Glossary and Vocabulary for Mūlasarvāstivāda-ekaśatakarman (Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Bai Yi Jiemo) 根本說一切有部百一羯磨, Scroll 4

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 171 僧伽 sēngqié sangha 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
2 171 僧伽 sēngqié Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
3 126 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
4 126 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
5 125 zuò to do 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
6 125 zuò to act as; to serve as 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
7 125 zuò to start 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
8 125 zuò a writing; a work 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
9 125 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
10 125 zuō to create; to make 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
11 125 zuō a workshop 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
12 125 zuō to write; to compose 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
13 125 zuò to rise 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
14 125 zuò to be aroused 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
15 125 zuò activity; action; undertaking 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
16 125 zuò to regard as 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
17 125 zuò action; kāraṇa 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
18 84 wéi to act as; to serve 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
19 84 wéi to change into; to become 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
20 84 wéi to be; is 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
21 84 wéi to do 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
22 84 wèi to support; to help 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
23 84 wéi to govern 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
24 84 wèi to be; bhū 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
25 80 rén person; people; a human being 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
26 80 rén Kangxi radical 9 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
27 80 rén a kind of person 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
28 80 rén everybody 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
29 80 rén adult 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
30 80 rén somebody; others 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
31 80 rén an upright person 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
32 80 rén person; manuṣya 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
33 76 yìng to answer; to respond 應如是作
34 76 yìng to confirm; to verify 應如是作
35 76 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 應如是作
36 76 yìng to accept 應如是作
37 76 yìng to permit; to allow 應如是作
38 76 yìng to echo 應如是作
39 76 yìng to handle; to deal with 應如是作
40 76 yìng Ying 應如是作
41 71 bái white 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
42 71 bái Kangxi radical 106 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
43 71 bái plain 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
44 71 bái to make clear; to state; to explain; to say; to address 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
45 71 bái pure; clean; stainless 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
46 71 bái bright 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
47 71 bái a wrongly written character 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
48 71 bái clear 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
49 71 bái true; sincere; genuine 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
50 71 bái reactionary 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
51 71 bái a wine cup 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
52 71 bái a spoken part in an opera 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
53 71 bái a dialect 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
54 71 bái to understand 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
55 71 bái to report 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
56 71 bái to accuse; to charge; to sue; to indict 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
57 71 bái empty; blank 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
58 71 bái free 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
59 71 bái to stare coldly; a scornful look 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
60 71 bái relating to funerals 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
61 71 bái Bai 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
62 71 bái vernacular; spoken language 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
63 71 bái a symbol for silver 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
64 71 bái clean; avadāta 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
65 71 bái white; śukla; pāṇḍara 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
66 64 jīn today; present; now 今僧伽十五日作褒灑陀
67 64 jīn Jin 今僧伽十五日作褒灑陀
68 64 jīn modern 今僧伽十五日作褒灑陀
69 64 jīn now; adhunā 今僧伽十五日作褒灑陀
70 63 隨意 suíyì fulfilment of a wish 差作隨意人白二
71 61 某甲 mǒujiǎ a certain person 彼苾芻某甲癲狂病發
72 56 shí time; a point or period of time 若十五日褒灑陀時
73 56 shí a season; a quarter of a year 若十五日褒灑陀時
74 56 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 若十五日褒灑陀時
75 56 shí fashionable 若十五日褒灑陀時
76 56 shí fate; destiny; luck 若十五日褒灑陀時
77 56 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 若十五日褒灑陀時
78 56 shí tense 若十五日褒灑陀時
79 56 shí particular; special 若十五日褒灑陀時
80 56 shí to plant; to cultivate 若十五日褒灑陀時
81 56 shí an era; a dynasty 若十五日褒灑陀時
82 56 shí time [abstract] 若十五日褒灑陀時
83 56 shí seasonal 若十五日褒灑陀時
84 56 shí to wait upon 若十五日褒灑陀時
85 56 shí hour 若十五日褒灑陀時
86 56 shí appropriate; proper; timely 若十五日褒灑陀時
87 56 shí Shi 若十五日褒灑陀時
88 56 shí a present; currentlt 若十五日褒灑陀時
89 56 shí time; kāla 若十五日褒灑陀時
90 56 shí at that time; samaya 若十五日褒灑陀時
91 53 Kangxi radical 49 作斯事已
92 53 to bring to an end; to stop 作斯事已
93 53 to complete 作斯事已
94 53 to demote; to dismiss 作斯事已
95 53 to recover from an illness 作斯事已
96 53 former; pūrvaka 作斯事已
97 51 clothes; clothing 差藏衣人白二
98 51 Kangxi radical 145 差藏衣人白二
99 51 to wear (clothes); to put on 差藏衣人白二
100 51 a cover; a coating 差藏衣人白二
101 51 uppergarment; robe 差藏衣人白二
102 51 to cover 差藏衣人白二
103 51 lichen; moss 差藏衣人白二
104 51 peel; skin 差藏衣人白二
105 51 Yi 差藏衣人白二
106 51 to depend on 差藏衣人白二
107 51 robe; cīvara 差藏衣人白二
108 51 clothes; attire; vastra 差藏衣人白二
109 48 zhě ca 若不爾者
110 42 zhì Kangxi radical 133 若僧伽時至聽者
111 42 zhì to arrive 若僧伽時至聽者
112 42 zhì approach; upagama 若僧伽時至聽者
113 41 chà to differ 具五法者應差
114 41 chà wrong 具五法者應差
115 41 chà substandard; inferior; poor 具五法者應差
116 41 chā the difference [between two numbers] 具五法者應差
117 41 chāi to send; to dispatch 具五法者應差
118 41 cuō to stumble 具五法者應差
119 41 rank 具五法者應差
120 41 chā an error 具五法者應差
121 41 chā dissimilarity; difference 具五法者應差
122 41 chāi an errand 具五法者應差
123 41 chāi a messenger; a runner 具五法者應差
124 41 chā proportionate 具五法者應差
125 41 chāi to select; to choose 具五法者應差
126 41 chài to recover from a sickness 具五法者應差
127 41 chà uncommon; remarkable 具五法者應差
128 41 chā to make a mistake 具五法者應差
129 41 uneven 具五法者應差
130 41 to differ 具五法者應差
131 41 cuō to rub between the hands 具五法者應差
132 41 chà defect; vaikalya 具五法者應差
133 40 大德 dàdé most virtuous 大德僧伽聽
134 40 大德 dàdé Dade reign 大德僧伽聽
135 40 大德 dàdé a major festival 大德僧伽聽
136 40 大德 dàdé most virtuous; bhadanta 大德僧伽聽
137 40 大德 dàdé Great Virtue; Yaññadatta 大德僧伽聽
138 39 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 應如是作
139 37 tīng to listen 大德僧伽聽
140 37 tīng to obey 大德僧伽聽
141 37 tīng to understand 大德僧伽聽
142 37 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 大德僧伽聽
143 37 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 大德僧伽聽
144 37 tīng to await 大德僧伽聽
145 37 tīng to acknowledge 大德僧伽聽
146 37 tīng information 大德僧伽聽
147 37 tīng a hall 大德僧伽聽
148 37 tīng Ting 大德僧伽聽
149 37 tìng to administer; to process 大德僧伽聽
150 37 tīng to listen; śru 大德僧伽聽
151 37 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
152 37 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
153 37 shuì to persuade 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
154 37 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
155 37 shuō a doctrine; a theory 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
156 37 shuō to claim; to assert 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
157 37 shuō allocution 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
158 37 shuō to criticize; to scold 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
159 37 shuō to indicate; to refer to 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
160 37 shuō speach; vāda 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
161 37 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
162 37 shuō to instruct 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
163 36 day of the month; a certain day 若十五日褒灑陀時
164 36 Kangxi radical 72 若十五日褒灑陀時
165 36 a day 若十五日褒灑陀時
166 36 Japan 若十五日褒灑陀時
167 36 sun 若十五日褒灑陀時
168 36 daytime 若十五日褒灑陀時
169 36 sunlight 若十五日褒灑陀時
170 36 everyday 若十五日褒灑陀時
171 36 season 若十五日褒灑陀時
172 36 available time 若十五日褒灑陀時
173 36 in the past 若十五日褒灑陀時
174 36 mi 若十五日褒灑陀時
175 36 sun; sūrya 若十五日褒灑陀時
176 36 a day; divasa 若十五日褒灑陀時
177 36 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
178 36 zuì fault; error 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
179 36 zuì hardship; suffering 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
180 36 zuì to blame; to accuse 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
181 36 zuì punishment 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
182 36 zuì transgression; āpatti 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
183 36 zuì sin; agha 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
184 36 jié a deer's skin
185 36 jié Jie people
186 36 jié a castrated ram
187 36 jié a small drum
188 36 jié ka
189 35 No 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
190 35 nuó to move 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
191 35 nuó much 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
192 35 nuó stable; quiet 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
193 35 na 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
194 35 chǐ shame; a sense of shame 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
195 35 chǐ a disgrace; something humiliatiing 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
196 35 chǐ humiliation 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
197 35 chǐ shame; lajjā 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
198 34 shì matter; thing; item 作斯事已
199 34 shì to serve 作斯事已
200 34 shì a government post 作斯事已
201 34 shì duty; post; work 作斯事已
202 34 shì occupation 作斯事已
203 34 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 作斯事已
204 34 shì an accident 作斯事已
205 34 shì to attend 作斯事已
206 34 shì an allusion 作斯事已
207 34 shì a condition; a state; a situation 作斯事已
208 34 shì to engage in 作斯事已
209 34 shì to enslave 作斯事已
210 34 shì to pursue 作斯事已
211 34 shì to administer 作斯事已
212 34 shì to appoint 作斯事已
213 34 shì thing; phenomena 作斯事已
214 34 shì actions; karma 作斯事已
215 34 Qi 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
216 34 to go; to 於此
217 34 to rely on; to depend on 於此
218 34 Yu 於此
219 34 a crow 於此
220 33 infix potential marker 不應廢闕
221 33 chí to grasp; to hold 我今如是持
222 33 chí to resist; to oppose 我今如是持
223 33 chí to uphold 我今如是持
224 33 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 我今如是持
225 33 chí to administer; to manage 我今如是持
226 33 chí to control 我今如是持
227 33 chí to be cautious 我今如是持
228 33 chí to remember 我今如是持
229 33 chí to assist 我今如是持
230 33 chí with; using 我今如是持
231 33 chí dhara 我今如是持
232 32 self 我今如是持
233 32 [my] dear 我今如是持
234 32 Wo 我今如是持
235 32 self; atman; attan 我今如是持
236 32 ga 我今如是持
237 29 佛言 fó yán the Buddha said 佛言
238 29 佛言 fó yán buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha 佛言
239 28 zhāng Zhang 至十六日張羯恥那衣
240 28 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 至十六日張羯恥那衣
241 28 zhāng idea; thought 至十六日張羯恥那衣
242 28 zhāng to fix strings 至十六日張羯恥那衣
243 28 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 至十六日張羯恥那衣
244 28 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 至十六日張羯恥那衣
245 28 zhāng to expand; to magnify 至十六日張羯恥那衣
246 28 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 至十六日張羯恥那衣
247 28 zhāng to catch animals with a net 至十六日張羯恥那衣
248 28 zhāng to spy on; to look 至十六日張羯恥那衣
249 28 zhāng large 至十六日張羯恥那衣
250 28 zhàng swollen 至十六日張羯恥那衣
251 28 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 至十六日張羯恥那衣
252 28 zhāng to open a new business 至十六日張羯恥那衣
253 28 zhāng to fear 至十六日張羯恥那衣
254 28 zhāng open; vivṛta 至十六日張羯恥那衣
255 28 zhāng Pūrva-phalgunī 至十六日張羯恥那衣
256 25 néng can; able 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
257 25 néng ability; capacity 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
258 25 néng a mythical bear-like beast 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
259 25 néng energy 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
260 25 néng function; use 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
261 25 néng talent 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
262 25 néng expert at 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
263 25 néng to be in harmony 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
264 25 néng to tend to; to care for 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
265 25 néng to reach; to arrive at 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
266 25 néng to be able; śak 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
267 25 néng skilful; pravīṇa 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
268 24 zhòng many; numerous 令眾無犯
269 24 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 令眾無犯
270 24 zhòng general; common; public 令眾無犯
271 24 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
272 24 lìng to issue a command 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
273 24 lìng rules of behavior; customs 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
274 24 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
275 24 lìng a season 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
276 24 lìng respected; good reputation 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
277 24 lìng good 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
278 24 lìng pretentious 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
279 24 lìng a transcending state of existence 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
280 24 lìng a commander 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
281 24 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
282 24 lìng lyrics 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
283 24 lìng Ling 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
284 24 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
285 24 one 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
286 24 Kangxi radical 1 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
287 24 pure; concentrated 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
288 24 first 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
289 24 the same 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
290 24 sole; single 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
291 24 a very small amount 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
292 24 Yi 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
293 24 other 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
294 24 to unify 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
295 24 accidentally; coincidentally 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
296 24 abruptly; suddenly 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
297 24 one; eka 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
298 23 èr two 褒灑陀時不來白二
299 23 èr Kangxi radical 7 褒灑陀時不來白二
300 23 èr second 褒灑陀時不來白二
301 23 èr twice; double; di- 褒灑陀時不來白二
302 23 èr more than one kind 褒灑陀時不來白二
303 23 èr two; dvā; dvi 褒灑陀時不來白二
304 23 èr both; dvaya 褒灑陀時不來白二
305 23 羯磨 jiémó karma 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
306 22 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得越法罪
307 22 děi to want to; to need to 得越法罪
308 22 děi must; ought to 得越法罪
309 22 de 得越法罪
310 22 de infix potential marker 得越法罪
311 22 to result in 得越法罪
312 22 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得越法罪
313 22 to be satisfied 得越法罪
314 22 to be finished 得越法罪
315 22 děi satisfying 得越法罪
316 22 to contract 得越法罪
317 22 to hear 得越法罪
318 22 to have; there is 得越法罪
319 22 marks time passed 得越法罪
320 22 obtain; attain; prāpta 得越法罪
321 22 shǒu to defend; to protect; to guard; to keep safe 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
322 22 shǒu to watch over 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
323 22 shǒu to observe; to abide by 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
324 22 shǒu to be near; to be close to 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
325 22 shǒu Governor 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
326 22 shǒu duty; an official post 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
327 22 shǒu personal integrity; moral character 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
328 22 shǒu Shou 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
329 22 shǒu to preserve; to conserve 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
330 22 shǒu to wait for 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
331 22 shǒu to rely on 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
332 22 shòu to hunt 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
333 22 shǒu protect; gupta 今聽諸苾芻守持七日法出界外
334 21 night 守持四十夜出界外
335 21 dark 守持四十夜出界外
336 21 by night 守持四十夜出界外
337 21 ya 守持四十夜出界外
338 21 night; rajanī 守持四十夜出界外
339 20 安居 ānjū to settle down; to live peacefully 安居時
340 20 安居 ānjū Anju 安居時
341 20 安居 ānjū Abiding Peacefully 安居時
342 20 安居 ānjū Varsa; Varsā; Vassa; Rains Retreat; Summer Retreat 安居時
343 19 duì to oppose; to face; to regard 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
344 19 duì correct; right 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
345 19 duì opposing; opposite 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
346 19 duì duilian; couplet 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
347 19 duì yes; affirmative 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
348 19 duì to treat; to regard 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
349 19 duì to confirm; to agree 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
350 19 duì to correct; to make conform; to check 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
351 19 duì to mix 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
352 19 duì a pair 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
353 19 duì to respond; to answer 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
354 19 duì mutual 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
355 19 duì parallel; alternating 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
356 19 duì a command to appear as an audience 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
357 19 聽者 tīngzhě listener; member of audience 若僧伽時至聽者
358 19 夏安居 xià ānjū Varsa; Varsā; Vassa; Rains Retreat; Summer Retreat 諸苾芻不知云何作夏安居
359 18 to complete; to finish 既作如上
360 18 Ji 既作如上
361 18 dān bill; slip of paper; form 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
362 18 dān single 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
363 18 shàn Shan 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
364 18 chán chieftain 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
365 18 dān poor; impoverished 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
366 18 dān to deplete; to exhaust 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
367 18 dān odd 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
368 18 dān lone 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
369 18 dān few 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
370 18 dān weak; thin 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
371 18 dān unlined 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
372 18 dān a sheet 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
373 18 dān a list of names; a list 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
374 18 shàn Shan County 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
375 18 dān simple 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
376 18 dān a meditation mat 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
377 18 dān alone; solitary; ekākin 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
378 18 dān living quarters at a monastery 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
379 17 to give 不能與
380 17 to accompany 不能與
381 17 to particate in 不能與
382 17 of the same kind 不能與
383 17 to help 不能與
384 17 for 不能與
385 17 具壽 jùshòu friend; brother; venerable; āyuṣman 具壽鄔波離請世尊曰
386 17 應許 yīngxǔ to promise; to allow 應許僧伽今作褒灑陀
387 17 十五 shíwǔ fifteen 若十五日褒灑陀時
388 17 十五 shíwǔ fifteen; pancadasa 若十五日褒灑陀時
389 16 xià summer 應夏
390 16 xià Xia 應夏
391 16 xià Xia Dynasty 應夏
392 16 jiǎ a historic form of punishment with a whip 應夏
393 16 xià great; grand; big 應夏
394 16 xià China 應夏
395 16 xià the five colors 應夏
396 16 xià a tall building 應夏
397 16 xià summer; varṣā 應夏
398 16 zhǔn a rule; a guideline; a standard 准上應
399 16 zhǔn to allow; to grant; to permit 准上應
400 16 zhǔn in accordance with 准上應
401 16 zhǔn quasi 准上應
402 16 zhǔn accurate; precise; exact; correct 准上應
403 16 zhǔn a level; a straight rule 准上應
404 16 zhǔn level 准上應
405 16 zhǔn a target 准上應
406 16 zhǔn nose 准上應
407 16 zhǔn future 准上應
408 16 zhǔn to prepare 准上應
409 16 zhǔn to measure 准上應
410 16 zhǔn to copy 准上應
411 16 zhǔn a rule 准上應
412 16 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 具壽鄔波離請世尊曰
413 16 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 具壽鄔波離請世尊曰
414 16 出界 chūjiè to go out of bounds; to cross a border 受日出界外白二
415 16 住處 zhùchù residence; dwelling 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
416 16 住處 zhùchù dwelling place; sthana 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
417 16 extra; surplus 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
418 16 odd; surplus over a round number 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
419 16 to remain 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
420 16 other 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
421 16 additional; complementary 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
422 16 remaining 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
423 16 incomplete 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
424 16 Yu 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
425 16 other; anya 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
426 15 臥具 wòjù bedding 差分臥具人白二
427 15 method; way 得越法罪
428 15 France 得越法罪
429 15 the law; rules; regulations 得越法罪
430 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 得越法罪
431 15 a standard; a norm 得越法罪
432 15 an institution 得越法罪
433 15 to emulate 得越法罪
434 15 magic; a magic trick 得越法罪
435 15 punishment 得越法罪
436 15 Fa 得越法罪
437 15 a precedent 得越法罪
438 15 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 得越法罪
439 15 relating to a ceremony or rite 得越法罪
440 15 Dharma 得越法罪
441 15 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 得越法罪
442 15 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 得越法罪
443 15 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 得越法罪
444 15 quality; characteristic 得越法罪
445 14 děng et cetera; and so on
446 14 děng to wait
447 14 děng to be equal
448 14 děng degree; level
449 14 děng to compare
450 14 děng same; equal; sama
451 14 fēn to separate; to divide into parts
452 14 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion
453 14 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot
454 14 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish
455 14 fēn a fraction
456 14 fēn to express as a fraction
457 14 fēn one tenth
458 14 fèn a component; an ingredient
459 14 fèn the limit of an obligation
460 14 fèn affection; goodwill
461 14 fèn a role; a responsibility
462 14 fēn equinox
463 14 fèn a characteristic
464 14 fèn to assume; to deduce
465 14 fēn to share
466 14 fēn branch [office]
467 14 fēn clear; distinct
468 14 fēn a difference
469 14 fēn a score
470 14 fèn identity
471 14 fèn a part; a portion
472 14 fēn part; avayava
473 14 褒灑陀 bāosǎtuó fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
474 14 zhī to go 以淨物覆之
475 14 zhī to arrive; to go 以淨物覆之
476 14 zhī is 以淨物覆之
477 14 zhī to use 以淨物覆之
478 14 zhī Zhi 以淨物覆之
479 14 zhī winding 以淨物覆之
480 14 to use; to grasp 以香水洗香泥塗拭
481 14 to rely on 以香水洗香泥塗拭
482 14 to regard 以香水洗香泥塗拭
483 14 to be able to 以香水洗香泥塗拭
484 14 to order; to command 以香水洗香泥塗拭
485 14 used after a verb 以香水洗香泥塗拭
486 14 a reason; a cause 以香水洗香泥塗拭
487 14 Israel 以香水洗香泥塗拭
488 14 Yi 以香水洗香泥塗拭
489 14 use; yogena 以香水洗香泥塗拭
490 14 zhōng middle 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
491 14 zhōng medium; medium sized 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
492 14 zhōng China 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
493 14 zhòng to hit the mark 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
494 14 zhōng midday 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
495 14 zhōng inside 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
496 14 zhōng during 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
497 14 zhōng Zhong 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
498 14 zhōng intermediary 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
499 14 zhōng half 安淨槃中鮮花覆上
500 14 zhòng to reach; to attain 安淨槃中鮮花覆上

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1026

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 171 僧伽 sēngqié sangha 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
2 171 僧伽 sēngqié Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
3 126 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
4 126 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
5 125 zuò to do 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
6 125 zuò to act as; to serve as 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
7 125 zuò to start 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
8 125 zuò a writing; a work 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
9 125 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
10 125 zuō to create; to make 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
11 125 zuō a workshop 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
12 125 zuō to write; to compose 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
13 125 zuò to rise 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
14 125 zuò to be aroused 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
15 125 zuò activity; action; undertaking 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
16 125 zuò to regard as 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
17 125 zuò action; kāraṇa 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
18 84 wèi for; to 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
19 84 wèi because of 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
20 84 wéi to act as; to serve 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
21 84 wéi to change into; to become 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
22 84 wéi to be; is 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
23 84 wéi to do 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
24 84 wèi for 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
25 84 wèi because of; for; to 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
26 84 wèi to 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
27 84 wéi in a passive construction 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
28 84 wéi forming a rehetorical question 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
29 84 wéi forming an adverb 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
30 84 wéi to add emphasis 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
31 84 wèi to support; to help 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
32 84 wéi to govern 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
33 84 wèi to be; bhū 伽但為單白羯磨而作長淨
34 80 rén person; people; a human being 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
35 80 rén Kangxi radical 9 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
36 80 rén a kind of person 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
37 80 rén everybody 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
38 80 rén adult 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
39 80 rén somebody; others 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
40 80 rén an upright person 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
41 80 rén person; manuṣya 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
42 77 this; these 於此
43 77 in this way 於此
44 77 otherwise; but; however; so 於此
45 77 at this time; now; here 於此
46 77 this; here; etad 於此
47 76 yīng should; ought 應如是作
48 76 yìng to answer; to respond 應如是作
49 76 yìng to confirm; to verify 應如是作
50 76 yīng soon; immediately 應如是作
51 76 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 應如是作
52 76 yìng to accept 應如是作
53 76 yīng or; either 應如是作
54 76 yìng to permit; to allow 應如是作
55 76 yìng to echo 應如是作
56 76 yìng to handle; to deal with 應如是作
57 76 yìng Ying 應如是作
58 76 yīng suitable; yukta 應如是作
59 71 bái white 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
60 71 bái Kangxi radical 106 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
61 71 bái plain 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
62 71 bái to make clear; to state; to explain; to say; to address 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
63 71 bái pure; clean; stainless 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
64 71 bái bright 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
65 71 bái a wrongly written character 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
66 71 bái clear 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
67 71 bái true; sincere; genuine 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
68 71 bái reactionary 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
69 71 bái a wine cup 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
70 71 bái a spoken part in an opera 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
71 71 bái a dialect 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
72 71 bái to understand 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
73 71 bái to report 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
74 71 bái to accuse; to charge; to sue; to indict 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
75 71 bái in vain; to no purpose; for nothing 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
76 71 bái merely; simply; only 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
77 71 bái empty; blank 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
78 71 bái free 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
79 71 bái to stare coldly; a scornful look 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
80 71 bái relating to funerals 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
81 71 bái Bai 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
82 71 bái vernacular; spoken language 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
83 71 bái a symbol for silver 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
84 71 bái clean; avadāta 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
85 71 bái white; śukla; pāṇḍara 褒灑陀一切僧伽有罪單白
86 67 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若十五日褒灑陀時
87 67 ruò seemingly 若十五日褒灑陀時
88 67 ruò if 若十五日褒灑陀時
89 67 ruò you 若十五日褒灑陀時
90 67 ruò this; that 若十五日褒灑陀時
91 67 ruò and; or 若十五日褒灑陀時
92 67 ruò as for; pertaining to 若十五日褒灑陀時
93 67 pomegranite 若十五日褒灑陀時
94 67 ruò to choose 若十五日褒灑陀時
95 67 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若十五日褒灑陀時
96 67 ruò thus 若十五日褒灑陀時
97 67 ruò pollia 若十五日褒灑陀時
98 67 ruò Ruo 若十五日褒灑陀時
99 67 ruò only then 若十五日褒灑陀時
100 67 ja 若十五日褒灑陀時
101 67 jñā 若十五日褒灑陀時
102 67 ruò if; yadi 若十五日褒灑陀時
103 64 jīn today; present; now 今僧伽十五日作褒灑陀
104 64 jīn Jin 今僧伽十五日作褒灑陀
105 64 jīn modern 今僧伽十五日作褒灑陀
106 64 jīn now; adhunā 今僧伽十五日作褒灑陀
107 63 隨意 suíyì as one wishes 差作隨意人白二
108 63 隨意 suíyì fulfilment of a wish 差作隨意人白二
109 61 某甲 mǒujiǎ a certain person 彼苾芻某甲癲狂病發
110 56 shí time; a point or period of time 若十五日褒灑陀時
111 56 shí a season; a quarter of a year 若十五日褒灑陀時
112 56 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 若十五日褒灑陀時
113 56 shí at that time 若十五日褒灑陀時
114 56 shí fashionable 若十五日褒灑陀時
115 56 shí fate; destiny; luck 若十五日褒灑陀時
116 56 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 若十五日褒灑陀時
117 56 shí tense 若十五日褒灑陀時
118 56 shí particular; special 若十五日褒灑陀時
119 56 shí to plant; to cultivate 若十五日褒灑陀時
120 56 shí hour (measure word) 若十五日褒灑陀時
121 56 shí an era; a dynasty 若十五日褒灑陀時
122 56 shí time [abstract] 若十五日褒灑陀時
123 56 shí seasonal 若十五日褒灑陀時
124 56 shí frequently; often 若十五日褒灑陀時
125 56 shí occasionally; sometimes 若十五日褒灑陀時
126 56 shí on time 若十五日褒灑陀時
127 56 shí this; that 若十五日褒灑陀時
128 56 shí to wait upon 若十五日褒灑陀時
129 56 shí hour 若十五日褒灑陀時
130 56 shí appropriate; proper; timely 若十五日褒灑陀時
131 56 shí Shi 若十五日褒灑陀時
132 56 shí a present; currentlt 若十五日褒灑陀時
133 56 shí time; kāla 若十五日褒灑陀時
134 56 shí at that time; samaya 若十五日褒灑陀時
135 56 shí then; atha 若十五日褒灑陀時
136 53 already 作斯事已
137 53 Kangxi radical 49 作斯事已
138 53 from 作斯事已
139 53 to bring to an end; to stop 作斯事已
140 53 final aspectual particle 作斯事已
141 53 afterwards; thereafter 作斯事已
142 53 too; very; excessively 作斯事已
143 53 to complete 作斯事已
144 53 to demote; to dismiss 作斯事已
145 53 to recover from an illness 作斯事已
146 53 certainly 作斯事已
147 53 an interjection of surprise 作斯事已
148 53 this 作斯事已
149 53 former; pūrvaka 作斯事已
150 53 former; pūrvaka 作斯事已
151 51 clothes; clothing 差藏衣人白二
152 51 Kangxi radical 145 差藏衣人白二
153 51 to wear (clothes); to put on 差藏衣人白二
154 51 a cover; a coating 差藏衣人白二
155 51 uppergarment; robe 差藏衣人白二
156 51 to cover 差藏衣人白二
157 51 lichen; moss 差藏衣人白二
158 51 peel; skin 差藏衣人白二
159 51 Yi 差藏衣人白二
160 51 to depend on 差藏衣人白二
161 51 robe; cīvara 差藏衣人白二
162 51 clothes; attire; vastra 差藏衣人白二
163 48 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 若不爾者
164 48 zhě that 若不爾者
165 48 zhě nominalizing function word 若不爾者
166 48 zhě used to mark a definition 若不爾者
167 48 zhě used to mark a pause 若不爾者
168 48 zhě topic marker; that; it 若不爾者
169 48 zhuó according to 若不爾者
170 48 zhě ca 若不爾者
171 47 zhū all; many; various 若諸苾芻有犯罪者
172 47 zhū Zhu 若諸苾芻有犯罪者
173 47 zhū all; members of the class 若諸苾芻有犯罪者
174 47 zhū interrogative particle 若諸苾芻有犯罪者
175 47 zhū him; her; them; it 若諸苾芻有犯罪者
176 47 zhū of; in 若諸苾芻有犯罪者
177 47 zhū all; many; sarva 若諸苾芻有犯罪者
178 42 zhì to; until 若僧伽時至聽者
179 42 zhì Kangxi radical 133 若僧伽時至聽者
180 42 zhì extremely; very; most 若僧伽時至聽者
181 42 zhì to arrive 若僧伽時至聽者
182 42 zhì approach; upagama 若僧伽時至聽者
183 41 yǒu is; are; to exist 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
184 41 yǒu to have; to possess 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
185 41 yǒu indicates an estimate 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
186 41 yǒu indicates a large quantity 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
187 41 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
188 41 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
189 41 yǒu used to compare two things 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
190 41 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
191 41 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
192 41 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
193 41 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
194 41 yǒu abundant 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
195 41 yǒu purposeful 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
196 41 yǒu You 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
197 41 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
198 41 yǒu becoming; bhava 一切僧伽悉皆有犯
199 41 chà to differ 具五法者應差
200 41 chà less than; lacking; nearly; almost 具五法者應差
201 41 chà wrong 具五法者應差
202 41 chà substandard; inferior; poor 具五法者應差
203 41 chā the difference [between two numbers] 具五法者應差
204 41 chāi to send; to dispatch 具五法者應差
205 41 cuō to stumble 具五法者應差
206 41 rank 具五法者應差
207 41 chā an error 具五法者應差
208 41 chā dissimilarity; difference 具五法者應差
209 41 chā barely 具五法者應差
210 41 chāi an errand 具五法者應差
211 41 chāi a messenger; a runner 具五法者應差
212 41 chā proportionate 具五法者應差
213 41 chāi to select; to choose 具五法者應差
214 41 chài to recover from a sickness 具五法者應差
215 41 chà uncommon; remarkable 具五法者應差
216 41 chā to make a mistake 具五法者應差
217 41 uneven 具五法者應差
218 41 to differ 具五法者應差
219 41 cuō to rub between the hands 具五法者應差
220 41 chà defect; vaikalya 具五法者應差
221 40 大德 dàdé most virtuous 大德僧伽聽
222 40 大德 dàdé Dade reign 大德僧伽聽
223 40 大德 dàdé a major festival 大德僧伽聽
224 40 大德 dàdé most virtuous; bhadanta 大德僧伽聽
225 40 大德 dàdé Great Virtue; Yaññadatta 大德僧伽聽
226 39 如是 rúshì thus; so 應如是作
227 39 如是 rúshì thus, so 應如是作
228 39 如是 rúshì thus; evam 應如是作
229 39 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 應如是作
230 37 tīng to listen 大德僧伽聽
231 37 tīng to obey 大德僧伽聽
232 37 tīng to understand 大德僧伽聽
233 37 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 大德僧伽聽
234 37 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 大德僧伽聽
235 37 tīng to await 大德僧伽聽
236 37 tīng to acknowledge 大德僧伽聽
237 37 tīng a tin can 大德僧伽聽
238 37 tīng information 大德僧伽聽
239 37 tīng a hall 大德僧伽聽
240 37 tīng Ting 大德僧伽聽
241 37 tìng to administer; to process 大德僧伽聽
242 37 tīng to listen; śru 大德僧伽聽
243 37 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
244 37 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
245 37 shuì to persuade 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
246 37 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
247 37 shuō a doctrine; a theory 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
248 37 shuō to claim; to assert 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
249 37 shuō allocution 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
250 37 shuō to criticize; to scold 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
251 37 shuō to indicate; to refer to 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
252 37 shuō speach; vāda 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
253 37 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
254 37 shuō to instruct 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
255 36 day of the month; a certain day 若十五日褒灑陀時
256 36 Kangxi radical 72 若十五日褒灑陀時
257 36 a day 若十五日褒灑陀時
258 36 Japan 若十五日褒灑陀時
259 36 sun 若十五日褒灑陀時
260 36 daytime 若十五日褒灑陀時
261 36 sunlight 若十五日褒灑陀時
262 36 everyday 若十五日褒灑陀時
263 36 season 若十五日褒灑陀時
264 36 available time 若十五日褒灑陀時
265 36 a day 若十五日褒灑陀時
266 36 in the past 若十五日褒灑陀時
267 36 mi 若十五日褒灑陀時
268 36 sun; sūrya 若十五日褒灑陀時
269 36 a day; divasa 若十五日褒灑陀時
270 36 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
271 36 zuì fault; error 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
272 36 zuì hardship; suffering 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
273 36 zuì to blame; to accuse 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
274 36 zuì punishment 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
275 36 zuì transgression; āpatti 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
276 36 zuì sin; agha 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
277 36 jié a deer's skin
278 36 jié Jie people
279 36 jié a castrated ram
280 36 jié a small drum
281 36 jié ka
282 35 that 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
283 35 if that is the case 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
284 35 nèi that 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
285 35 where 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
286 35 how 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
287 35 No 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
288 35 nuó to move 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
289 35 nuó much 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
290 35 nuó stable; quiet 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
291 35 na 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
292 35 chǐ shame; a sense of shame 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
293 35 chǐ a disgrace; something humiliatiing 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
294 35 chǐ humiliation 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
295 35 chǐ shame; lajjā 處分衣物將作羯恥那衣白二
296 34 shì matter; thing; item 作斯事已
297 34 shì to serve 作斯事已
298 34 shì a government post 作斯事已
299 34 shì duty; post; work 作斯事已
300 34 shì occupation 作斯事已
301 34 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 作斯事已
302 34 shì an accident 作斯事已
303 34 shì to attend 作斯事已
304 34 shì an allusion 作斯事已
305 34 shì a condition; a state; a situation 作斯事已
306 34 shì to engage in 作斯事已
307 34 shì to enslave 作斯事已
308 34 shì to pursue 作斯事已
309 34 shì to administer 作斯事已
310 34 shì to appoint 作斯事已
311 34 shì a piece 作斯事已
312 34 shì thing; phenomena 作斯事已
313 34 shì actions; karma 作斯事已
314 34 his; hers; its; theirs 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
315 34 to add emphasis 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
316 34 used when asking a question in reply to a question 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
317 34 used when making a request or giving an order 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
318 34 he; her; it; them 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
319 34 probably; likely 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
320 34 will 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
321 34 may 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
322 34 if 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
323 34 or 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
324 34 Qi 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
325 34 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
326 34 in; at 於此
327 34 in; at 於此
328 34 in; at; to; from 於此
329 34 to go; to 於此
330 34 to rely on; to depend on 於此
331 34 to go to; to arrive at 於此
332 34 from 於此
333 34 give 於此
334 34 oppposing 於此
335 34 and 於此
336 34 compared to 於此
337 34 by 於此
338 34 and; as well as 於此
339 34 for 於此
340 34 Yu 於此
341 34 a crow 於此
342 34 whew; wow 於此
343 34 near to; antike 於此
344 33 not; no 不應廢闕
345 33 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不應廢闕
346 33 as a correlative 不應廢闕
347 33 no (answering a question) 不應廢闕
348 33 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不應廢闕
349 33 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不應廢闕
350 33 to form a yes or no question 不應廢闕
351 33 infix potential marker 不應廢闕
352 33 no; na 不應廢闕
353 33 chí to grasp; to hold 我今如是持
354 33 chí to resist; to oppose 我今如是持
355 33 chí to uphold 我今如是持
356 33 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 我今如是持
357 33 chí to administer; to manage 我今如是持
358 33 chí to control 我今如是持
359 33 chí to be cautious 我今如是持
360 33 chí to remember 我今如是持
361 33 chí to assist 我今如是持
362 33 chí with; using 我今如是持
363 33 chí dhara 我今如是持
364 32 I; me; my 我今如是持
365 32 self 我今如是持
366 32 we; our 我今如是持
367 32 [my] dear 我今如是持
368 32 Wo 我今如是持
369 32 self; atman; attan 我今如是持
370 32 ga 我今如是持
371 32 I; aham 我今如是持
372 30 such as; for example; for instance 若如
373 30 if 若如
374 30 in accordance with 若如
375 30 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 若如
376 30 this 若如
377 30 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 若如
378 30 to go to 若如
379 30 to meet 若如
380 30 to appear; to seem; to be like 若如
381 30 at least as good as 若如
382 30 and 若如
383 30 or 若如
384 30 but 若如
385 30 then 若如
386 30 naturally 若如
387 30 expresses a question or doubt 若如
388 30 you 若如
389 30 the second lunar month 若如
390 30 in; at 若如
391 30 Ru 若如
392 30 Thus 若如
393 30 thus; tathā 若如
394 30 like; iva 若如
395 30 suchness; tathatā 若如
396 29 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 後向餘住處當
397 29 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 後向餘住處當
398 29 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 後向餘住處當
399 29 dāng to face 後向餘住處當
400 29 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 後向餘住處當
401 29 dāng to manage; to host 後向餘住處當
402 29 dāng should 後向餘住處當
403 29 dāng to treat; to regard as 後向餘住處當
404 29 dǎng to think 後向餘住處當
405 29 dàng suitable; correspond to 後向餘住處當
406 29 dǎng to be equal 後向餘住處當
407 29 dàng that 後向餘住處當
408 29 dāng an end; top 後向餘住處當
409 29 dàng clang; jingle 後向餘住處當
410 29 dāng to judge 後向餘住處當
411 29 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 後向餘住處當
412 29 dàng the same 後向餘住處當
413 29 dàng to pawn 後向餘住處當
414 29 dàng to fail [an exam] 後向餘住處當
415 29 dàng a trap 後向餘住處當
416 29 dàng a pawned item 後向餘住處當
417 29 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 後向餘住處當
418 29 佛言 fó yán the Buddha said 佛言
419 29 佛言 fó yán buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha 佛言
420 28 zhāng a sheet; a leaf 至十六日張羯恥那衣
421 28 zhāng Zhang 至十六日張羯恥那衣
422 28 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 至十六日張羯恥那衣
423 28 zhāng idea; thought 至十六日張羯恥那衣
424 28 zhāng to fix strings 至十六日張羯恥那衣
425 28 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 至十六日張羯恥那衣
426 28 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 至十六日張羯恥那衣
427 28 zhāng to expand; to magnify 至十六日張羯恥那衣
428 28 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 至十六日張羯恥那衣
429 28 zhāng to catch animals with a net 至十六日張羯恥那衣
430 28 zhāng to spy on; to look 至十六日張羯恥那衣
431 28 zhāng large 至十六日張羯恥那衣
432 28 zhàng swollen 至十六日張羯恥那衣
433 28 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 至十六日張羯恥那衣
434 28 zhāng to open a new business 至十六日張羯恥那衣
435 28 zhāng to fear 至十六日張羯恥那衣
436 28 zhāng open; vivṛta 至十六日張羯恥那衣
437 28 zhāng Pūrva-phalgunī 至十六日張羯恥那衣
438 25 néng can; able 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
439 25 néng ability; capacity 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
440 25 néng a mythical bear-like beast 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
441 25 néng energy 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
442 25 néng function; use 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
443 25 néng may; should; permitted to 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
444 25 néng talent 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
445 25 néng expert at 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
446 25 néng to be in harmony 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
447 25 néng to tend to; to care for 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
448 25 néng to reach; to arrive at 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
449 25 néng as long as; only 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
450 25 néng even if 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
451 25 néng but 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
452 25 néng in this way 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
453 25 néng to be able; śak 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
454 25 néng skilful; pravīṇa 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
455 24 zhòng many; numerous 令眾無犯
456 24 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 令眾無犯
457 24 zhòng general; common; public 令眾無犯
458 24 zhòng many; all; sarva 令眾無犯
459 24 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
460 24 lìng to issue a command 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
461 24 lìng rules of behavior; customs 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
462 24 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
463 24 lìng a season 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
464 24 lìng respected; good reputation 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
465 24 lìng good 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
466 24 lìng pretentious 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
467 24 lìng a transcending state of existence 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
468 24 lìng a commander 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
469 24 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
470 24 lìng lyrics 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
471 24 lìng Ling 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
472 24 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 可令我等對彼苾芻如法悔除其罪
473 24 one 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
474 24 Kangxi radical 1 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
475 24 as soon as; all at once 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
476 24 pure; concentrated 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
477 24 whole; all 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
478 24 first 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
479 24 the same 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
480 24 each 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
481 24 certain 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
482 24 throughout 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
483 24 used in between a reduplicated verb 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
484 24 sole; single 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
485 24 a very small amount 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
486 24 Yi 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
487 24 other 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
488 24 to unify 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
489 24 accidentally; coincidentally 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
490 24 abruptly; suddenly 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
491 24 or 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
492 24 one; eka 無一人能向餘住處對清淨苾芻如法說悔
493 23 èr two 褒灑陀時不來白二
494 23 èr Kangxi radical 7 褒灑陀時不來白二
495 23 èr second 褒灑陀時不來白二
496 23 èr twice; double; di- 褒灑陀時不來白二
497 23 èr another; the other 褒灑陀時不來白二
498 23 èr more than one kind 褒灑陀時不來白二
499 23 èr two; dvā; dvi 褒灑陀時不來白二
500 23 èr both; dvaya 褒灑陀時不來白二


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. sēngqié
  2. sēngqié
  1. sangha
  2. Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
苾刍 苾蒭
  1. bìchú
  2. bìchú
  1. a monk; a bhikkhu
  2. a monk; a bhikkhu
zuò action; kāraṇa
wèi to be; bhū
rén person; manuṣya
this; here; etad
yīng suitable; yukta
  1. bái
  2. bái
  1. clean; avadāta
  2. white; śukla; pāṇḍara
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
jīn now; adhunā

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
白王 98 Shuddhodana; Suddhodana
八月 98
  1. August; the Eighth Month
  2. eighth lunar month; kārttika
根本说一切有部百一羯磨 根本說一切有部百一羯磨 103 Mūlasarvāstivāda-ekaśatakarman; Genben Shuo Yiqie You Bu Bai Yi Jiemo
广明 廣明 103 Guangming
伽耶山 106 Gayā
戒经 戒經 106 Sila sūtra
给孤独长者 給孤獨長者 106 Anāthapiṇḍada
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三藏法师义净 三藏法師義淨 115 Venerable Yi Jing; Venerable Yijing
三月 115
  1. March; the Third Month
  2. three months
  3. third lunar month; jyeṣṭa
僧伽 115
  1. sangha
  2. Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
上高 115 Shanggao
逝多 115 Jeta; Jetṛ
逝多林 115 Jetavana
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
授事 115 Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master
  1. Wu
  2. Wu
  3. u
邬波离 鄔波離 119 Upāli; Upali
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
夏安居 120 Varsa; Varsā; Vassa; Rains Retreat; Summer Retreat
夏坐 120 Varsa; Vassa; Rains Retreat; Summer Retreat
营事 營事 121 Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master
应供 應供 121
  1. Offering
  2. Worthy One; arhat
正月 122
  1. first month of the lunar calendar
  2. first lunar month; caitra


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 83.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿遮利耶 196 acarya; a religious teacher
八难 八難 98 eight difficulties
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
半月半月 98 first and second half of the month
褒洒陀 褒灑陀 98 fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
遍净 遍淨 98 all-encompassing purity
苾刍 苾蒭 98
  1. a monk; a bhikkhu
  2. a monk; a bhikkhu
苾刍尼 苾蒭尼 98
  1. a nun
  2. a nun
苾刍众 苾芻眾 98 community of monastics; sangha
不来 不來 98 not coming
不还者 不還者 98 anāgāmin
不如法 98 counterto moral principles
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
忏摩 懺摩 99 Repentance
长净 長淨 99 fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
除疑 99 to eliminate doubt
此等 99 they; eṣā
麁恶 麁惡 99 disgusting
存念 99 focus the mind on; samanvāharati
恶见 惡見 195 mithyadrishti; an evil view; a heterodox view
恶作 惡作 195 evil doing; remorse; kaukritya; kukkucca
二部僧 195 two monastic assemblies; monks and nuns
二师 二師 195 two kinds of teachers
法事 102 a Dharma event
梵行 102
  1. brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
共修 103 Dharma service
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
和合僧 104 saṃgha; monastic gathering
见闻疑 見聞疑 106 [what is] seen, heard, and suspected
教示 106 insruct; upadiś
结界 結界 106
  1. Restricted Area
  2. boundary; temple boundary; sīmā
羯磨 106 karma
界内 界內 106 within a region; within the confines
卷第四 106 scroll 4
瞿摩 106 gomaya; cow-dung
具寿 具壽 106 friend; brother; venerable; āyuṣman
利物 108 to benefit sentient beings
了别 了別 108 to distinguish; to discern
离过 離過 108 eliminating faults; vāntadoṣa
礼敬 禮敬 108 namo; to pay respect to; to revere
明相 109
  1. early dawn
  2. Aruṇa
木叉 109
  1. rules of conduct for monks; prātimokṣa
  2. liberation; emancipation; vimokṣa
念言 110 words from memory
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
入众 入眾 114 To Enter the Assembly
三衣 115 the three robes of monk
僧祇 115 asamkhyeya
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
圣众 聖眾 115 holy ones
摄受 攝受 115
  1. to receive, take in
  2. to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of; kindness
时众 時眾 115 present company
式叉摩拏 115 Siksamana; a novice nun; a female observer of the six commandments; śikṣamāṇā
施主 115
  1. benefactor
  2. an alms giver; a donor
受日 115 day of rest for monastics
说戒 說戒 115
  1. explation of the precepts; upoṣadha
  2. half monthly confession
寺僧 115 Saṅgha; Saṃgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
诵经 誦經 115
  1. to chant sutras
  2. to chant sutras
娑度 115 sādhu; excellent
同分 116 same class
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
五众 五眾 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
邬波斯迦 鄔波斯迦 119 a female lay Buddhist
邬波索迦 鄔波索迦 119 upasaka; upasika; a male lay Buddhist
五法 119 five dharmas; five categories
贤首 賢首 120
  1. sage chief
  2. Xianshou
行法 120 cultivation method
衣钵 衣鉢 121
  1. robe and bowl
  2. robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
  3. robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
  4. Sacristan
衣单 衣單 121 tag for clothes and bowl
应知 應知 121 should be known
应报 應報 121 fruition; the result of karma
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
因论 因論 121 universal rule
有缘 有緣 121
  1. to have a cause, link, or connection
  2. having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
语表业 語表業 121 the karma of speech
与欲 與欲 121 with desire; with consent
正学女 正學女 122 a novice nun; a female observer of the six commandments
制底 122 caitya
知见 知見 122
  1. Understanding
  2. to know by seeing
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸事 諸事 122 all things; everything
庄校 莊校 122 to decorate