213 2 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
214 2 ē E 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
215 2 ē to depend on 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
216 2 ā a final particle 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
217 2 ē e 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
218 2 ē a buttress 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
219 2 ē be partial to 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
220 2 ē thick silk 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
221 2 ā this; these 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
222 2 ē e 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
223 2 duò to carry on one's back 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
224 2 tuó to carry on one's back 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
225 2 duò dha 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
226 2 to grind 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
227 2 grindstone 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
228 2 to polish; to sharpen; to rub 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
229 2 to turn around 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
230 2 to mill 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
231 2 to eliminate 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
232 2 to be tangled 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
233 2 a difficulty; an obstruction 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
234 2 grindstone; śilāputra 曩莫三滿多沒馱南誐誐曩三磨三磨娑縛
235 1 to cry out; to shout 上聲呼之
236 1 to breath out; to exhale 上聲呼之
237 1 to praise 上聲呼之
238 1 to regard as 上聲呼之
239 1 to call; to beckon 上聲呼之
240 1 to call by name; to refer to 上聲呼之
241 1 sigh 上聲呼之
242 1 hu 上聲呼之
243 1 Hu 上聲呼之
244 1 to call; āhūta 上聲呼之
245 1 ho 上聲呼之
246 1 zhì to create; to make; to manufacture 迦縛制
247 1 zhì to formulate; to regulate; to designate 迦縛制
248 1 zhì a system; laws; rules; regulations 迦縛制
249 1 zhì to overpower; to control; to restrict 迦縛制
250 1 zhì to cut 迦縛制
251 1 zhì a style 迦縛制
252 1 zhì zhi 迦縛制
253 1 zhì an imperial order 迦縛制
254 1 zhì to establish; to create; to make; to manufacture 迦縛制
255 1 zhì to consider and decide 迦縛制
256 1 zhì the funeral of a relative 迦縛制
257 1 zhì to tailor; to make clothes 迦縛制
258 1 zhì writing; literature 迦縛制
259 1 zhì regulations; prajñāpti 迦縛制
260 1 that 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
261 1 if that is the case 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
262 1 nèi that 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
263 1 where 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
264 1 how 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
265 1 No 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
266 1 nuó to move 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
267 1 nuó much 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
268 1 nuó stable; quiet 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
269 1 na 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
270 1 nán nan 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
271 1 nán nama; praise 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
272 1 one 誦法一卷
273 1 Kangxi radical 1 誦法一卷
274 1 as soon as; all at once 誦法一卷
275 1 pure; concentrated 誦法一卷
276 1 whole; all 誦法一卷
277 1 first 誦法一卷
278 1 the same 誦法一卷
279 1 each 誦法一卷
280 1 certain 誦法一卷
281 1 throughout 誦法一卷
282 1 used in between a reduplicated verb 誦法一卷
283 1 sole; single 誦法一卷
284 1 a very small amount 誦法一卷
285 1 Yi 誦法一卷
286 1 other 誦法一卷
287 1 to unify 誦法一卷
288 1 accidentally; coincidentally 誦法一卷
289 1 abruptly; suddenly 誦法一卷
290 1 or 誦法一卷
291 1 one; eka 誦法一卷
292 1 lún a round; a turn 轉大法輪真言
293 1 lún a wheel 轉大法輪真言
294 1 lún a disk; a ring 轉大法輪真言
295 1 lún a revolution 轉大法輪真言
296 1 lún to revolve; to turn; to recur 轉大法輪真言
297 1 lún to take turns; in turn 轉大法輪真言
298 1 lún a steamer; a steamboat 轉大法輪真言
299 1 lún a 12 year cycle 轉大法輪真言
300 1 lún a vehicle with wheels 轉大法輪真言
301 1 lún a north-south measurement 轉大法輪真言
302 1 lún perimeter; circumference 轉大法輪真言
303 1 lún high soaring 轉大法輪真言
304 1 lún Lun 轉大法輪真言
305 1 lún wheel; cakra 轉大法輪真言
306 1 method; way 誦法一卷
307 1 France 誦法一卷
308 1 the law; rules; regulations 誦法一卷
309 1 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 誦法一卷
310 1 a standard; a norm 誦法一卷
311 1 an institution 誦法一卷
312 1 to emulate 誦法一卷
313 1 magic; a magic trick 誦法一卷
314 1 punishment 誦法一卷
315 1 Fa 誦法一卷
316 1 a precedent 誦法一卷
317 1 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 誦法一卷
318 1 relating to a ceremony or rite 誦法一卷
319 1 Dharma 誦法一卷
320 1 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 誦法一卷
321 1 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 誦法一卷
322 1 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 誦法一卷
323 1 quality; characteristic 誦法一卷
324 1 niàn to read aloud 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
325 1 niàn to remember; to expect 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
326 1 niàn to miss 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
327 1 niàn to consider 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
328 1 niàn to recite; to chant 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
329 1 niàn to show affection for 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
330 1 niàn a thought; an idea 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
331 1 niàn twenty 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
332 1 niàn memory 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
333 1 niàn an instant 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
334 1 niàn Nian 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
335 1 niàn mindfulness; smrti 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
336 1 niàn a thought; citta 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
337 1 zhī him; her; them; that 上聲呼之
338 1 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 上聲呼之
339 1 zhī to go 上聲呼之
340 1 zhī this; that 上聲呼之
341 1 zhī genetive marker 上聲呼之
342 1 zhī it 上聲呼之
343 1 zhī in; in regards to 上聲呼之
344 1 zhī all 上聲呼之
345 1 zhī and 上聲呼之
346 1 zhī however 上聲呼之
347 1 zhī if 上聲呼之
348 1 zhī then 上聲呼之
349 1 zhī to arrive; to go 上聲呼之
350 1 zhī is 上聲呼之
351 1 zhī to use 上聲呼之
352 1 zhī Zhi 上聲呼之
353 1 zhī winding 上聲呼之
354 1 xiàn to offer; to present 獻閼伽真言
355 1 xiàn to show; to display 獻閼伽真言
356 1 xiàn to celebrate 獻閼伽真言
357 1 xiàn a worthy person 獻閼伽真言
358 1 xiàn a document 獻閼伽真言
359 1 xiàn to perform 獻閼伽真言
360 1 suō a technique for filtering wine 獻閼伽真言
361 1 suō a container for sacrificial wine 獻閼伽真言
362 1 xiàn offering; arpaṇa 獻閼伽真言
363 1 閼伽 èjiā scented water; argha 獻閼伽真言
364 1 chú to cut grass, hay, or fodder 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
365 1 戰拏 zhànná canda; violent 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
366 1 qiàn to owe 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
367 1 qiàn to yawn 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
368 1 qiàn Kangxi radical 76 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
369 1 qiàn to lift [one's body] 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
370 1 qiàn to lack; to be deficient 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
371 1 qiàn debt 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
372 1 qiàn yawn; vijṛmbhita 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
373 1 達磨 dámó Bodhidharma 達磨馱暏娑縛婆縛句
374 1 不動尊 bù dòng zūn Acala 不動尊真言
375 1 不動尊 bù dòng zūn Acalanatha 不動尊真言
376 1 三摩 sānmó samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
377 1 法界生真言 fǎjiè shēng zhēnyán Birth in the Dharmadhatu Mantra 法界生真言
378 1 嚩日囉 fúrìluó vajra 赦嚩日囉
379 1 ǎn om 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
380 1 ǎn to contain 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
381 1 ǎn to eat with the hands 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
382 1 ǎn exclamation expressing doubt 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
383 1 ǎn om 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
384 1 yào to want; to wish for 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
385 1 yào if 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
386 1 yào to be about to; in the future 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
387 1 yào to want 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
388 1 yāo a treaty 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
389 1 yào to request 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
390 1 yào essential points; crux 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
391 1 yāo waist 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
392 1 yāo to cinch 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
393 1 yāo waistband 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
394 1 yāo Yao 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
395 1 yāo to pursue; to seek; to strive for 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
396 1 yāo to force; to coerce; to threaten; to compell; to intimidate 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
397 1 yāo to obstruct; to intercept 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
398 1 yāo to agree with 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
399 1 yāo to invite; to welcome 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
400 1 yào to summarize 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
401 1 yào essential; important 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
402 1 yào to desire 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
403 1 yào to demand 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
404 1 yào to need 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
405 1 yào should; must 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
406 1 yào might 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
407 1 yào or 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
408 1 yào necessarily; avaśyam 慈覺錄云大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念
409 1 to drag 曳娑縛
410 1 to drag 曳娑縛
411 1 to flutter; to sway 曳娑縛
412 1 exhausted 曳娑縛
413 1 ye 曳娑縛
414 1 common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive 普供養真言
415 1 Prussia 普供養真言
416 1 Pu 普供養真言
417 1 equally; impartially; universal; samanta 普供養真言
418 1 yùn to bring together; to collect; to accumulate 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
419 1 yùn to contain 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
420 1 yùn profundity 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
421 1 yùn withered grass 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
422 1 yùn aggregate; skandha 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
423 1 astringent; tart; acerbity; unsmooth; rough; hard to understand; obscure 烏蒭澁摩金剛真言
424 1 to vex; to offend; to incite 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
425 1 to attract 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
426 1 to worry about 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
427 1 to infect 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
428 1 injure; viheṭhaka 唵俱嚕馱喃吽惹
429 1 護身 hù shēn protection of the body 金剛護身真言
430 1 inside; interior 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
431 1 Kangxi radical 166 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
432 1 li; unit of length equal to 150 zhang (500 meters) 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
433 1 a small village; ri 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
434 1 inside; within 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
435 1 a residence 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
436 1 a neighborhood; an alley 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
437 1 a local administrative district 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
438 1 interior; antar 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
439 1 village; antar 阿參迷怛里參迷三摩
440 1 fu 娑嚩
441 1 va 娑嚩
442 1 juǎn to coil; to roll 誦法一卷
443 1 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 誦法一卷
444 1 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 誦法一卷
445 1 juǎn roll 誦法一卷
446 1 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 誦法一卷
447 1 juǎn to involve; to embroil 誦法一卷
448 1 juǎn a break roll 誦法一卷
449 1 juàn an examination paper 誦法一卷
450 1 juàn a file 誦法一卷
451 1 quán crinkled; curled 誦法一卷
452 1 juǎn to include 誦法一卷
453 1 juǎn to store away 誦法一卷
454 1 juǎn to sever; to break off 誦法一卷
455 1 juǎn Juan 誦法一卷
456 1 juàn a scroll 誦法一卷
457 1 juàn tired 誦法一卷
458 1 quán beautiful 誦法一卷
459 1 juǎn wrapped 誦法一卷
460 1 yùn to move; to transport 仁運睿
461 1 yùn fortune; luck; fate 仁運睿
462 1 yùn to rotate; to turn 仁運睿
463 1 yùn turning of the universe 仁運睿
464 1 yùn to advance 仁運睿
465 1 yùn to use; to apply 仁運睿
466 1 yùn north-south distance 仁運睿
467 1 yùn to wave; to brandish 仁運睿
468 1 yùn games; competition 仁運睿
469 1 yùn Yun 仁運睿
470 1 yùn transport; vāhin 仁運睿
471 1 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
472 1 shā to hurt 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
473 1 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
474 1 shā hurt; han 赦戰拏摩訶嚕殺拏
475 1 he; him 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
476 1 another aspect 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
477 1 other; another; some other 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
478 1 everybody 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
479 1 other 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
480 1 tuō other; another; some other 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
481 1 tha 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
482 1 ṭha 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
483 1 other; anya 曩莫三滿多沒馱南薩縛他欠蘊那蘖帝娑破
484 1 達磨馱都 dámóduòdōu dharmadhatu 達磨馱都拏蘖帝娑縛
485 1 娑縛賀 suōfúhè svaha; hail 誐誐曩釰娑縛賀
486 1 根本 gēnběn fundamental; basic 毘盧舍那根本真言
487 1 根本 gēnběn a foundation; a basis 毘盧舍那根本真言
488 1 根本 gēnběn root 毘盧舍那根本真言
489 1 根本 gēnběn thoroughly 毘盧舍那根本真言
490 1 根本 gēnběn capital 毘盧舍那根本真言
491 1 根本 gēnběn Basis 毘盧舍那根本真言
492 1 根本 gēnběn mūla; root 毘盧舍那根本真言
493 1 ruì shrewd; astute; clever; keen; wise 仁運睿
494 1 ruì wisdom 仁運睿
495 1 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail) 轉大法輪真言
496 1 zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about 轉大法輪真言
497 1 zhuàn a revolution 轉大法輪真言
498 1 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to shift; to turn 轉大法輪真言
499 1 zhuǎn to turn; to rotate 轉大法輪真言
500 1 zhuǎi to use many literary allusions 轉大法輪真言


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
sòng recite; priase; pāṭha
yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
  1. biàn
  2. biàn
  3. biàn
  4. biàn
  1. everywhere; sarva
  2. pervade; visva
  3. everywhere fragrant; paricitra
  4. everywhere; spharaṇa
  1. sān
  2. sān
  3. sān
  1. three; tri
  2. sa
  3. three kinds; trividha
真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani
曩莫 nǎngmò namo; to pay respect to; homage
三满多 三滿多 sānmǎnduō together with; samanta
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
  1. Merge
  2. unite; saṃyoga
suō sa

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
不动尊 不動尊 98
  1. Acala
  2. Acalanatha
慈觉 慈覺 99
  1. Ci Jue
  2. Jikaku
大毘卢遮那略要速疾门五支念诵法 大毘盧遮那略要速疾門五支念誦法 100 Mahavairocana abbreviated Five Branch Healing Liturgy; Da Piluzhena Lue Yao Su Ji Men Wu Zhi Niansong Fa
达磨 達磨 100 Bodhidharma
大毘卢 大毘盧 100 Mahavairocana
法界生真言 102 Birth in the Dharmadhatu Mantra
毘卢 毘盧 112 Vairocana
遮那 122 Vairocana


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 14.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
达磨驮都 達磨馱都 100 dharmadhatu
阏伽 閼伽 195 scented water; argha
嚩日啰 嚩日囉 102 vajra
缚日罗 縛日羅 102 vajra
护身 護身 104 protection of the body
没驮南 沒馱南 109 buddhānām
曩莫 110 namo; to pay respect to; homage
泮吒 112 phat; crack
三满多 三滿多 115 together with; samanta
三昧耶 115 samaya; vow
三摩 115 samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
舍那 115
  1. śāṇa; a robe; a garment
  2. insight; vipaśyanā; vipassanā
娑缚贺 娑縛賀 115 svaha; hail
战拏 戰拏 122 canda; violent