Glossary and Vocabulary for Manjusri Bodhisattva Auspicious Gatha (Manshushili Pusa Jixiang Jiatuo) 曼殊室利菩薩吉祥伽陀

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 77 yǐn to lead; to guide
2 77 yǐn to draw a bow
3 77 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen
4 77 yǐn to stretch
5 77 yǐn to involve
6 77 yǐn to quote; to cite
7 77 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend
8 77 yǐn to recruit
9 77 yǐn to hold
10 77 yǐn to withdraw; to leave
11 77 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart
12 77 yǐn a preface ; a forward
13 77 yǐn a license
14 77 yǐn long
15 77 yǐn to cause
16 77 yǐn to pull; to draw
17 77 yǐn a refrain; a tune
18 77 yǐn to grow
19 77 yǐn to command
20 77 yǐn to accuse
21 77 yǐn to commit suicide
22 77 yǐn a genre
23 77 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money
24 77 yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
25 46 to join; to combine 二合
26 46 to close 二合
27 46 to agree with; equal to 二合
28 46 to gather 二合
29 46 whole 二合
30 46 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
31 46 a musical note 二合
32 46 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
33 46 to fight 二合
34 46 to conclude 二合
35 46 to be similar to 二合
36 46 crowded 二合
37 46 a box 二合
38 46 to copulate 二合
39 46 a partner; a spouse 二合
40 46 harmonious 二合
41 46 He 二合
42 46 a container for grain measurement 二合
43 46 Merge 二合
44 46 unite; saṃyoga 二合
45 46 èr two 二合
46 46 èr Kangxi radical 7 二合
47 46 èr second 二合
48 46 èr twice; double; di- 二合
49 46 èr more than one kind 二合
50 46 èr two; dvā; dvi 二合
51 46 èr both; dvaya 二合
52 22 luó baby talk 鉢囉
53 22 luō to nag 鉢囉
54 22 luó ra 鉢囉
55 21 é to intone 誐桑誐
56 21 é ga 誐桑誐
57 21 é na 誐桑誐
58 15 fu
59 15 va
60 14 to be slow of speech 訥婆
61 14 to mumble 訥婆
62 14 to stammer 訥婆
63 14 to be slow of speech 訥婆
64 13 shì a generation 冒地窣珂阿毘世
65 13 shì a period of thirty years 冒地窣珂阿毘世
66 13 shì the world 冒地窣珂阿毘世
67 13 shì years; age 冒地窣珂阿毘世
68 13 shì a dynasty 冒地窣珂阿毘世
69 13 shì secular; worldly 冒地窣珂阿毘世
70 13 shì over generations 冒地窣珂阿毘世
71 13 shì world 冒地窣珂阿毘世
72 13 shì an era 冒地窣珂阿毘世
73 13 shì from generation to generation; across generations 冒地窣珂阿毘世
74 13 shì to keep good family relations 冒地窣珂阿毘世
75 13 shì Shi 冒地窣珂阿毘世
76 13 shì a geologic epoch 冒地窣珂阿毘世
77 13 shì hereditary 冒地窣珂阿毘世
78 13 shì later generations 冒地窣珂阿毘世
79 13 shì a successor; an heir 冒地窣珂阿毘世
80 13 shì the current times 冒地窣珂阿毘世
81 13 shì loka; a world 冒地窣珂阿毘世
82 13 mǎng thicket; underbrush growth 拽訥莽
83 13 mǎng poisonous 拽訥莽
84 13 mǎng Japanese star anise; aniseed tree 拽訥莽
85 13 mǎng careless; rash 拽訥莽
86 13 mǎng thicket 拽訥莽
87 13 to adjoin; to border 冒地窣珂阿毘世
88 13 to help; to assist 冒地窣珂阿毘世
89 13 vai 冒地窣珂阿毘世
90 12 sporadic; scattered 室哩
91 12 室哩
92 11 gài a lid; top; cover
93 11 gài to build
94 11 Ge
95 11 gài probably; about
96 11 gài to cover; to hide; to protect
97 11 gài an umbrella; a canopy
98 11 gài a shell
99 11 gài sogon grass
100 11 gài to add to
101 11 gài to surpass; to overshadow; to overarch
102 11 gài to chatter
103 11 Ge
104 11 gài a roof; thatched roofing
105 11 gài to respect; to uphold
106 11 gài a crest
107 11 gài a hindrance; an obstacle; nivāraṇa; nīvaraṇāni
108 10 lǎng bright 誐朗婆嚩覩
109 10 lǎng load and clear; distinct 誐朗婆嚩覩
110 10 lǎng intelligent 誐朗婆嚩覩
111 10 lǎng serene 誐朗婆嚩覩
112 10 lǎng shining; prabhā 誐朗婆嚩覩
113 10 emperor; supreme ruler
114 10 the ruler of Heaven
115 10 a god
116 10 imperialism
117 10 lord; pārthiva
118 10 Indra
119 10 ā to groan 冒地窣珂阿毘世
120 10 ā a 冒地窣珂阿毘世
121 10 ē to flatter 冒地窣珂阿毘世
122 10 ē river bank 冒地窣珂阿毘世
123 10 ē beam; pillar 冒地窣珂阿毘世
124 10 ē a hillslope; a mound 冒地窣珂阿毘世
125 10 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 冒地窣珂阿毘世
126 10 ē E 冒地窣珂阿毘世
127 10 ē to depend on 冒地窣珂阿毘世
128 10 ē e 冒地窣珂阿毘世
129 10 ē a buttress 冒地窣珂阿毘世
130 10 ē be partial to 冒地窣珂阿毘世
131 10 ē thick silk 冒地窣珂阿毘世
132 10 ē e 冒地窣珂阿毘世
133 10 to rub 波囉摩阿毘世
134 10 to approach; to press in 波囉摩阿毘世
135 10 to sharpen; to grind 波囉摩阿毘世
136 10 to obliterate; to erase 波囉摩阿毘世
137 10 to compare notes; to learn by interaction 波囉摩阿毘世
138 10 friction 波囉摩阿毘世
139 10 ma 波囉摩阿毘世
140 10 Māyā 波囉摩阿毘世
141 9 grieved; saddened 怛訥莽
142 9 worried 怛訥莽
143 9 ta 怛訥莽
144 9 grandmother 訥婆
145 9 old woman 訥婆
146 9 bha 訥婆
147 9 a bowl; an alms bowl 鉢囉
148 9 a bowl 鉢囉
149 9 an alms bowl; an earthenware basin 鉢囉
150 9 an earthenware basin 鉢囉
151 9 Alms bowl 鉢囉
152 9 a bowl; an alms bowl; patra 鉢囉
153 9 an alms bowl; patra; patta 鉢囉
154 9 an alms bowl; patra 鉢囉
155 9 No 那嚩哩
156 9 nuó to move 那嚩哩
157 9 nuó much 那嚩哩
158 9 nuó stable; quiet 那嚩哩
159 9 na 那嚩哩
160 8 wěi tail
161 8 wěi extremity; end; stern
162 8 wěi to follow
163 8 wěi Wei constellation
164 8 wěi last
165 8 wěi lower reach [of a river]
166 8 wěi to mate [of animals]
167 8 wěi a mistake in verse where 5th and 10th syllables have the same tone
168 8 wěi remaining
169 8 wěi tail; lāṅgūla
170 8 wěi Mūlabarhaṇī; Mūla
171 7 to see; to observe; to witness 誐朗婆嚩覩
172 7 see; darśana 誐朗婆嚩覩
173 7 to rush out of a den 冒地窣珂阿毘世
174 7 to brush off; to shake 冒地窣珂阿毘世
175 7 rustling 冒地窣珂阿毘世
176 7 su 冒地窣珂阿毘世
177 7 Sa 薩曳
178 7 sa; sat 薩曳
179 6 bottom; base; end
180 6 origin; the cause of a situation
181 6 to stop
182 6 to arrive
183 6 underneath
184 6 a draft; an outline; a sketch
185 6 end of month or year
186 6 remnants
187 6 background
188 6 a little deep; āgādha
189 6 undulations 波囉摩訶毘世
190 6 waves; breakers 波囉摩訶毘世
191 6 wavelength 波囉摩訶毘世
192 6 pa 波囉摩訶毘世
193 6 wave; taraṅga 波囉摩訶毘世
194 6 zhuài to pull 拽訥莽
195 6 zhuāi to throw 拽訥莽
196 6 to drag 拽訥莽
197 6 to trail 拽訥莽
198 6 zhuāi with an injured arm 拽訥莽
199 6 zhuài to drag 拽訥莽
200 6 to vibrate 拽訥莽
201 6 gunwales 拽訥莽
202 5 qiē to cut; to mince; to slice; to carve 仁祖切
203 5 qiē to shut off; to disconnect 仁祖切
204 5 qiē to be tangent to 仁祖切
205 5 qiè to rub 仁祖切
206 5 qiè to be near to 仁祖切
207 5 qiè keen; eager 仁祖切
208 5 qiè to accord with; correspond to 仁祖切
209 5 qiè detailed 仁祖切
210 5 qiè suitable; close-fitting 仁祖切
211 5 qiè pressing; urgent 仁祖切
212 5 qiè intense; acute 仁祖切
213 5 qiè earnest; sincere 仁祖切
214 5 qiè criticize 仁祖切
215 5 qiè door-sill 仁祖切
216 5 qiè soft; light 仁祖切
217 5 qiè secretly; stealthily 仁祖切
218 5 qiè to bite 仁祖切
219 5 qiè all 仁祖切
220 5 qiè an essential point 仁祖切
221 5 qiè qie [historic phonetic system] 仁祖切
222 5 qiē to buy wholesale 仁祖切
223 5 qiē strike; cut; kuṭṭ 仁祖切
224 5 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 多娑
225 5 duó many; much 多娑
226 5 duō more 多娑
227 5 duō excessive 多娑
228 5 duō abundant 多娑
229 5 duō to multiply; to acrue 多娑
230 5 duō Duo 多娑
231 5 duō ta 多娑
232 5 sān three 引三
233 5 sān third 引三
234 5 sān more than two 引三
235 5 sān very few 引三
236 5 sān San 引三
237 5 sān three; tri 引三
238 5 sān sa 引三
239 5 sān three kinds; trividha 引三
240 4 to go to; to arrive; to reach
241 4 an achievement; an accomplishment
242 4 to visit
243 4 purposeful
244 4 to go to; upasaṃkram
245 4 lài to depend on; to rely on 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
246 4 lài to stay at a place without moving 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
247 4 lài to accuse falsely; to wrongly blame 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
248 4 lài to not admit an error; to deny fault; to be shameless 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
249 4 lài to not repay a debt; to renege 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
250 4 lài bad 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
251 4 lài profit 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
252 4 lài Lai 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
253 4 lài to procrastinate 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
254 4 lài rely on 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
255 4 other; another; some other 他細
256 4 other 他細
257 4 tha 他細
258 4 ṭha 他細
259 4 other; anya 他細
260 4 to vex; to offend; to incite 路哥尾惹
261 4 to attract 路哥尾惹
262 4 to worry about 路哥尾惹
263 4 to infect 路哥尾惹
264 4 injure; viheṭhaka 路哥尾惹
265 4 to drag
266 4 to drag
267 4 to flutter; to sway
268 4 exhausted
269 4 ye
270 4 elder brother 路哥尾惹
271 3 a kind of gem 冒地窣珂阿毘世
272 3 a horse bridgle made of gemstone 冒地窣珂阿毘世
273 3 a good horse 冒地窣珂阿毘世
274 3 white jade; shell; śaṅkha 冒地窣珂阿毘世
275 3 to take 薩埵誐拏
276 3 to bring 薩埵誐拏
277 3 to grasp; to hold 薩埵誐拏
278 3 to arrest 薩埵誐拏
279 3 da 薩埵誐拏
280 3 na 薩埵誐拏
281 3 doubtful; suspicious 窣儗當
282 3 to compare with 窣儗當
283 3 a flaky pastry 薩怛多酥誐多阿毘世
284 3 crispy; flaky 薩怛多酥誐多阿毘世
285 3 limp; soft 薩怛多酥誐多阿毘世
286 3 ghee; sarpis 薩怛多酥誐多阿毘世
287 3 luó Luo 誐羅
288 3 luó to catch; to capture 誐羅
289 3 luó gauze 誐羅
290 3 luó a sieve; cloth for filtering 誐羅
291 3 luó a net for catching birds 誐羅
292 3 luó to recruit 誐羅
293 3 luó to include 誐羅
294 3 luó to distribute 誐羅
295 3 luó ra 誐羅
296 3 曼殊室利菩薩吉祥伽陀 Mànshūshìlì púsà jíxiáng jiātuó Manjusri Bodhisattva Auspicious Gatha; Manshushili Pusa Jixiang Jiatuo 曼殊室利菩薩吉祥伽陀
297 3 big; huge; large 冒地唧大
298 3 Kangxi radical 37 冒地唧大
299 3 great; major; important 冒地唧大
300 3 size 冒地唧大
301 3 old 冒地唧大
302 3 oldest; earliest 冒地唧大
303 3 adult 冒地唧大
304 3 dài an important person 冒地唧大
305 3 senior 冒地唧大
306 3 an element 冒地唧大
307 3 great; mahā 冒地唧大
308 3 shì room; bedroom 室哩
309 3 shì house; dwelling 室哩
310 3 shì organizational subdivision 室哩
311 3 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 室哩
312 3 shì household 室哩
313 3 shì house of nobility 室哩
314 3 shì family assets 室哩
315 3 shì wife 室哩
316 3 shì tomb; burial chamber 室哩
317 3 shì knife sheath 室哩
318 3 shì Shi 室哩
319 3 shì abode; ālaya 室哩
320 3 shì Pūrva-Proṣṭhapada 室哩
321 3 to deal in liquor 酤里隷
322 3 to buy liquor 酤里隷
323 3 liquor 酤里隷
324 3 deal in liquor 酤里隷
325 3 extensive; full 彌怛他
326 3 to fill; to permeate; to pervade 彌怛他
327 3 to join 彌怛他
328 3 to spread 彌怛他
329 3 Mi 彌怛他
330 3 to restrain 彌怛他
331 3 to complete; to be full 彌怛他
332 3 ya 路計也
333 3 mào to emit; to give off; to send out 冒地唧大
334 3 mào to risk; to dare; to brave 冒地唧大
335 3 mào to pose as another person 冒地唧大
336 3 mào to lust after 冒地唧大
337 3 mào Mao 冒地唧大
338 3 Modu 冒地唧大
339 3 mào to be offensive 冒地唧大
340 3 màn long 曼儒
341 3 màn to extend; to prolong 曼儒
342 3 màn vast; endless 曼儒
343 3 màn to grow; to spread 曼儒
344 3 màn Man 曼儒
345 3 màn beautiful; graceful 曼儒
346 3 màn ma 曼儒
347 3 囉怛曩 luódánǎng ratna; jewel 三沒馱囉怛曩
348 2 嚩囉 fúluó vara; enclosing 嚩囉曼拏羅屹
349 2 尾部 wěibù back part; rear; tail section 尾部
350 2 xiě to write
351 2 xiě writing
352 2 xiě to move; to shift; to place
353 2 xiě to pour out; to vent; to confess
354 2 xiě to copy; to transcribe
355 2 xiě to resemble; to seem like
356 2 xiè to remove
357 2 xiě to agree upon
358 2 xiě to compose; to describe
359 2 xiě to draw; to sketch
360 2 xiě write
361 2 四十 sì shí forty 二合四十
362 2 四十 sì shí forty; catvāriṃśat 二合四十
363 2 末羅 mòluó jasmine; mallika 末羅
364 2 末羅 mòluó Malla 末羅
365 2 the sound of the wind 颯鉢囉
366 2 melancholy 颯鉢囉
367 2 bleak 颯鉢囉
368 2 sa 颯鉢囉
369 2 shú broomcorn millet; glutinous millet
370 2 shú glutinous millet
371 2 end; final stage; latter part 末酤吒
372 2 to not have 末酤吒
373 2 insignificant 末酤吒
374 2 ma 末酤吒
375 2 future; anāgata 末酤吒
376 2 end; anta 末酤吒
377 2 bhiksuni; a nun
378 2 Confucius; Father
379 2 Ni
380 2 ni
381 2 to obstruct
382 2 near to
383 2 nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī
384 2 luó to patrol
385 2 luó a patrol guard
386 2 luó a mountain border
387 2 luó la
388 2 kǒu Kangxi radical 30
389 2 kǒu mouth
390 2 kǒu an opening; a hole
391 2 kǒu eloquence
392 2 kǒu the edge of a blade
393 2 kǒu edge; border
394 2 kǒu verbal; oral
395 2 kǒu taste
396 2 kǒu population; people
397 2 kǒu an entrance; an exit; a pass
398 2 kǒu mouth; eopening; entrance; mukha
399 2 qīng minister; high officer 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試光祿卿
400 2 qīng Qing 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試光祿卿
401 2 night
402 2 dark
403 2 by night
404 2 ya
405 2 night; rajanī
406 2 duǒ hardened dirt or clay; cluster
407 2 to carry 尾戍提詣
408 2 a flick up and rightwards in a character 尾戍提詣
409 2 to lift; to raise 尾戍提詣
410 2 to move forward [in time] 尾戍提詣
411 2 to get; to fetch 尾戍提詣
412 2 to mention; to raise [in discussion] 尾戍提詣
413 2 to cheer up 尾戍提詣
414 2 to be on guard 尾戍提詣
415 2 a ladle 尾戍提詣
416 2 Ti 尾戍提詣
417 2 to to hurl; to pass 尾戍提詣
418 2 to bring; cud 尾戍提詣
419 2 lǎn lan 誐朗窣珂割囕
420 2 to exceed; to transcend; to cross over 惹踰
421 2 exceed; anuttara 惹踰
422 2 to congratulate 摩賀
423 2 to send a present 摩賀
424 2 He 摩賀
425 2 ha 摩賀
426 2 a scholar 曼儒
427 2 Confucianism; Confucian school 曼儒
428 2 to calculate; to compute; to count 路計也
429 2 to haggle over 路計也
430 2 a plan; a scheme; an idea 路計也
431 2 a gauge; a meter 路計也
432 2 to add up to; to amount to 路計也
433 2 to plan; to scheme 路計也
434 2 to settle an account 路計也
435 2 accounting books; records of tax obligations 路計也
436 2 an official responsible for presenting accounting books 路計也
437 2 to appraise; to assess 路計也
438 2 to register 路計也
439 2 to estimate 路計也
440 2 Ji 路計也
441 2 ketu 路計也
442 2 to prepare; kḷp 路計也
443 2 shù to guard a border 尾戍提詣
444 2 suō to dance; to frolic 部嚩那娑
445 2 suō to lounge 部嚩那娑
446 2 suō to saunter 部嚩那娑
447 2 suō suo 部嚩那娑
448 2 suō sa 部嚩那娑
449 2 soil; ground; land 冒地唧大
450 2 floor 冒地唧大
451 2 the earth 冒地唧大
452 2 fields 冒地唧大
453 2 a place 冒地唧大
454 2 a situation; a position 冒地唧大
455 2 background 冒地唧大
456 2 terrain 冒地唧大
457 2 a territory; a region 冒地唧大
458 2 used after a distance measure 冒地唧大
459 2 coming from the same clan 冒地唧大
460 2 earth; pṛthivī 冒地唧大
461 2 stage; ground; level; bhumi 冒地唧大
462 2 ministry; department 部嚩那娑
463 2 section; part 部嚩那娑
464 2 troops 部嚩那娑
465 2 a category; a kind 部嚩那娑
466 2 to command; to control 部嚩那娑
467 2 radical 部嚩那娑
468 2 headquarters 部嚩那娑
469 2 unit 部嚩那娑
470 2 to put in order; to arrange 部嚩那娑
471 2 group; nikāya 部嚩那娑
472 2 road; path; way 路哥尾惹
473 2 journey 路哥尾惹
474 2 grain patterns; veins 路哥尾惹
475 2 a way; a method 路哥尾惹
476 2 a type; a kind 路哥尾惹
477 2 a circuit; an area; a region 路哥尾惹
478 2 a route 路哥尾惹
479 2 Lu 路哥尾惹
480 2 impressive 路哥尾惹
481 2 conveyance 路哥尾惹
482 2 road; path; patha 路哥尾惹
483 2 rén a kernel; a pit 仁卿切
484 2 rén benevolent; humane 仁卿切
485 2 rén benevolence; humanity 仁卿切
486 2 rén a benevolent person 仁卿切
487 2 rén kindness 仁卿切
488 2 rén polite form of address 仁卿切
489 2 rén to pity 仁卿切
490 2 rén a person 仁卿切
491 2 rén Ren 仁卿切
492 2 rén Benevolence 仁卿切
493 2 rén a sage; muni 仁卿切
494 1 ancestral hall; a memorial tablet in a temple commemorating a deceased father
495 1 deceased father
496 1 Ni
497 1 Mi
498 1 deḥ
499 1 明教 míngjiāo Manicheanism; Manicheism 明教大師臣法賢奉
500 1 明教 míngjiāo a branch of Manicheanism combining influences from Taoism and Buddhism 明教大師臣法賢奉

Frequencies of all Words

Top 703

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 77 yǐn to lead; to guide
2 77 yǐn to draw a bow
3 77 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen
4 77 yǐn to stretch
5 77 yǐn to involve
6 77 yǐn to quote; to cite
7 77 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend
8 77 yǐn to recruit
9 77 yǐn to hold
10 77 yǐn to withdraw; to leave
11 77 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart
12 77 yǐn a preface ; a forward
13 77 yǐn a license
14 77 yǐn long
15 77 yǐn yin; a measure of distance about 1/30th of a km
16 77 yǐn to cause
17 77 yǐn yin; a measure of for salt certificates
18 77 yǐn to pull; to draw
19 77 yǐn a refrain; a tune
20 77 yǐn to grow
21 77 yǐn to command
22 77 yǐn to accuse
23 77 yǐn to commit suicide
24 77 yǐn a genre
25 77 yǐn yin; a weight measure
26 77 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money
27 77 yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
28 46 to join; to combine 二合
29 46 a time; a trip 二合
30 46 to close 二合
31 46 to agree with; equal to 二合
32 46 to gather 二合
33 46 whole 二合
34 46 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
35 46 a musical note 二合
36 46 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
37 46 to fight 二合
38 46 to conclude 二合
39 46 to be similar to 二合
40 46 and; also 二合
41 46 crowded 二合
42 46 a box 二合
43 46 to copulate 二合
44 46 a partner; a spouse 二合
45 46 harmonious 二合
46 46 should 二合
47 46 He 二合
48 46 a unit of measure for grain 二合
49 46 a container for grain measurement 二合
50 46 Merge 二合
51 46 unite; saṃyoga 二合
52 46 èr two 二合
53 46 èr Kangxi radical 7 二合
54 46 èr second 二合
55 46 èr twice; double; di- 二合
56 46 èr another; the other 二合
57 46 èr more than one kind 二合
58 46 èr two; dvā; dvi 二合
59 46 èr both; dvaya 二合
60 22 luó an exclamatory final particle 鉢囉
61 22 luó baby talk 鉢囉
62 22 luō to nag 鉢囉
63 22 luó ra 鉢囉
64 21 é to intone 誐桑誐
65 21 é ga 誐桑誐
66 21 é na 誐桑誐
67 15 fu
68 15 va
69 14 to be slow of speech 訥婆
70 14 to mumble 訥婆
71 14 to stammer 訥婆
72 14 to be slow of speech 訥婆
73 13 shì a generation 冒地窣珂阿毘世
74 13 shì a period of thirty years 冒地窣珂阿毘世
75 13 shì the world 冒地窣珂阿毘世
76 13 shì years; age 冒地窣珂阿毘世
77 13 shì a dynasty 冒地窣珂阿毘世
78 13 shì secular; worldly 冒地窣珂阿毘世
79 13 shì over generations 冒地窣珂阿毘世
80 13 shì always 冒地窣珂阿毘世
81 13 shì world 冒地窣珂阿毘世
82 13 shì a life; a lifetime 冒地窣珂阿毘世
83 13 shì an era 冒地窣珂阿毘世
84 13 shì from generation to generation; across generations 冒地窣珂阿毘世
85 13 shì to keep good family relations 冒地窣珂阿毘世
86 13 shì Shi 冒地窣珂阿毘世
87 13 shì a geologic epoch 冒地窣珂阿毘世
88 13 shì hereditary 冒地窣珂阿毘世
89 13 shì later generations 冒地窣珂阿毘世
90 13 shì a successor; an heir 冒地窣珂阿毘世
91 13 shì the current times 冒地窣珂阿毘世
92 13 shì loka; a world 冒地窣珂阿毘世
93 13 mǎng thicket; underbrush growth 拽訥莽
94 13 mǎng poisonous 拽訥莽
95 13 mǎng Japanese star anise; aniseed tree 拽訥莽
96 13 mǎng careless; rash 拽訥莽
97 13 mǎng thicket 拽訥莽
98 13 to adjoin; to border 冒地窣珂阿毘世
99 13 to help; to assist 冒地窣珂阿毘世
100 13 vai 冒地窣珂阿毘世
101 12 a mile 室哩
102 12 a sentence ending particle 室哩
103 12 sporadic; scattered 室哩
104 12 室哩
105 11 gài a lid; top; cover
106 11 gài to build
107 11 Ge
108 11 gài because
109 11 gài roughly; approximately
110 11 gài but; yet
111 11 gài probably; about
112 11 gài to cover; to hide; to protect
113 11 gài an umbrella; a canopy
114 11 gài a shell
115 11 gài sogon grass
116 11 gài to add to
117 11 gài to surpass; to overshadow; to overarch
118 11 gài to chatter
119 11 why
120 11 why not
121 11 Ge
122 11 gài a roof; thatched roofing
123 11 gài to respect; to uphold
124 11 gài a crest
125 11 gài a hindrance; an obstacle; nivāraṇa; nīvaraṇāni
126 10 lǎng bright 誐朗婆嚩覩
127 10 lǎng load and clear; distinct 誐朗婆嚩覩
128 10 lǎng intelligent 誐朗婆嚩覩
129 10 lǎng serene 誐朗婆嚩覩
130 10 lǎng shining; prabhā 誐朗婆嚩覩
131 10 emperor; supreme ruler
132 10 the ruler of Heaven
133 10 a god
134 10 imperialism
135 10 lord; pārthiva
136 10 Indra
137 10 ā prefix to names of people 冒地窣珂阿毘世
138 10 ā to groan 冒地窣珂阿毘世
139 10 ā a 冒地窣珂阿毘世
140 10 ē to flatter 冒地窣珂阿毘世
141 10 ā expresses doubt 冒地窣珂阿毘世
142 10 ē river bank 冒地窣珂阿毘世
143 10 ē beam; pillar 冒地窣珂阿毘世
144 10 ē a hillslope; a mound 冒地窣珂阿毘世
145 10 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 冒地窣珂阿毘世
146 10 ē E 冒地窣珂阿毘世
147 10 ē to depend on 冒地窣珂阿毘世
148 10 ā a final particle 冒地窣珂阿毘世
149 10 ē e 冒地窣珂阿毘世
150 10 ē a buttress 冒地窣珂阿毘世
151 10 ē be partial to 冒地窣珂阿毘世
152 10 ē thick silk 冒地窣珂阿毘世
153 10 ā this; these 冒地窣珂阿毘世
154 10 ē e 冒地窣珂阿毘世
155 10 to rub 波囉摩阿毘世
156 10 to approach; to press in 波囉摩阿毘世
157 10 to sharpen; to grind 波囉摩阿毘世
158 10 to obliterate; to erase 波囉摩阿毘世
159 10 to compare notes; to learn by interaction 波囉摩阿毘世
160 10 friction 波囉摩阿毘世
161 10 ma 波囉摩阿毘世
162 10 Māyā 波囉摩阿毘世
163 9 grieved; saddened 怛訥莽
164 9 worried 怛訥莽
165 9 ta 怛訥莽
166 9 grandmother 訥婆
167 9 old woman 訥婆
168 9 bha 訥婆
169 9 a bowl; an alms bowl 鉢囉
170 9 a bowl 鉢囉
171 9 an alms bowl; an earthenware basin 鉢囉
172 9 an earthenware basin 鉢囉
173 9 Alms bowl 鉢囉
174 9 a bowl; an alms bowl; patra 鉢囉
175 9 an alms bowl; patra; patta 鉢囉
176 9 an alms bowl; patra 鉢囉
177 9 that 那嚩哩
178 9 if that is the case 那嚩哩
179 9 nèi that 那嚩哩
180 9 where 那嚩哩
181 9 how 那嚩哩
182 9 No 那嚩哩
183 9 nuó to move 那嚩哩
184 9 nuó much 那嚩哩
185 9 nuó stable; quiet 那嚩哩
186 9 na 那嚩哩
187 8 wěi tail
188 8 wěi measure word for fish
189 8 wěi extremity; end; stern
190 8 wěi to follow
191 8 wěi Wei constellation
192 8 wěi last
193 8 wěi lower reach [of a river]
194 8 wěi to mate [of animals]
195 8 wěi a mistake in verse where 5th and 10th syllables have the same tone
196 8 wěi remaining
197 8 wěi tail; lāṅgūla
198 8 wěi Mūlabarhaṇī; Mūla
199 7 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 窣儗當
200 7 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 窣儗當
201 7 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 窣儗當
202 7 dāng to face 窣儗當
203 7 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 窣儗當
204 7 dāng to manage; to host 窣儗當
205 7 dāng should 窣儗當
206 7 dāng to treat; to regard as 窣儗當
207 7 dǎng to think 窣儗當
208 7 dàng suitable; correspond to 窣儗當
209 7 dǎng to be equal 窣儗當
210 7 dàng that 窣儗當
211 7 dāng an end; top 窣儗當
212 7 dàng clang; jingle 窣儗當
213 7 dāng to judge 窣儗當
214 7 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 窣儗當
215 7 dàng the same 窣儗當
216 7 dàng to pawn 窣儗當
217 7 dàng to fail [an exam] 窣儗當
218 7 dàng a trap 窣儗當
219 7 dàng a pawned item 窣儗當
220 7 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 窣儗當
221 7 to see; to observe; to witness 誐朗婆嚩覩
222 7 see; darśana 誐朗婆嚩覩
223 7 to rush out of a den 冒地窣珂阿毘世
224 7 to brush off; to shake 冒地窣珂阿毘世
225 7 rustling 冒地窣珂阿毘世
226 7 su 冒地窣珂阿毘世
227 7 Sa 薩曳
228 7 sadhu; excellent 薩曳
229 7 sa; sat 薩曳
230 6 bottom; base; end
231 6 origin; the cause of a situation
232 6 to stop
233 6 to arrive
234 6 underneath
235 6 a draft; an outline; a sketch
236 6 end of month or year
237 6 remnants
238 6 background
239 6 what
240 6 to lower; to droop
241 6 de possessive particle
242 6 a little deep; āgādha
243 6 undulations 波囉摩訶毘世
244 6 waves; breakers 波囉摩訶毘世
245 6 wavelength 波囉摩訶毘世
246 6 pa 波囉摩訶毘世
247 6 wave; taraṅga 波囉摩訶毘世
248 6 zhuài to pull 拽訥莽
249 6 zhuāi to throw 拽訥莽
250 6 to drag 拽訥莽
251 6 to trail 拽訥莽
252 6 zhuāi with an injured arm 拽訥莽
253 6 zhuài to drag 拽訥莽
254 6 to vibrate 拽訥莽
255 6 gunwales 拽訥莽
256 5 qiē to cut; to mince; to slice; to carve 仁祖切
257 5 qiē to shut off; to disconnect 仁祖切
258 5 qiē to be tangent to 仁祖切
259 5 qiè to rub 仁祖切
260 5 qiè to be near to 仁祖切
261 5 qiè keen; eager 仁祖切
262 5 qiè to accord with; correspond to 仁祖切
263 5 qiè must; necessarily 仁祖切
264 5 qiè feel a pulse 仁祖切
265 5 qiè detailed 仁祖切
266 5 qiè suitable; close-fitting 仁祖切
267 5 qiè pressing; urgent 仁祖切
268 5 qiè intense; acute 仁祖切
269 5 qiè earnest; sincere 仁祖切
270 5 qiè criticize 仁祖切
271 5 qiè door-sill 仁祖切
272 5 qiè soft; light 仁祖切
273 5 qiè secretly; stealthily 仁祖切
274 5 qiè to bite 仁祖切
275 5 qiè all 仁祖切
276 5 qiè an essential point 仁祖切
277 5 qiè qie [historic phonetic system] 仁祖切
278 5 qiē to buy wholesale 仁祖切
279 5 qiē strike; cut; kuṭṭ 仁祖切
280 5 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 多娑
281 5 duó many; much 多娑
282 5 duō more 多娑
283 5 duō an unspecified extent 多娑
284 5 duō used in exclamations 多娑
285 5 duō excessive 多娑
286 5 duō to what extent 多娑
287 5 duō abundant 多娑
288 5 duō to multiply; to acrue 多娑
289 5 duō mostly 多娑
290 5 duō simply; merely 多娑
291 5 duō frequently 多娑
292 5 duō very 多娑
293 5 duō Duo 多娑
294 5 duō ta 多娑
295 5 duō many; bahu 多娑
296 5 sān three 引三
297 5 sān third 引三
298 5 sān more than two 引三
299 5 sān very few 引三
300 5 sān repeatedly 引三
301 5 sān San 引三
302 5 sān three; tri 引三
303 5 sān sa 引三
304 5 sān three kinds; trividha 引三
305 4 to go to; to arrive; to reach
306 4 an achievement; an accomplishment
307 4 to visit
308 4 purposeful
309 4 to go to; upasaṃkram
310 4 lài to depend on; to rely on 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
311 4 lài to stay at a place without moving 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
312 4 lài to accuse falsely; to wrongly blame 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
313 4 lài to not admit an error; to deny fault; to be shameless 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
314 4 lài to not repay a debt; to renege 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
315 4 lài bad 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
316 4 lài luckily 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
317 4 lài profit 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
318 4 lài Lai 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
319 4 lài to procrastinate 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
320 4 lài rely on 誐朗酥囉嚩賴
321 4 he; him 他細
322 4 another aspect 他細
323 4 other; another; some other 他細
324 4 everybody 他細
325 4 other 他細
326 4 tuō other; another; some other 他細
327 4 tha 他細
328 4 ṭha 他細
329 4 other; anya 他細
330 4 to vex; to offend; to incite 路哥尾惹
331 4 to attract 路哥尾惹
332 4 to worry about 路哥尾惹
333 4 to infect 路哥尾惹
334 4 injure; viheṭhaka 路哥尾惹
335 4 to drag
336 4 to drag
337 4 to flutter; to sway
338 4 exhausted
339 4 ye
340 4 elder brother 路哥尾惹
341 3 a kind of gem 冒地窣珂阿毘世
342 3 a horse bridgle made of gemstone 冒地窣珂阿毘世
343 3 a good horse 冒地窣珂阿毘世
344 3 white jade; shell; śaṅkha 冒地窣珂阿毘世
345 3 to take 薩埵誐拏
346 3 to bring 薩埵誐拏
347 3 to grasp; to hold 薩埵誐拏
348 3 to arrest 薩埵誐拏
349 3 da 薩埵誐拏
350 3 na 薩埵誐拏
351 3 doubtful; suspicious 窣儗當
352 3 to compare with 窣儗當
353 3 a flaky pastry 薩怛多酥誐多阿毘世
354 3 crispy; flaky 薩怛多酥誐多阿毘世
355 3 limp; soft 薩怛多酥誐多阿毘世
356 3 ghee; sarpis 薩怛多酥誐多阿毘世
357 3 luó Luo 誐羅
358 3 luó to catch; to capture 誐羅
359 3 luó gauze 誐羅
360 3 luó a sieve; cloth for filtering 誐羅
361 3 luó a net for catching birds 誐羅
362 3 luó to recruit 誐羅
363 3 luó to include 誐羅
364 3 luó to distribute 誐羅
365 3 luó ra 誐羅
366 3 曼殊室利菩薩吉祥伽陀 Mànshūshìlì púsà jíxiáng jiātuó Manjusri Bodhisattva Auspicious Gatha; Manshushili Pusa Jixiang Jiatuo 曼殊室利菩薩吉祥伽陀
367 3 big; huge; large 冒地唧大
368 3 Kangxi radical 37 冒地唧大
369 3 great; major; important 冒地唧大
370 3 size 冒地唧大
371 3 old 冒地唧大
372 3 greatly; very 冒地唧大
373 3 oldest; earliest 冒地唧大
374 3 adult 冒地唧大
375 3 tài greatest; grand 冒地唧大
376 3 dài an important person 冒地唧大
377 3 senior 冒地唧大
378 3 approximately 冒地唧大
379 3 tài greatest; grand 冒地唧大
380 3 an element 冒地唧大
381 3 great; mahā 冒地唧大
382 3 shì room; bedroom 室哩
383 3 shì house; dwelling 室哩
384 3 shì organizational subdivision 室哩
385 3 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 室哩
386 3 shì household 室哩
387 3 shì house of nobility 室哩
388 3 shì family assets 室哩
389 3 shì wife 室哩
390 3 shì tomb; burial chamber 室哩
391 3 shì knife sheath 室哩
392 3 shì Shi 室哩
393 3 shì abode; ālaya 室哩
394 3 shì Pūrva-Proṣṭhapada 室哩
395 3 to deal in liquor 酤里隷
396 3 to buy liquor 酤里隷
397 3 liquor 酤里隷
398 3 deal in liquor 酤里隷
399 3 extensive; full 彌怛他
400 3 to fill; to permeate; to pervade 彌怛他
401 3 to join 彌怛他
402 3 to spread 彌怛他
403 3 more 彌怛他
404 3 Mi 彌怛他
405 3 over a long time 彌怛他
406 3 to restrain 彌怛他
407 3 to complete; to be full 彌怛他
408 3 fully; pari 彌怛他
409 3 also; too 路計也
410 3 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 路計也
411 3 either 路計也
412 3 even 路計也
413 3 used to soften the tone 路計也
414 3 used for emphasis 路計也
415 3 used to mark contrast 路計也
416 3 used to mark compromise 路計也
417 3 ya 路計也
418 3 mào to emit; to give off; to send out 冒地唧大
419 3 mào to risk; to dare; to brave 冒地唧大
420 3 mào recklessly 冒地唧大
421 3 mào to pose as another person 冒地唧大
422 3 mào to lust after 冒地唧大
423 3 mào Mao 冒地唧大
424 3 Modu 冒地唧大
425 3 mào to be offensive 冒地唧大
426 3 màn long 曼儒
427 3 màn to extend; to prolong 曼儒
428 3 màn vast; endless 曼儒
429 3 màn at the time when 曼儒
430 3 màn to grow; to spread 曼儒
431 3 màn Man 曼儒
432 3 màn beautiful; graceful 曼儒
433 3 màn ma 曼儒
434 3 囉怛曩 luódánǎng ratna; jewel 三沒馱囉怛曩
435 2 嚩囉 fúluó vara; enclosing 嚩囉曼拏羅屹
436 2 尾部 wěibù back part; rear; tail section 尾部
437 2 xiě to write
438 2 xiě writing
439 2 xiě to move; to shift; to place
440 2 xiě to pour out; to vent; to confess
441 2 xiě to copy; to transcribe
442 2 xiě to resemble; to seem like
443 2 xiè to remove
444 2 xiě to agree upon
445 2 xiě to compose; to describe
446 2 xiě to draw; to sketch
447 2 xiě write
448 2 四十 sì shí forty 二合四十
449 2 四十 sì shí forty; catvāriṃśat 二合四十
450 2 末羅 mòluó jasmine; mallika 末羅
451 2 末羅 mòluó Malla 末羅
452 2 ěr thus; so; like that
453 2 ěr in a manner
454 2 ěr final particle with no meaning
455 2 ěr final particle marking a question
456 2 ěr you; thou
457 2 ěr this; that
458 2 ěr thus; atha khalu
459 2 the sound of the wind 颯鉢囉
460 2 melancholy 颯鉢囉
461 2 bleak 颯鉢囉
462 2 sa 颯鉢囉
463 2 shú broomcorn millet; glutinous millet
464 2 shú glutinous millet
465 2 end; final stage; latter part 末酤吒
466 2 to not have 末酤吒
467 2 insignificant 末酤吒
468 2 ma 末酤吒
469 2 not; no; na 末酤吒
470 2 future; anāgata 末酤吒
471 2 end; anta 末酤吒
472 2 bhiksuni; a nun
473 2 Confucius; Father
474 2 Ni
475 2 ni
476 2 to obstruct
477 2 near to
478 2 nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī
479 2 luó to patrol
480 2 luó a patrol guard
481 2 luó a mountain border
482 2 luó la
483 2 kǒu measure word for people, pigs, and kitcheware
484 2 kǒu Kangxi radical 30
485 2 kǒu mouth
486 2 kǒu an opening; a hole
487 2 kǒu eloquence
488 2 kǒu the edge of a blade
489 2 kǒu edge; border
490 2 kǒu verbal; oral
491 2 kǒu taste
492 2 kǒu population; people
493 2 kǒu an entrance; an exit; a pass
494 2 kǒu mouth; eopening; entrance; mukha
495 2 qīng minister; high officer 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試光祿卿
496 2 qīng term of endearment between spouses 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試光祿卿
497 2 qīng you 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試光祿卿
498 2 qīng noble; your lordship 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試光祿卿
499 2 qīng Qing 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試光祿卿
500 2 night


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra
  1. Merge
  2. unite; saṃyoga
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
luó ra
  1. é
  2. é
  1. ga
  2. na
to be slow of speech
shì loka; a world
mǎng thicket

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
法贤 法賢 102 Faxian
曼殊室利菩萨吉祥伽陀 曼殊室利菩薩吉祥伽陀 77 Manjusri Bodhisattva Auspicious Gatha; Manshushili Pusa Jixiang Jiatuo
没驮 沒馱 109 Buddha
明教 109
  1. Manicheanism; Manicheism
  2. a branch of Manicheanism combining influences from Taoism and Buddhism
  3. outstanding advice
仁祖 114 Injo
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
西天 120 India; Indian continent


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 9.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
嚩啰 嚩囉 102 vara; enclosing
嚩日啰 嚩日囉 102 vajra
啰怛曩 囉怛曩 108 ratna; jewel
罗婆 羅婆 108 an instant; lava
曼拏罗 曼拏羅 109 mandala
末罗 末羅 109
  1. jasmine; mallika
  2. Malla
末尼 109 mani; jewel
萨埵 薩埵 115
  1. sentient being; being, existence; essence, nature, life; sense, consciousness
  2. sentient beings
译经 譯經 121 to translate the scriptures