Glossary and Vocabulary for Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Wuliang Qingjing Pingdeng Jue Jing) 無量清淨平等覺經, Scroll 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 161 huá Chinese 銀華
2 161 huá illustrious; splendid 銀華
3 161 huā a flower 銀華
4 161 huā to flower 銀華
5 161 huá China 銀華
6 161 huá empty; flowery 銀華
7 161 huá brilliance; luster 銀華
8 161 huá elegance; beauty 銀華
9 161 huā a flower 銀華
10 161 huá extravagant; wasteful; flashy 銀華
11 161 huá makeup; face powder 銀華
12 161 huá flourishing 銀華
13 161 huá a corona 銀華
14 161 huá years; time 銀華
15 161 huá your 銀華
16 161 huá essence; best part 銀華
17 161 huá grey 銀華
18 161 huà Hua 銀華
19 161 huá literary talent 銀華
20 161 huá literary talent 銀華
21 161 huá an article; a document 銀華
22 161 huá flower; puṣpa 銀華
23 119 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 水則沒足
24 119 a grade; a level 水則沒足
25 119 an example; a model 水則沒足
26 119 a weighing device 水則沒足
27 119 to grade; to rank 水則沒足
28 119 to copy; to imitate; to follow 水則沒足
29 119 to do 水則沒足
30 119 koan; kōan; gong'an 水則沒足
31 119 諸菩薩 zhū púsà bodhisattvas 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
32 113 zhě ca 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
33 105 to go back; to return 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
34 105 to resume; to restart 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
35 105 to do in detail 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
36 105 to restore 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
37 105 to respond; to reply to 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
38 105 Fu; Return 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
39 105 to retaliate; to reciprocate 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
40 105 to avoid forced labor or tax 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
41 105 Fu 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
42 105 doubled; to overlapping; folded 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
43 105 a lined garment with doubled thickness 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
44 98 自然 zìrán nature 無量清淨佛國亦有萬種自然之伎樂無極也
45 98 自然 zìrán natural 無量清淨佛國亦有萬種自然之伎樂無極也
46 76 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; unlimited 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
47 76 無量 wúliàng immeasurable 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
48 76 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; aparimāṇa 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
49 76 無量 wúliàng Atula 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
50 73 清淨 qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil; pure 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
51 73 清淨 qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
52 73 清淨 qīngjìng concise 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
53 73 清淨 qīngjìng simple and clear; concise 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
54 73 清淨 qīngjìng pure and clean 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
55 73 清淨 qīngjìng purity 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
56 73 清淨 qīngjìng pure; cleansed; purified of defiling illusion; visuddhi 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
57 69 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
58 69 děi to want to; to need to 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
59 69 děi must; ought to 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
60 69 de 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
61 69 de infix potential marker 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
62 69 to result in 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
63 69 to be proper; to fit; to suit 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
64 69 to be satisfied 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
65 69 to be finished 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
66 69 děi satisfying 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
67 69 to contract 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
68 69 to hear 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
69 69 to have; there is 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
70 69 marks time passed 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
71 69 obtain; attain; prāpta 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
72 69 阿羅漢 āluóhàn Arhat 阿羅漢邊住者
73 69 阿羅漢 Āluóhàn arhat 阿羅漢邊住者
74 69 阿羅漢 Āluóhàn Arhat 阿羅漢邊住者
75 67 中有 zhōngyǒu an intermediate existence between death and rebirth 中有純銀樹
76 67 desire 阿羅漢欲浴時
77 67 to desire; to wish 阿羅漢欲浴時
78 67 to desire; to intend 阿羅漢欲浴時
79 67 lust 阿羅漢欲浴時
80 67 desire; intention; wish; kāma 阿羅漢欲浴時
81 67 zhōng middle 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
82 67 zhōng medium; medium sized 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
83 67 zhōng China 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
84 67 zhòng to hit the mark 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
85 67 zhōng midday 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
86 67 zhōng inside 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
87 67 zhōng during 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
88 67 zhōng Zhong 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
89 67 zhōng intermediary 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
90 67 zhōng half 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
91 67 zhòng to reach; to attain 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
92 67 zhòng to suffer; to infect 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
93 67 zhòng to obtain 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
94 67 zhòng to pass an exam 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
95 67 zhōng middle 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
96 64 Buddha; Awakened One 佛告阿難
97 64 relating to Buddhism 佛告阿難
98 64 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛告阿難
99 64 a Buddhist text 佛告阿難
100 64 to touch; to stroke 佛告阿難
101 64 Buddha 佛告阿難
102 64 Buddha; Awakened One 佛告阿難
103 56 shù tree 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
104 56 shù to plant 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
105 56 shù to establish 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
106 56 shù a door screen 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
107 56 shù a door screen 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
108 56 shù tree; vṛkṣa 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
109 51 虛空 xūkōng empty space 中有在虛空中講經者
110 51 虛空 xūkōng the sky; space 中有在虛空中講經者
111 51 虛空 xūkōng vast emptiness 中有在虛空中講經者
112 51 虛空 xūkōng Void 中有在虛空中講經者
113 51 虛空 xūkōng the sky; gagana 中有在虛空中講經者
114 51 虛空 xūkōng space; ākāśa 中有在虛空中講經者
115 48 ya 若言是也
116 46 to know; to learn about; to comprehend 悉自於一蓮華上坐
117 46 detailed 悉自於一蓮華上坐
118 46 to elaborate; to expound 悉自於一蓮華上坐
119 46 to exhaust; to use up 悉自於一蓮華上坐
120 46 strongly 悉自於一蓮華上坐
121 46 Xi 悉自於一蓮華上坐
122 46 all; kṛtsna 悉自於一蓮華上坐
123 46 zhī to go 次於泥洹之道也
124 46 zhī to arrive; to go 次於泥洹之道也
125 46 zhī is 次於泥洹之道也
126 46 zhī to use 次於泥洹之道也
127 46 zhī Zhi 次於泥洹之道也
128 46 zhī winding 次於泥洹之道也
129 43 zài in; at 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
130 43 zài to exist; to be living 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
131 43 zài to consist of 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
132 43 zài to be at a post 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
133 43 zài in; bhū 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
134 43 Qi 其面目形貌甚醜惡
135 42 wéi to act as; to serve 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
136 42 wéi to change into; to become 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
137 42 wéi to be; is 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
138 42 wéi to do 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
139 42 wèi to support; to help 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
140 42 wéi to govern 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
141 42 wèi to be; bhū 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
142 40 諸佛 zhū fó Buddhas; all Buddhas 諸菩薩中有意欲供養八方上下無央數諸佛
143 36 luàn chaotic; disorderly 則四方自然亂風起
144 36 luàn confused 則四方自然亂風起
145 36 luàn to disturb; to upset; to throw into chaos 則四方自然亂風起
146 36 luàn to be promiscuous 則四方自然亂風起
147 36 luàn finale 則四方自然亂風起
148 36 luàn to destroy 則四方自然亂風起
149 36 luàn to confuse 則四方自然亂風起
150 36 luàn agitated 則四方自然亂風起
151 36 luàn very 則四方自然亂風起
152 36 luàn unstable 則四方自然亂風起
153 36 luàn revolt; rebelion; riot 則四方自然亂風起
154 36 luàn chaotic; virolita 則四方自然亂風起
155 36 luàn provoked; kupita 則四方自然亂風起
156 36 luàn rebellion; prakopa 則四方自然亂風起
157 36 jīn gold 金莖
158 36 jīn money 金莖
159 36 jīn Jin; Kim 金莖
160 36 jīn Kangxi radical 167 金莖
161 36 jīn Later Jin Dynasty; Jin Dynasty 金莖
162 36 jīn metal 金莖
163 36 jīn hard 金莖
164 36 jīn a unit of money in China in historic times 金莖
165 36 jīn golden; gold colored 金莖
166 36 jīn a weapon 金莖
167 36 jīn valuable 金莖
168 36 jīn metal agent 金莖
169 36 jīn cymbals 金莖
170 36 jīn Venus 金莖
171 36 jīn gold; hiranya 金莖
172 36 jīn golden, bright in color; suvarna; hema; kanaka; kancana 金莖
173 36 to reach 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
174 36 to attain 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
175 36 to understand 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
176 36 able to be compared to; to catch up with 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
177 36 to be involved with; to associate with 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
178 36 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
179 36 and; ca; api 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
180 36 idea 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
181 36 Italy (abbreviation) 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
182 36 a wish; a desire; intention 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
183 36 mood; feeling 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
184 36 will; willpower; determination 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
185 36 bearing; spirit 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
186 36 to think of; to long for; to miss 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
187 36 to anticipate; to expect 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
188 36 to doubt; to suspect 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
189 36 meaning 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
190 36 a suggestion; a hint 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
191 36 an understanding; a point of view 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
192 36 Yi 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
193 36 manas; mind; mentation 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
194 36 to go 悉自然去
195 36 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 悉自然去
196 36 to be distant 悉自然去
197 36 to leave 悉自然去
198 36 to play a part 悉自然去
199 36 to abandon; to give up 悉自然去
200 36 to die 悉自然去
201 36 previous; past 悉自然去
202 36 to send out; to issue; to drive away 悉自然去
203 36 falling tone 悉自然去
204 36 to lose 悉自然去
205 36 Qu 悉自然去
206 36 go; gati 悉自然去
207 35 佛國 fóguó Buddha Land 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
208 35 佛國 fóguó a Buddha land 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
209 35 佛國 fó guó country of the Buddha's birth 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
210 35 shàng top; a high position 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
211 35 shang top; the position on or above something 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
212 35 shàng to go up; to go forward 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
213 35 shàng shang 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
214 35 shàng previous; last 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
215 35 shàng high; higher 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
216 35 shàng advanced 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
217 35 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
218 35 shàng time 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
219 35 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
220 35 shàng far 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
221 35 shàng big; as big as 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
222 35 shàng abundant; plentiful 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
223 35 shàng to report 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
224 35 shàng to offer 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
225 35 shàng to go on stage 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
226 35 shàng to take office; to assume a post 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
227 35 shàng to install; to erect 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
228 35 shàng to suffer; to sustain 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
229 35 shàng to burn 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
230 35 shàng to remember 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
231 35 shàng to add 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
232 35 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
233 35 shàng to meet 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
234 35 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
235 35 shang used after a verb indicating a result 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
236 35 shàng a musical note 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
237 35 shàng higher, superior; uttara 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
238 35 ka 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
239 35 水精 shuǐjīng crystal 水精枝
240 35 水精 shuǐjīng water spirit 水精枝
241 35 水精 shuǐjīng Mercury 水精枝
242 34 無央數 wúyāngshǔ innumerable 諸菩薩中有意欲供養八方上下無央數諸佛
243 34 fēng wind 其亂風者
244 34 fēng Kangxi radical 182 其亂風者
245 34 fēng demeanor; style; appearance 其亂風者
246 34 fēng prana 其亂風者
247 34 fēng a scene 其亂風者
248 34 fēng a custom; a tradition 其亂風者
249 34 fēng news 其亂風者
250 34 fēng a disturbance /an incident 其亂風者
251 34 fēng a fetish 其亂風者
252 34 fēng a popular folk song 其亂風者
253 34 fēng an illness; internal wind as the cause of illness 其亂風者
254 34 fēng Feng 其亂風者
255 34 fēng to blow away 其亂風者
256 34 fēng sexual interaction of animals 其亂風者
257 34 fēng from folklore without a basis 其亂風者
258 34 fèng fashion; vogue 其亂風者
259 34 fèng to tacfully admonish 其亂風者
260 34 fēng weather 其亂風者
261 34 fēng quick 其亂風者
262 34 fēng prevailing conditions; general sentiment 其亂風者
263 34 fēng wind element 其亂風者
264 34 fēng wind; vayu 其亂風者
265 32 chuī to blow; to exhale 吹國中七寶樹
266 32 chuī to play a wind instrument 吹國中七寶樹
267 32 chuī to brag; to boast 吹國中七寶樹
268 32 chuī to end in failure 吹國中七寶樹
269 32 chuī to exhale; pravā 吹國中七寶樹
270 32 Kangxi radical 132 極自軟好
271 32 Zi 極自軟好
272 32 a nose 極自軟好
273 32 the beginning; the start 極自軟好
274 32 origin 極自軟好
275 32 to employ; to use 極自軟好
276 32 to be 極自軟好
277 32 self; soul; ātman 極自軟好
278 31 琉璃 liúlí lapis lazuli; lazurite; a blue gem 中有純琉璃樹
279 31 琉璃 liúlí ceramic glaze 中有純琉璃樹
280 31 琉璃 liúlí lapis lazuli 中有純琉璃樹
281 31 琉璃 liúlí a cat's-eye gem; vaiḍūrya 中有純琉璃樹
282 31 琉璃 liúlí crystal; sphaṭika 中有純琉璃樹
283 31 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 便各自入其七寶池中浴
284 31 便 biàn advantageous 便各自入其七寶池中浴
285 31 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 便各自入其七寶池中浴
286 31 便 pián fat; obese 便各自入其七寶池中浴
287 31 便 biàn to make easy 便各自入其七寶池中浴
288 31 便 biàn an unearned advantage 便各自入其七寶池中浴
289 31 便 biàn ordinary; plain 便各自入其七寶池中浴
290 31 便 biàn in passing 便各自入其七寶池中浴
291 31 便 biàn informal 便各自入其七寶池中浴
292 31 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 便各自入其七寶池中浴
293 31 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 便各自入其七寶池中浴
294 31 便 biàn stool 便各自入其七寶池中浴
295 31 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 便各自入其七寶池中浴
296 31 便 biàn proficient; skilled 便各自入其七寶池中浴
297 31 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 便各自入其七寶池中浴
298 31 bǎi one hundred 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
299 31 bǎi many 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
300 31 bǎi Bai 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
301 31 bǎi all 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
302 31 bǎi hundred; śata 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
303 30 jīng to go through; to experience 中有在地口受經者
304 30 jīng a sutra; a scripture 中有在地口受經者
305 30 jīng warp 中有在地口受經者
306 30 jīng longitude 中有在地口受經者
307 30 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 中有在地口受經者
308 30 jīng a woman's period 中有在地口受經者
309 30 jīng to bear; to endure 中有在地口受經者
310 30 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 中有在地口受經者
311 30 jīng classics 中有在地口受經者
312 30 jīng to be frugal; to save 中有在地口受經者
313 30 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 中有在地口受經者
314 30 jīng a standard; a norm 中有在地口受經者
315 30 jīng a section of a Confucian work 中有在地口受經者
316 30 jīng to measure 中有在地口受經者
317 30 jīng human pulse 中有在地口受經者
318 30 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 中有在地口受經者
319 30 jīng sutra; discourse 中有在地口受經者
320 30 to go; to 雖於人中好無比
321 30 to rely on; to depend on 雖於人中好無比
322 30 Yu 雖於人中好無比
323 30 a crow 雖於人中好無比
324 30 suǒ a few; various; some 恣若隨意所欲好憙
325 30 suǒ a place; a location 恣若隨意所欲好憙
326 30 suǒ indicates a passive voice 恣若隨意所欲好憙
327 30 suǒ an ordinal number 恣若隨意所欲好憙
328 30 suǒ meaning 恣若隨意所欲好憙
329 30 suǒ garrison 恣若隨意所欲好憙
330 30 suǒ place; pradeśa 恣若隨意所欲好憙
331 30 yín silver 中有純銀樹
332 30 yín silver 中有純銀樹
333 30 yín cash; money 中有純銀樹
334 30 yín silver apricot; gingko 中有純銀樹
335 30 yín edge; border 中有純銀樹
336 30 yín Yin 中有純銀樹
337 30 yín silver; rūpya 中有純銀樹
338 29 shí real; true 金實
339 29 shí nut; seed; fruit 金實
340 29 shí substance; content; material 金實
341 29 shí honest; sincere 金實
342 29 shí vast; extensive 金實
343 29 shí solid 金實
344 29 shí abundant; prosperous 金實
345 29 shí reality; a fact; an event 金實
346 29 shí wealth; property 金實
347 29 shí effect; result 金實
348 29 shí an honest person 金實
349 29 shí to fill 金實
350 29 shí complete 金實
351 29 shí to strengthen 金實
352 29 shí to practice 金實
353 29 shí namely 金實
354 29 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 金實
355 29 shí full; at capacity 金實
356 29 shí supplies; goods 金實
357 29 shí Shichen 金實
358 29 shí Real 金實
359 29 shí truth; reality; tattva 金實
360 29 zhī a branch; a twig 銀枝
361 29 zhī a limb 銀枝
362 29 zhī to branch off 銀枝
363 29 zhī a branch from the same source 銀枝
364 29 zhī Zhi 銀枝
365 29 zhī divergent; not pertinent 銀枝
366 29 an extra toe; an extra finger 銀枝
367 29 zhī to prop up 銀枝
368 29 zhī a branch; śākhā 銀枝
369 29 jīng stem; stalk 金莖
370 29 jīng a stalk-shaped handle [of a vessel] 金莖
371 29 jīng hollow stalk; nāla 金莖
372 28 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩
373 28 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩
374 28 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩
375 27 shuǐ water 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
376 27 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
377 27 shuǐ a river 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
378 27 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
379 27 shuǐ a flood 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
380 27 shuǐ to swim 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
381 27 shuǐ a body of water 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
382 27 shuǐ Shui 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
383 27 shuǐ water element 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
384 27 shuǐ water 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
385 27 wēi to wither; to wilt 華小萎
386 27 wěi delicate; weak 華小萎
387 27 wēi dispirited 華小萎
388 27 wēi wither; mlāna 華小萎
389 26 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令在第六天王邊住者
390 26 lìng to issue a command 令在第六天王邊住者
391 26 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令在第六天王邊住者
392 26 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令在第六天王邊住者
393 26 lìng a season 令在第六天王邊住者
394 26 lìng respected; good reputation 令在第六天王邊住者
395 26 lìng good 令在第六天王邊住者
396 26 lìng pretentious 令在第六天王邊住者
397 26 lìng a transcending state of existence 令在第六天王邊住者
398 26 lìng a commander 令在第六天王邊住者
399 26 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令在第六天王邊住者
400 26 lìng lyrics 令在第六天王邊住者
401 26 lìng Ling 令在第六天王邊住者
402 26 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令在第六天王邊住者
403 25 七寶 qī bǎo seven treasures; great wealth 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
404 25 七寶 qī bǎo seven treasures; saptaratna 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
405 25 七寶 qī bǎo seven cakravartin treasures 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
406 24 inside; interior 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
407 24 Kangxi radical 166 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
408 24 a small village; ri 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
409 24 a residence 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
410 24 a neighborhood; an alley 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
411 24 a local administrative district 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
412 24 interior; antar 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
413 24 village; antar 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
414 24 珊瑚 shānhú coral 中有純珊瑚樹
415 24 珊瑚 shānhú coral; pravāḍa 中有純珊瑚樹
416 24 tīng to listen 中有在地聽經者
417 24 tīng to obey 中有在地聽經者
418 24 tīng to understand 中有在地聽經者
419 24 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 中有在地聽經者
420 24 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 中有在地聽經者
421 24 tīng to await 中有在地聽經者
422 24 tīng to acknowledge 中有在地聽經者
423 24 tīng information 中有在地聽經者
424 24 tīng a hall 中有在地聽經者
425 24 tīng Ting 中有在地聽經者
426 24 tìng to administer; to process 中有在地聽經者
427 24 tīng to listen; śru 中有在地聽經者
428 24 sàn to scatter 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
429 24 sàn to spread 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
430 24 sàn to dispel 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
431 24 sàn to fire; to discharge 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
432 24 sǎn relaxed; idle 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
433 24 sǎn scattered 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
434 24 sǎn powder; powdered medicine 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
435 24 sàn to squander 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
436 24 sàn to give up 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
437 24 sàn to be distracted 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
438 24 sǎn not regulated; lax 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
439 24 sǎn not systematic; chaotic 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
440 24 sǎn to grind into powder 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
441 24 sǎn a melody 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
442 24 sàn to flee; to escape 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
443 24 sǎn San 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
444 24 sàn scatter; vikiraṇa 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
445 24 sàn sa 華皆自散無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
446 23 xiǎo small; tiny 華小萎
447 23 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 華小萎
448 23 xiǎo brief 華小萎
449 23 xiǎo small in amount 華小萎
450 23 xiǎo insignificant 華小萎
451 23 xiǎo small in ability 華小萎
452 23 xiǎo to shrink 華小萎
453 23 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 華小萎
454 23 xiǎo evil-doer 華小萎
455 23 xiǎo a child 華小萎
456 23 xiǎo concubine 華小萎
457 23 xiǎo young 華小萎
458 23 xiǎo small; alpa 華小萎
459 23 xiǎo mild; mrdu 華小萎
460 23 xiǎo limited; paritta 華小萎
461 23 xiǎo deficient; dabhra 華小萎
462 23 leaf; foliage; petal 金葉
463 23 to grow leaves 金葉
464 23 a simile for a small and light object 金葉
465 23 page 金葉
466 23 period 金葉
467 23 Ye 金葉
468 23 a sheet 金葉
469 23 shè She 金葉
470 23 leaf; petal; parna; pattra 金葉
471 23 one 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
472 23 Kangxi radical 1 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
473 23 pure; concentrated 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
474 23 first 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
475 23 the same 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
476 23 sole; single 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
477 23 a very small amount 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
478 23 Yi 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
479 23 other 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
480 23 to unify 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
481 23 accidentally; coincidentally 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
482 23 abruptly; suddenly 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
483 23 one; eka 中復有兩寶共作一樹者
484 23 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 皆各各如是
485 22 soil; ground; land 華適墮地
486 22 floor 華適墮地
487 22 the earth 華適墮地
488 22 fields 華適墮地
489 22 a place 華適墮地
490 22 a situation; a position 華適墮地
491 22 background 華適墮地
492 22 terrain 華適墮地
493 22 a territory; a region 華適墮地
494 22 used after a distance measure 華適墮地
495 22 coming from the same clan 華適墮地
496 22 earth; pṛthivī 華適墮地
497 22 stage; ground; level; bhumi 華適墮地
498 22 duò to fall; to sink 華適墮地
499 22 duò apathetic; lazy 華適墮地
500 22 huī to damage; to destroy 華適墮地

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1022

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 161 huá Chinese 銀華
2 161 huá illustrious; splendid 銀華
3 161 huā a flower 銀華
4 161 huā to flower 銀華
5 161 huá China 銀華
6 161 huá empty; flowery 銀華
7 161 huá brilliance; luster 銀華
8 161 huá elegance; beauty 銀華
9 161 huā a flower 銀華
10 161 huá extravagant; wasteful; flashy 銀華
11 161 huá makeup; face powder 銀華
12 161 huá flourishing 銀華
13 161 huá a corona 銀華
14 161 huá years; time 銀華
15 161 huá your 銀華
16 161 huá essence; best part 銀華
17 161 huá grey 銀華
18 161 huà Hua 銀華
19 161 huá literary talent 銀華
20 161 huá literary talent 銀華
21 161 huá an article; a document 銀華
22 161 huá flower; puṣpa 銀華
23 119 otherwise; but; however 水則沒足
24 119 then 水則沒足
25 119 measure word for short sections of text 水則沒足
26 119 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 水則沒足
27 119 a grade; a level 水則沒足
28 119 an example; a model 水則沒足
29 119 a weighing device 水則沒足
30 119 to grade; to rank 水則沒足
31 119 to copy; to imitate; to follow 水則沒足
32 119 to do 水則沒足
33 119 only 水則沒足
34 119 immediately 水則沒足
35 119 then; moreover; atha 水則沒足
36 119 koan; kōan; gong'an 水則沒足
37 119 諸菩薩 zhū púsà bodhisattvas 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
38 113 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
39 113 zhě that 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
40 113 zhě nominalizing function word 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
41 113 zhě used to mark a definition 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
42 113 zhě used to mark a pause 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
43 113 zhě topic marker; that; it 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
44 113 zhuó according to 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
45 113 zhě ca 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
46 105 again; more; repeatedly 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
47 105 to go back; to return 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
48 105 to resume; to restart 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
49 105 to do in detail 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
50 105 to restore 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
51 105 to respond; to reply to 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
52 105 after all; and then 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
53 105 even if; although 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
54 105 Fu; Return 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
55 105 to retaliate; to reciprocate 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
56 105 to avoid forced labor or tax 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
57 105 particle without meaing 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
58 105 Fu 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
59 105 repeated; again 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
60 105 doubled; to overlapping; folded 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
61 105 a lined garment with doubled thickness 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
62 105 again; punar 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
63 101 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
64 101 jiē same; equally 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
65 101 jiē all; sarva 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
66 98 自然 zìrán nature 無量清淨佛國亦有萬種自然之伎樂無極也
67 98 自然 zìrán natural 無量清淨佛國亦有萬種自然之伎樂無極也
68 98 自然 zìrán of course; certainly; naturally 無量清淨佛國亦有萬種自然之伎樂無極也
69 76 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; unlimited 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
70 76 無量 wúliàng immeasurable 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
71 76 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; aparimāṇa 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
72 76 無量 wúliàng Atula 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
73 73 清淨 qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil; pure 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
74 73 清淨 qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
75 73 清淨 qīngjìng concise 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
76 73 清淨 qīngjìng simple and clear; concise 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
77 73 清淨 qīngjìng pure and clean 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
78 73 清淨 qīngjìng purity 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
79 73 清淨 qīngjìng pure; cleansed; purified of defiling illusion; visuddhi 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
80 69 de potential marker 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
81 69 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
82 69 děi must; ought to 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
83 69 děi to want to; to need to 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
84 69 děi must; ought to 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
85 69 de 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
86 69 de infix potential marker 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
87 69 to result in 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
88 69 to be proper; to fit; to suit 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
89 69 to be satisfied 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
90 69 to be finished 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
91 69 de result of degree 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
92 69 de marks completion of an action 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
93 69 děi satisfying 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
94 69 to contract 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
95 69 marks permission or possibility 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
96 69 expressing frustration 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
97 69 to hear 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
98 69 to have; there is 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
99 69 marks time passed 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
100 69 obtain; attain; prāpta 中有未得須陀洹道者則得須陀洹道
101 69 阿羅漢 āluóhàn Arhat 阿羅漢邊住者
102 69 阿羅漢 Āluóhàn arhat 阿羅漢邊住者
103 69 阿羅漢 Āluóhàn Arhat 阿羅漢邊住者
104 67 中有 zhōngyǒu an intermediate existence between death and rebirth 中有純銀樹
105 67 desire 阿羅漢欲浴時
106 67 to desire; to wish 阿羅漢欲浴時
107 67 almost; nearly; about to occur 阿羅漢欲浴時
108 67 to desire; to intend 阿羅漢欲浴時
109 67 lust 阿羅漢欲浴時
110 67 desire; intention; wish; kāma 阿羅漢欲浴時
111 67 zhōng middle 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
112 67 zhōng medium; medium sized 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
113 67 zhōng China 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
114 67 zhòng to hit the mark 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
115 67 zhōng in; amongst 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
116 67 zhōng midday 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
117 67 zhōng inside 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
118 67 zhōng during 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
119 67 zhōng Zhong 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
120 67 zhōng intermediary 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
121 67 zhōng half 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
122 67 zhōng just right; suitably 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
123 67 zhōng while 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
124 67 zhòng to reach; to attain 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
125 67 zhòng to suffer; to infect 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
126 67 zhòng to obtain 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
127 67 zhòng to pass an exam 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
128 67 zhōng middle 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
129 64 Buddha; Awakened One 佛告阿難
130 64 relating to Buddhism 佛告阿難
131 64 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛告阿難
132 64 a Buddhist text 佛告阿難
133 64 to touch; to stroke 佛告阿難
134 64 Buddha 佛告阿難
135 64 Buddha; Awakened One 佛告阿難
136 56 shù tree 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
137 56 shù to plant 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
138 56 shù to establish 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
139 56 shù a door screen 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
140 56 shù a door screen 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
141 56 shù tree; vṛkṣa 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
142 51 虛空 xūkōng empty space 中有在虛空中講經者
143 51 虛空 xūkōng the sky; space 中有在虛空中講經者
144 51 虛空 xūkōng vast emptiness 中有在虛空中講經者
145 51 虛空 xūkōng Void 中有在虛空中講經者
146 51 虛空 xūkōng the sky; gagana 中有在虛空中講經者
147 51 虛空 xūkōng space; ākāśa 中有在虛空中講經者
148 48 also; too 若言是也
149 48 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 若言是也
150 48 either 若言是也
151 48 even 若言是也
152 48 used to soften the tone 若言是也
153 48 used for emphasis 若言是也
154 48 used to mark contrast 若言是也
155 48 used to mark compromise 若言是也
156 48 ya 若言是也
157 46 to know; to learn about; to comprehend 悉自於一蓮華上坐
158 46 all; entire 悉自於一蓮華上坐
159 46 detailed 悉自於一蓮華上坐
160 46 to elaborate; to expound 悉自於一蓮華上坐
161 46 to exhaust; to use up 悉自於一蓮華上坐
162 46 strongly 悉自於一蓮華上坐
163 46 Xi 悉自於一蓮華上坐
164 46 all; kṛtsna 悉自於一蓮華上坐
165 46 zhī him; her; them; that 次於泥洹之道也
166 46 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 次於泥洹之道也
167 46 zhī to go 次於泥洹之道也
168 46 zhī this; that 次於泥洹之道也
169 46 zhī genetive marker 次於泥洹之道也
170 46 zhī it 次於泥洹之道也
171 46 zhī in; in regards to 次於泥洹之道也
172 46 zhī all 次於泥洹之道也
173 46 zhī and 次於泥洹之道也
174 46 zhī however 次於泥洹之道也
175 46 zhī if 次於泥洹之道也
176 46 zhī then 次於泥洹之道也
177 46 zhī to arrive; to go 次於泥洹之道也
178 46 zhī is 次於泥洹之道也
179 46 zhī to use 次於泥洹之道也
180 46 zhī Zhi 次於泥洹之道也
181 46 zhī winding 次於泥洹之道也
182 43 zài in; at 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
183 43 zài at 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
184 43 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
185 43 zài to exist; to be living 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
186 43 zài to consist of 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
187 43 zài to be at a post 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
188 43 zài in; bhū 當令在遮迦越王邊住者
189 43 his; hers; its; theirs 其面目形貌甚醜惡
190 43 to add emphasis 其面目形貌甚醜惡
191 43 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其面目形貌甚醜惡
192 43 used when making a request or giving an order 其面目形貌甚醜惡
193 43 he; her; it; them 其面目形貌甚醜惡
194 43 probably; likely 其面目形貌甚醜惡
195 43 will 其面目形貌甚醜惡
196 43 may 其面目形貌甚醜惡
197 43 if 其面目形貌甚醜惡
198 43 or 其面目形貌甚醜惡
199 43 Qi 其面目形貌甚醜惡
200 43 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其面目形貌甚醜惡
201 42 wèi for; to 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
202 42 wèi because of 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
203 42 wéi to act as; to serve 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
204 42 wéi to change into; to become 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
205 42 wéi to be; is 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
206 42 wéi to do 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
207 42 wèi for 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
208 42 wèi because of; for; to 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
209 42 wèi to 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
210 42 wéi in a passive construction 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
211 42 wéi forming a rehetorical question 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
212 42 wéi forming an adverb 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
213 42 wéi to add emphasis 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
214 42 wèi to support; to help 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
215 42 wéi to govern 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
216 42 wèi to be; bhū 都為八方上下眾風中之自然
217 40 諸佛 zhū fó Buddhas; all Buddhas 諸菩薩中有意欲供養八方上下無央數諸佛
218 36 luàn chaotic; disorderly 則四方自然亂風起
219 36 luàn confused 則四方自然亂風起
220 36 luàn to disturb; to upset; to throw into chaos 則四方自然亂風起
221 36 luàn to be promiscuous 則四方自然亂風起
222 36 luàn finale 則四方自然亂風起
223 36 luàn to destroy 則四方自然亂風起
224 36 luàn to confuse 則四方自然亂風起
225 36 luàn agitated 則四方自然亂風起
226 36 luàn very 則四方自然亂風起
227 36 luàn unstable 則四方自然亂風起
228 36 luàn arbitrarily; indescriminately 則四方自然亂風起
229 36 luàn revolt; rebelion; riot 則四方自然亂風起
230 36 luàn chaotic; virolita 則四方自然亂風起
231 36 luàn provoked; kupita 則四方自然亂風起
232 36 luàn rebellion; prakopa 則四方自然亂風起
233 36 jīn gold 金莖
234 36 jīn money 金莖
235 36 jīn Jin; Kim 金莖
236 36 jīn Kangxi radical 167 金莖
237 36 jīn Later Jin Dynasty; Jin Dynasty 金莖
238 36 jīn metal 金莖
239 36 jīn hard 金莖
240 36 jīn a unit of money in China in historic times 金莖
241 36 jīn golden; gold colored 金莖
242 36 jīn a weapon 金莖
243 36 jīn valuable 金莖
244 36 jīn metal agent 金莖
245 36 jīn cymbals 金莖
246 36 jīn Venus 金莖
247 36 jīn gold; hiranya 金莖
248 36 jīn golden, bright in color; suvarna; hema; kanaka; kancana 金莖
249 36 zhū all; many; various 外內七寶浴池繞邊上諸七寶樹
250 36 zhū Zhu 外內七寶浴池繞邊上諸七寶樹
251 36 zhū all; members of the class 外內七寶浴池繞邊上諸七寶樹
252 36 zhū interrogative particle 外內七寶浴池繞邊上諸七寶樹
253 36 zhū him; her; them; it 外內七寶浴池繞邊上諸七寶樹
254 36 zhū of; in 外內七寶浴池繞邊上諸七寶樹
255 36 zhū all; many; sarva 外內七寶浴池繞邊上諸七寶樹
256 36 to reach 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
257 36 and 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
258 36 coming to; when 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
259 36 to attain 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
260 36 to understand 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
261 36 able to be compared to; to catch up with 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
262 36 to be involved with; to associate with 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
263 36 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
264 36 and; ca; api 無量清淨佛及諸菩薩
265 36 idea 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
266 36 Italy (abbreviation) 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
267 36 a wish; a desire; intention 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
268 36 mood; feeling 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
269 36 will; willpower; determination 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
270 36 bearing; spirit 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
271 36 to think of; to long for; to miss 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
272 36 to anticipate; to expect 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
273 36 to doubt; to suspect 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
274 36 meaning 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
275 36 a suggestion; a hint 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
276 36 an understanding; a point of view 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
277 36 or 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
278 36 Yi 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
279 36 manas; mind; mentation 阿羅漢意欲令水沒足
280 36 to go 悉自然去
281 36 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 悉自然去
282 36 to be distant 悉自然去
283 36 to leave 悉自然去
284 36 to play a part 悉自然去
285 36 to abandon; to give up 悉自然去
286 36 to die 悉自然去
287 36 previous; past 悉自然去
288 36 to send out; to issue; to drive away 悉自然去
289 36 expresses a tendency 悉自然去
290 36 falling tone 悉自然去
291 36 to lose 悉自然去
292 36 Qu 悉自然去
293 36 go; gati 悉自然去
294 35 佛國 fóguó Buddha Land 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
295 35 佛國 fóguó a Buddha land 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
296 35 佛國 fó guó country of the Buddha's birth 令在無量清淨佛國中諸菩薩
297 35 shàng top; a high position 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
298 35 shang top; the position on or above something 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
299 35 shàng to go up; to go forward 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
300 35 shàng shang 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
301 35 shàng previous; last 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
302 35 shàng high; higher 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
303 35 shàng advanced 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
304 35 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
305 35 shàng time 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
306 35 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
307 35 shàng far 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
308 35 shàng big; as big as 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
309 35 shàng abundant; plentiful 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
310 35 shàng to report 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
311 35 shàng to offer 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
312 35 shàng to go on stage 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
313 35 shàng to take office; to assume a post 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
314 35 shàng to install; to erect 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
315 35 shàng to suffer; to sustain 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
316 35 shàng to burn 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
317 35 shàng to remember 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
318 35 shang on; in 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
319 35 shàng upward 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
320 35 shàng to add 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
321 35 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
322 35 shàng to meet 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
323 35 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
324 35 shang used after a verb indicating a result 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
325 35 shàng a musical note 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
326 35 shàng higher, superior; uttara 中外浴池上皆有七寶樹
327 35 each 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
328 35 all; every 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
329 35 ka 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
330 35 every; pṛthak 諸菩薩意各欲得四十里華
331 35 水精 shuǐjīng crystal 水精枝
332 35 水精 shuǐjīng water spirit 水精枝
333 35 水精 shuǐjīng Mercury 水精枝
334 34 無央數 wúyāngshǔ innumerable 諸菩薩中有意欲供養八方上下無央數諸佛
335 34 fēng wind 其亂風者
336 34 fēng Kangxi radical 182 其亂風者
337 34 fēng demeanor; style; appearance 其亂風者
338 34 fēng prana 其亂風者
339 34 fēng a scene 其亂風者
340 34 fēng a custom; a tradition 其亂風者
341 34 fēng news 其亂風者
342 34 fēng a disturbance /an incident 其亂風者
343 34 fēng a fetish 其亂風者
344 34 fēng a popular folk song 其亂風者
345 34 fēng an illness; internal wind as the cause of illness 其亂風者
346 34 fēng Feng 其亂風者
347 34 fēng to blow away 其亂風者
348 34 fēng sexual interaction of animals 其亂風者
349 34 fēng from folklore without a basis 其亂風者
350 34 fèng fashion; vogue 其亂風者
351 34 fèng to tacfully admonish 其亂風者
352 34 fēng weather 其亂風者
353 34 fēng quick 其亂風者
354 34 fēng prevailing conditions; general sentiment 其亂風者
355 34 fēng wind element 其亂風者
356 34 fēng wind; vayu 其亂風者
357 32 chuī to blow; to exhale 吹國中七寶樹
358 32 chuī to play a wind instrument 吹國中七寶樹
359 32 chuī to brag; to boast 吹國中七寶樹
360 32 chuī to end in failure 吹國中七寶樹
361 32 chuī to exhale; pravā 吹國中七寶樹
362 32 naturally; of course; certainly 極自軟好
363 32 from; since 極自軟好
364 32 self; oneself; itself 極自軟好
365 32 Kangxi radical 132 極自軟好
366 32 Zi 極自軟好
367 32 a nose 極自軟好
368 32 the beginning; the start 極自軟好
369 32 origin 極自軟好
370 32 originally 極自軟好
371 32 still; to remain 極自軟好
372 32 in person; personally 極自軟好
373 32 in addition; besides 極自軟好
374 32 if; even if 極自軟好
375 32 but 極自軟好
376 32 because 極自軟好
377 32 to employ; to use 極自軟好
378 32 to be 極自軟好
379 32 own; one's own; oneself 極自軟好
380 32 self; soul; ātman 極自軟好
381 31 琉璃 liúlí lapis lazuli; lazurite; a blue gem 中有純琉璃樹
382 31 琉璃 liúlí ceramic glaze 中有純琉璃樹
383 31 琉璃 liúlí lapis lazuli 中有純琉璃樹
384 31 琉璃 liúlí a cat's-eye gem; vaiḍūrya 中有純琉璃樹
385 31 琉璃 liúlí crystal; sphaṭika 中有純琉璃樹
386 31 shì is; are; am; to be 若言是也
387 31 shì is exactly 若言是也
388 31 shì is suitable; is in contrast 若言是也
389 31 shì this; that; those 若言是也
390 31 shì really; certainly 若言是也
391 31 shì correct; yes; affirmative 若言是也
392 31 shì true 若言是也
393 31 shì is; has; exists 若言是也
394 31 shì used between repetitions of a word 若言是也
395 31 shì a matter; an affair 若言是也
396 31 shì Shi 若言是也
397 31 shì is; bhū 若言是也
398 31 shì this; idam 若言是也
399 31 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 便各自入其七寶池中浴
400 31 便 biàn advantageous 便各自入其七寶池中浴
401 31 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 便各自入其七寶池中浴
402 31 便 pián fat; obese 便各自入其七寶池中浴
403 31 便 biàn to make easy 便各自入其七寶池中浴
404 31 便 biàn an unearned advantage 便各自入其七寶池中浴
405 31 便 biàn ordinary; plain 便各自入其七寶池中浴
406 31 便 biàn if only; so long as; to the contrary 便各自入其七寶池中浴
407 31 便 biàn in passing 便各自入其七寶池中浴
408 31 便 biàn informal 便各自入其七寶池中浴
409 31 便 biàn right away; then; right after 便各自入其七寶池中浴
410 31 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 便各自入其七寶池中浴
411 31 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 便各自入其七寶池中浴
412 31 便 biàn stool 便各自入其七寶池中浴
413 31 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 便各自入其七寶池中浴
414 31 便 biàn proficient; skilled 便各自入其七寶池中浴
415 31 便 biàn even if; even though 便各自入其七寶池中浴
416 31 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 便各自入其七寶池中浴
417 31 便 biàn then; atha 便各自入其七寶池中浴
418 31 bǎi one hundred 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
419 31 bǎi many 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
420 31 bǎi Bai 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
421 31 bǎi all 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
422 31 bǎi hundred; śata 尚復不如遮迦越王面色姝好百千億萬倍也
423 30 jīng to go through; to experience 中有在地口受經者
424 30 jīng a sutra; a scripture 中有在地口受經者
425 30 jīng warp 中有在地口受經者
426 30 jīng longitude 中有在地口受經者
427 30 jīng often; regularly; frequently 中有在地口受經者
428 30 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 中有在地口受經者
429 30 jīng a woman's period 中有在地口受經者
430 30 jīng to bear; to endure 中有在地口受經者
431 30 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 中有在地口受經者
432 30 jīng classics 中有在地口受經者
433 30 jīng to be frugal; to save 中有在地口受經者
434 30 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 中有在地口受經者
435 30 jīng a standard; a norm 中有在地口受經者
436 30 jīng a section of a Confucian work 中有在地口受經者
437 30 jīng to measure 中有在地口受經者
438 30 jīng human pulse 中有在地口受經者
439 30 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 中有在地口受經者
440 30 jīng sutra; discourse 中有在地口受經者
441 30 in; at 雖於人中好無比
442 30 in; at 雖於人中好無比
443 30 in; at; to; from 雖於人中好無比
444 30 to go; to 雖於人中好無比
445 30 to rely on; to depend on 雖於人中好無比
446 30 to go to; to arrive at 雖於人中好無比
447 30 from 雖於人中好無比
448 30 give 雖於人中好無比
449 30 oppposing 雖於人中好無比
450 30 and 雖於人中好無比
451 30 compared to 雖於人中好無比
452 30 by 雖於人中好無比
453 30 and; as well as 雖於人中好無比
454 30 for 雖於人中好無比
455 30 Yu 雖於人中好無比
456 30 a crow 雖於人中好無比
457 30 whew; wow 雖於人中好無比
458 30 near to; antike 雖於人中好無比
459 30 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 恣若隨意所欲好憙
460 30 suǒ an office; an institute 恣若隨意所欲好憙
461 30 suǒ introduces a relative clause 恣若隨意所欲好憙
462 30 suǒ it 恣若隨意所欲好憙
463 30 suǒ if; supposing 恣若隨意所欲好憙
464 30 suǒ a few; various; some 恣若隨意所欲好憙
465 30 suǒ a place; a location 恣若隨意所欲好憙
466 30 suǒ indicates a passive voice 恣若隨意所欲好憙
467 30 suǒ that which 恣若隨意所欲好憙
468 30 suǒ an ordinal number 恣若隨意所欲好憙
469 30 suǒ meaning 恣若隨意所欲好憙
470 30 suǒ garrison 恣若隨意所欲好憙
471 30 suǒ place; pradeśa 恣若隨意所欲好憙
472 30 suǒ that which; yad 恣若隨意所欲好憙
473 30 yín silver 中有純銀樹
474 30 yín silver 中有純銀樹
475 30 yín cash; money 中有純銀樹
476 30 yín silver apricot; gingko 中有純銀樹
477 30 yín edge; border 中有純銀樹
478 30 yín Yin 中有純銀樹
479 30 yín silver; rūpya 中有純銀樹
480 29 shí real; true 金實
481 29 shí nut; seed; fruit 金實
482 29 shí substance; content; material 金實
483 29 shí honest; sincere 金實
484 29 shí vast; extensive 金實
485 29 shí solid 金實
486 29 shí abundant; prosperous 金實
487 29 shí reality; a fact; an event 金實
488 29 shí wealth; property 金實
489 29 shí effect; result 金實
490 29 shí an honest person 金實
491 29 shí truly; in reality; in fact; actually 金實
492 29 shí to fill 金實
493 29 shí finally 金實
494 29 shí complete 金實
495 29 shí to strengthen 金實
496 29 shí to practice 金實
497 29 shí namely 金實
498 29 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 金實
499 29 shí this 金實
500 29 shí full; at capacity 金實


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
huá flower; puṣpa
  1. then; moreover; atha
  2. koan; kōan; gong'an
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 zhū púsà bodhisattvas
zhě ca
again; punar
jiē all; sarva
无量 無量
  1. wúliàng
  2. wúliàng
  3. wúliàng
  1. immeasurable
  2. immeasurable; aparimāṇa
  3. Atula
清净 清凈
  1. qīngjìng
  2. qīngjìng
  1. purity
  2. pure; cleansed; purified of defiling illusion; visuddhi
obtain; attain; prāpta
阿罗汉 阿羅漢
  1. Āluóhàn
  2. Āluóhàn
  1. arhat
  2. Arhat

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉 阿羅漢 196
  1. Arhat
  2. arhat
  3. Arhat
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
安乐国 安樂國 196 Land of Bliss
阿逸 196 Ajita
般泥洹 98 Parinirvāṇa
北方 98 The North
不退转 不退轉 98
  1. never regress or change
  2. avaivartika; non-retrogression
大经 大經 100 The Mahāpirvāṇa sūtra; The Nirvāṇa sūtra
忉利天 100 Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
帝释 帝釋 100 Sakra; Kausika; Lord of Devas
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
阿弥陀佛 阿彌陀佛 196
  1. Amitabha Buddha
  2. Amitabha Buddha
  3. Amitabha Buddha; Amitābha Buddha
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
恒水 恆水 104 Ganges River
后汉 後漢 104
  1. Later Han
  2. Later Han
金华 金華 106 Jinhua
108 Liao
摩诃目揵连 摩訶目揵連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
泥洹 110 Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
泥曰 110 Nirvana; Nibbāna
菩萨道 菩薩道 112
  1. Bodhisattva Path
  2. Bodhisattva Path
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
四天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
斯陀含 115 Sakrdagamin; Sakridagami; Sakadagami; Once-Returner
天帝释 天帝釋 116 Sakra; Sakka; Sakra Devānām Indra; Kausika
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
无量清净平等觉经 無量清淨平等覺經 119 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (Wuliang Qingjing Pingdeng Jue Jing)
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
  5. slowly; mandam
须阿提 須阿提 120 Sukhāvatī
须弥山 須彌山 88
  1. Mount Sumeru
  2. Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
须摩提 須摩提 120
  1. Sukhāvatī; Sukhavati; Western Pure Land
  2. Sumati
  3. Sumati
须陀洹 須陀洹 120 Srotaapanna; Sotapanna; Stream-Enterer
支娄迦谶 支婁迦讖 122 Lokakṣema; Lokaksema
中说 中說 122 Zhong Shuo
中都 122 Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
中共 122 Chinese Communist Party
自恣 122 pravāraṇā; ceremony of repentance


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 98.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉道 阿羅漢道 196 path of an arhat
阿那含道 196 anāgāmin path
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
阿惟越致菩萨 阿惟越致菩薩 196 irreversible bodhisattva
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
百味 98 a hundred flavors; many tastes
宝树 寶樹 98
  1. jeweled trees; forest of treasues
  2. a kalpa tree
倍复 倍復 98 many times more than
本愿 本願 98 prior vow; purvapranidhana
别知 別知 98 distinguish
比丘僧 98 monastic community
不异 不異 98 not different
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
大利 100 great advantage; great benefit
道意 100 intention to attain enlightenment
道智 100 knowledge of the path; mārgajñatā; margajnata
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
得度 100
  1. to attain salvation
  2. to attain enlightenment
非有 102 does not exist; is not real
佛国土 佛國土 102
  1. buddhakṣetra; a Buddha land
  2. Buddha's country
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛语 佛語 102
  1. Buddha Talk
  2. buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛国 佛國 102
  1. Buddha Land
  2. a Buddha land
  3. country of the Buddha's birth
佛智 102 Buddha knowledge; Buddha wisdom
佛足 102 buddhapāda; Buddha footprints
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
好相 104 an auspicious sign
恒沙 恆沙 104
  1. sands of the River Ganges
  2. the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
华香 華香 104 incense and flowers
欢喜踊跃 歡喜踊躍 104 leaped up with joy
化生 104 to be born from transformation; upapadukayoni; opapatikayoni
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
讲经 講經 106
  1. Expounding the Dharma
  2. to teach the sutras
  3. to teach sutras
劫波 106
  1. a kalpa; an eon
  2. a ritual; kalpa
伎乐 伎樂 106 music
卷第二 106 scroll 2
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
来生 來生 108 later rebirths; subsequent births
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
盲冥 109 blind and in darkness
摩尼珠 109
  1. Mani Pearl
  2. mani jewel; a wish fulfilling jewel
难思议 難思議 110
  1. Inconceivable
  2. inconceivable
那术 那術 110 nayuta; a huge number
辟支佛 112 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
讫已 訖已 113 to finish
求道 113
  1. Seeking the Way
  2. to seek the Dharma
去者 113 a goer; gamika
人中 114 mānuṣyaka; a multitude of men
如梦 如夢 114 like in a dream
三匝 115 to circumambulate three times
散华 散華 115 scatters flowers
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
善女人 115
  1. good women
  2. a good woman; a daughter of a noble family
胜者 勝者 115 victor; jina
神足 115 teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
食时 食時 115
  1. mealtime
  2. forenoon; pūrvāhṇa
说经 說經 115 to explain a sūtra; to expound the classics
四天下 115 the four continents
诵经 誦經 115
  1. to chant sutras
  2. to chant sutras
随意所作 隨意所作 115 perform all you have to do
所以者何 115 Why is that?
天中天 116 god of the gods
通利 116 sharp intelligence
往生 119
  1. to be reborn
  2. a future life
闻法 聞法 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
闻经 聞經 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
闻者 聞者 119 hearer; śrotṛ
无量光明 無量光明 119 boundless light
无数佛 無數佛 119 innumerable Buddhas
无数劫 無數劫 119 innumerable kalpas
无央数 無央數 119 innumerable
懈倦 120 tired
心所 120 a mental factor; caitta
严净 嚴淨 121 majestic and pure
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
一佛 121 one Buddha
一智 121 knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
一劫 121
  1. one kalpa
  2. one kalpa
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
一音 121
  1. one voice
  2. one sound; the sound of the Buddha
豫知 121 giving instruction
正觉 正覺 122 sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
众会 眾會 122 an assembly of monastics
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸天人民 諸天人民 122 Gods and men
紫磨金 122 polished rose gold
自说 自說 122 udāna; expressions
作佛 122 to become a Buddha
作善 122 to do good deeds