Glossary and Vocabulary for Siming's Letters on Ten Issues (Siming Shi Yi Shu) 四明十義書, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 380 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
2 380 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
3 380 guān to display; to show; to make visible 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
4 380 guān Guan 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
5 380 guān appearance; looks 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
6 380 guān a sight; a view; a vista 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
7 380 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
8 380 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
9 380 guàn an announcement 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
10 380 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
11 380 guān Surview 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
12 380 guān Observe 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
13 380 guàn insight; vipasyana; vipassana 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
14 380 guān mindfulness; contemplation; smrti 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
15 380 guān recollection; anusmrti 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
16 380 guān viewing; avaloka 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
17 290 zhī to go 必須稟宗匠之開決
18 290 zhī to arrive; to go 必須稟宗匠之開決
19 290 zhī is 必須稟宗匠之開決
20 290 zhī to use 必須稟宗匠之開決
21 290 zhī Zhi 必須稟宗匠之開決
22 290 zhī winding 必須稟宗匠之開決
23 188 ya 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
24 141 jìng boundary; frontier; boundary 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
25 141 jìng area; region; place; territory 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
26 141 jìng situation; circumstances 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
27 141 jìng degree; level 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
28 141 jìng the object of one of the six senses 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
29 141 jìng sphere; region 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
30 137 wéi to act as; to serve 輒定一念為真
31 137 wéi to change into; to become 輒定一念為真
32 137 wéi to be; is 輒定一念為真
33 137 wéi to do 輒定一念為真
34 137 wèi to support; to help 輒定一念為真
35 137 wéi to govern 輒定一念為真
36 137 wèi to be; bhū 輒定一念為真
37 136 yún cloud 法智遜云
38 136 yún Yunnan 法智遜云
39 136 yún Yun 法智遜云
40 136 yún to say 法智遜云
41 136 yún to have 法智遜云
42 136 yún cloud; megha 法智遜云
43 136 yún to say; iti 法智遜云
44 127 xīn heart [organ] 心屬非真非妄
45 127 xīn Kangxi radical 61 心屬非真非妄
46 127 xīn mind; consciousness 心屬非真非妄
47 127 xīn the center; the core; the middle 心屬非真非妄
48 127 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 心屬非真非妄
49 127 xīn heart 心屬非真非妄
50 127 xīn emotion 心屬非真非妄
51 127 xīn intention; consideration 心屬非真非妄
52 127 xīn disposition; temperament 心屬非真非妄
53 127 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 心屬非真非妄
54 127 xīn heart; hṛdaya 心屬非真非妄
55 127 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 心屬非真非妄
56 119 to go; to 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
57 119 to rely on; to depend on 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
58 119 Yu 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
59 119 a crow 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
60 115 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
61 115 a grade; a level 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
62 115 an example; a model 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
63 115 a weighing device 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
64 115 to grade; to rank 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
65 115 to copy; to imitate; to follow 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
66 115 to do 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
67 115 koan; kōan; gong'an 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
68 109 meaning; sense 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
69 109 justice; right action; righteousness 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
70 109 artificial; man-made; fake 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
71 109 chivalry; generosity 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
72 109 just; righteous 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
73 109 adopted 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
74 109 a relationship 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
75 109 volunteer 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
76 109 something suitable 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
77 109 a martyr 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
78 109 a law 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
79 109 Yi 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
80 109 Righteousness 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
81 109 aim; artha 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
82 100 wén writing; text 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
83 100 wén Kangxi radical 67 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
84 100 wén Wen 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
85 100 wén lines or grain on an object 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
86 100 wén culture 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
87 100 wén refined writings 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
88 100 wén civil; non-military 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
89 100 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
90 100 wén wen 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
91 100 wén ornamentation; adornment 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
92 100 wén to ornament; to adorn 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
93 100 wén beautiful 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
94 100 wén a text; a manuscript 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
95 100 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
96 100 wén the text of an imperial order 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
97 100 wén liberal arts 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
98 100 wén a rite; a ritual 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
99 100 wén a tattoo 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
100 100 wén a classifier for copper coins 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
101 100 wén text; grantha 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
102 100 wén letter; vyañjana 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
103 97 xiū to decorate; to embellish 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
104 97 xiū to study; to cultivate 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
105 97 xiū to repair 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
106 97 xiū long; slender 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
107 97 xiū to write; to compile 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
108 97 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
109 97 xiū to practice 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
110 97 xiū to cut 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
111 97 xiū virtuous; wholesome 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
112 97 xiū a virtuous person 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
113 97 xiū Xiu 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
114 97 xiū to unknot 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
115 97 xiū to prepare; to put in order 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
116 97 xiū excellent 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
117 97 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
118 97 xiū Cultivation 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
119 97 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
120 97 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
121 91 to complete; to finish 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
122 91 Ji 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
123 91 zào to make; to build; to manufacture 共構難詞造二十條
124 91 zào to arrive; to go 共構難詞造二十條
125 91 zào to pay a visit; to call on 共構難詞造二十條
126 91 zào to edit; to collect; to compile 共構難詞造二十條
127 91 zào to attain; to achieve 共構難詞造二十條
128 91 zào an achievement 共構難詞造二十條
129 91 zào a crop 共構難詞造二十條
130 91 zào a time; an age 共構難詞造二十條
131 91 zào fortune; destiny 共構難詞造二十條
132 91 zào to educate; to train 共構難詞造二十條
133 91 zào to invent 共構難詞造二十條
134 91 zào a party in a lawsuit 共構難詞造二十條
135 91 zào to run wild; to overspend 共構難詞造二十條
136 91 zào indifferently; negligently 共構難詞造二十條
137 91 zào a woman moving to her husband's home 共構難詞造二十條
138 91 zào imaginary 共構難詞造二十條
139 91 zào to found; to initiate 共構難詞造二十條
140 91 zào to contain 共構難詞造二十條
141 91 zào made; kṛta 共構難詞造二十條
142 90 to use; to grasp 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
143 90 to rely on 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
144 90 to regard 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
145 90 to be able to 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
146 90 to order; to command 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
147 90 used after a verb 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
148 90 a reason; a cause 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
149 90 Israel 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
150 90 Yi 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
151 90 use; yogena 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
152 90 ye 為能觀觀耶轉計即墮負矣
153 90 ya 為能觀觀耶轉計即墮負矣
154 89 infix potential marker 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
155 86 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又法智引重明陰境難之
156 84 suǒ a few; various; some 十義書之所由作者
157 84 suǒ a place; a location 十義書之所由作者
158 84 suǒ indicates a passive voice 十義書之所由作者
159 84 suǒ an ordinal number 十義書之所由作者
160 84 suǒ meaning 十義書之所由作者
161 84 suǒ garrison 十義書之所由作者
162 84 suǒ place; pradeśa 十義書之所由作者
163 82 三千 sān qiān three thousand-fold 於陰心顯三千性
164 79 上人 shàngrén supreme teacher 上人粗有性靈
165 79 上人 shàngrén shangren; senior monastic 上人粗有性靈
166 76 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 輔成師義共廢廣本
167 76 chéng to become; to turn into 輔成師義共廢廣本
168 76 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 輔成師義共廢廣本
169 76 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 輔成師義共廢廣本
170 76 chéng a full measure of 輔成師義共廢廣本
171 76 chéng whole 輔成師義共廢廣本
172 76 chéng set; established 輔成師義共廢廣本
173 76 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 輔成師義共廢廣本
174 76 chéng to reconcile 輔成師義共廢廣本
175 76 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 輔成師義共廢廣本
176 76 chéng composed of 輔成師義共廢廣本
177 76 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 輔成師義共廢廣本
178 76 chéng capable; able; accomplished 輔成師義共廢廣本
179 76 chéng to help somebody achieve something 輔成師義共廢廣本
180 76 chéng Cheng 輔成師義共廢廣本
181 76 chéng Become 輔成師義共廢廣本
182 76 chéng becoming; bhāva 輔成師義共廢廣本
183 75 color 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
184 75 form; matter 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
185 75 shǎi dice 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
186 75 Kangxi radical 139 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
187 75 countenance 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
188 75 scene; sight 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
189 75 feminine charm; female beauty 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
190 75 kind; type 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
191 75 quality 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
192 75 to be angry 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
193 75 to seek; to search for 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
194 75 lust; sexual desire 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
195 75 form; rupa 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
196 75 zhě ca 昔者慈光恩師
197 75 wài outside 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
198 75 wài external; outer 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
199 75 wài foreign countries 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
200 75 wài exterior; outer surface 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
201 75 wài a remote place 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
202 75 wài husband 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
203 75 wài other 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
204 75 wài to be extra; to be additional 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
205 75 wài unofficial; informal; exoteric 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
206 75 wài role of an old man 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
207 75 wài to drift apart; to become estranged 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
208 75 wài to betray; to forsake 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
209 75 wài outside; exterior 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
210 74 內心 nèixīn inner heart 亦是義例內心
211 68 tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument 各具千如
212 68 to possess; to have 各具千如
213 68 to prepare 各具千如
214 68 to write; to describe; to state 各具千如
215 68 Ju 各具千如
216 68 talent; ability 各具千如
217 68 a feast; food 各具千如
218 68 to arrange; to provide 各具千如
219 68 furnishings 各具千如
220 68 to understand 各具千如
221 68 a mat for sitting and sleeping on 各具千如
222 63 method; way 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
223 63 France 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
224 63 the law; rules; regulations 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
225 63 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
226 63 a standard; a norm 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
227 63 an institution 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
228 63 to emulate 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
229 63 magic; a magic trick 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
230 63 punishment 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
231 63 Fa 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
232 63 a precedent 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
233 63 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
234 63 relating to a ceremony or rite 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
235 63 Dharma 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
236 63 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
237 63 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
238 63 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
239 63 quality; characteristic 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
240 60 to carry on the shoulder 何先何後
241 60 what 何先何後
242 60 He 何先何後
243 57 fēi Kangxi radical 175 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
244 57 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
245 57 fēi different 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
246 57 fēi to not be; to not have 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
247 57 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
248 57 fēi Africa 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
249 57 fēi to slander 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
250 57 fěi to avoid 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
251 57 fēi must 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
252 57 fēi an error 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
253 57 fēi a problem; a question 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
254 57 fēi evil 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
255 57 néng can; able 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
256 57 néng ability; capacity 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
257 57 néng a mythical bear-like beast 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
258 57 néng energy 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
259 57 néng function; use 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
260 57 néng talent 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
261 57 néng expert at 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
262 57 néng to be in harmony 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
263 57 néng to tend to; to care for 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
264 57 néng to reach; to arrive at 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
265 57 néng to be able; śak 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
266 57 néng skilful; pravīṇa 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
267 56 one 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
268 56 Kangxi radical 1 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
269 56 pure; concentrated 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
270 56 first 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
271 56 the same 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
272 56 sole; single 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
273 56 a very small amount 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
274 56 Yi 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
275 56 other 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
276 56 to unify 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
277 56 accidentally; coincidentally 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
278 56 abruptly; suddenly 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
279 56 one; eka 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
280 54 Kangxi radical 71 不意翻成有觀無教
281 54 to not have; without 不意翻成有觀無教
282 54 mo 不意翻成有觀無教
283 54 to not have 不意翻成有觀無教
284 54 Wu 不意翻成有觀無教
285 54 mo 不意翻成有觀無教
286 54 shì matter; thing; item 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
287 54 shì to serve 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
288 54 shì a government post 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
289 54 shì duty; post; work 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
290 54 shì occupation 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
291 54 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
292 54 shì an accident 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
293 54 shì to attend 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
294 54 shì an allusion 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
295 54 shì a condition; a state; a situation 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
296 54 shì to engage in 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
297 54 shì to enslave 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
298 54 shì to pursue 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
299 54 shì to administer 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
300 54 shì to appoint 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
301 54 shì thing; phenomena 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
302 54 shì actions; karma 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
303 53 觀心 guān xīn Observe the Mind 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
304 53 觀心 guān xīn to contemplate the mind 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
305 53 yīn cloudy; overcast 又法智引重明陰境難之
306 53 yīn Yin 又法智引重明陰境難之
307 53 yīn negative 又法智引重明陰境難之
308 53 yīn female principle 又法智引重明陰境難之
309 53 yīn northside of a hill; the southside of a river 又法智引重明陰境難之
310 53 yīn shady 又法智引重明陰境難之
311 53 yīn reproductive organ; genitals 又法智引重明陰境難之
312 53 yīn the backside 又法智引重明陰境難之
313 53 yīn a dark place; darkness 又法智引重明陰境難之
314 53 yīn Yin 又法智引重明陰境難之
315 53 yīn the moon 又法智引重明陰境難之
316 53 yīn a shadow 又法智引重明陰境難之
317 53 yīn feminine 又法智引重明陰境難之
318 53 yīn sinister; insidious 又法智引重明陰境難之
319 53 yīn supernatural 又法智引重明陰境難之
320 53 yīn secretly 又法智引重明陰境難之
321 53 yīn dark 又法智引重明陰境難之
322 53 yīn secret 又法智引重明陰境難之
323 53 yìn to cover; to hide from view; to obstruct 又法智引重明陰境難之
324 53 yìn to bury 又法智引重明陰境難之
325 53 yīn cold 又法智引重明陰境難之
326 53 yīn to weaken; to decline 又法智引重明陰境難之
327 53 yīn broken lines in a hexagram 又法智引重明陰境難之
328 53 yīn to suggest 又法智引重明陰境難之
329 53 yìn to protect; to shelter 又法智引重明陰境難之
330 53 yīn an aggregate; a group 又法智引重明陰境難之
331 53 to go through; to experience; to take place 往復各五綿歷七年
332 53 to surpass; to exceed; to transcend 往復各五綿歷七年
333 53 past an experience 往復各五綿歷七年
334 53 calendar 往復各五綿歷七年
335 53 era 往復各五綿歷七年
336 53 to offend 往復各五綿歷七年
337 53 clear 往復各五綿歷七年
338 53 sparse; infrequent 往復各五綿歷七年
339 53 calendar science; calendar system 往復各五綿歷七年
340 53 an almanac 往復各五綿歷七年
341 53 order; sequence 往復各五綿歷七年
342 53 past; previous 往復各五綿歷七年
343 53 a cauldron 往復各五綿歷七年
344 53 calendar system 往復各五綿歷七年
345 53 Li 往復各五綿歷七年
346 53 to experience; vid 往復各五綿歷七年
347 52 to be near by; to be close to 有二弟子即錢唐奉先清師嘉禾靈光敏師
348 52 at that time 有二弟子即錢唐奉先清師嘉禾靈光敏師
349 52 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 有二弟子即錢唐奉先清師嘉禾靈光敏師
350 52 supposed; so-called 有二弟子即錢唐奉先清師嘉禾靈光敏師
351 52 to arrive at; to ascend 有二弟子即錢唐奉先清師嘉禾靈光敏師
352 52 yuē approximately 初指約教正釋
353 52 yuē a treaty; an agreement; a covenant 初指約教正釋
354 52 yuē to arrange; to make an appointment 初指約教正釋
355 52 yuē vague; indistinct 初指約教正釋
356 52 yuē to invite 初指約教正釋
357 52 yuē to reduce a fraction 初指約教正釋
358 52 yuē to restrain; to restrict; to control 初指約教正釋
359 52 yuē frugal; economical; thrifty 初指約教正釋
360 52 yuē brief; simple 初指約教正釋
361 52 yuē an appointment 初指約教正釋
362 52 yuē to envelop; to shroud 初指約教正釋
363 52 yuē a rope 初指約教正釋
364 52 yuē to tie up 初指約教正釋
365 52 yuē crooked 初指約教正釋
366 52 yuē to prevent; to block 初指約教正釋
367 52 yuē destitute; poverty stricken 初指約教正釋
368 52 yuē base; low 初指約教正釋
369 52 yuē to prepare 初指約教正釋
370 52 yuē to plunder 初指約教正釋
371 52 yuē to envelop; to shroud 初指約教正釋
372 52 yāo to weigh 初指約教正釋
373 52 yāo crucial point; key point 初指約教正釋
374 52 yuē agreement; samaya 初指約教正釋
375 50 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 將教代觀
376 50 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 將教代觀
377 50 jiàng to command; to lead 將教代觀
378 50 qiāng to request 將教代觀
379 50 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 將教代觀
380 50 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 將教代觀
381 50 jiāng to checkmate 將教代觀
382 50 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 將教代觀
383 50 jiāng to do; to handle 將教代觀
384 50 jiàng backbone 將教代觀
385 50 jiàng king 將教代觀
386 50 jiāng to rest 將教代觀
387 50 jiàng a senior member of an organization 將教代觀
388 50 jiāng large; great 將教代觀
389 50 èr two 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
390 50 èr Kangxi radical 7 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
391 50 èr second 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
392 50 èr twice; double; di- 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
393 50 èr more than one kind 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
394 50 èr two; dvā; dvi 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
395 50 èr both; dvaya 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
396 50 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 更自精揀方善得通達焉
397 50 děi to want to; to need to 更自精揀方善得通達焉
398 50 děi must; ought to 更自精揀方善得通達焉
399 50 de 更自精揀方善得通達焉
400 50 de infix potential marker 更自精揀方善得通達焉
401 50 to result in 更自精揀方善得通達焉
402 50 to be proper; to fit; to suit 更自精揀方善得通達焉
403 50 to be satisfied 更自精揀方善得通達焉
404 50 to be finished 更自精揀方善得通達焉
405 50 děi satisfying 更自精揀方善得通達焉
406 50 to contract 更自精揀方善得通達焉
407 50 to hear 更自精揀方善得通達焉
408 50 to have; there is 更自精揀方善得通達焉
409 50 marks time passed 更自精揀方善得通達焉
410 50 obtain; attain; prāpta 更自精揀方善得通達焉
411 48 shí ten 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
412 48 shí Kangxi radical 24 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
413 48 shí tenth 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
414 48 shí complete; perfect 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
415 48 shí ten; daśa 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
416 48 止觀 zhǐ guān Cessation and Contemplation 止觀觀陰
417 48 止觀 zhǐ guān calming and contemplating 止觀觀陰
418 48 止觀 zhǐ guān calming and insight; calming and contemplation; śamatha and vipaśyanā 止觀觀陰
419 48 xiǎn to show; to manifest; to display 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
420 48 xiǎn Xian 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
421 48 xiǎn evident; clear 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
422 48 xiǎn distinguished 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
423 48 xiǎn honored 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
424 48 xiǎn manifest; darśayati 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
425 48 xiǎn miracle 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
426 47 ér Kangxi radical 126 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
427 47 ér as if; to seem like 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
428 47 néng can; able 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
429 47 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
430 47 ér to arrive; up to 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
431 46 諸法 zhū fǎ all things; all dharmas 則使諸法等而無差
432 46 xíng to walk 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
433 46 xíng capable; competent 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
434 46 háng profession 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
435 46 xíng Kangxi radical 144 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
436 46 xíng to travel 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
437 46 xìng actions; conduct 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
438 46 xíng to do; to act; to practice 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
439 46 xíng all right; OK; okay 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
440 46 háng horizontal line 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
441 46 héng virtuous deeds 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
442 46 hàng a line of trees 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
443 46 hàng bold; steadfast 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
444 46 xíng to move 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
445 46 xíng to put into effect; to implement 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
446 46 xíng travel 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
447 46 xíng to circulate 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
448 46 xíng running script; running script 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
449 46 xíng temporary 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
450 46 háng rank; order 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
451 46 háng a business; a shop 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
452 46 xíng to depart; to leave 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
453 46 xíng to experience 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
454 46 xíng path; way 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
455 46 xíng xing; ballad 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
456 46 xíng Xing 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
457 46 xíng Practice 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
458 46 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
459 46 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 別行玄雖魔燒佛經
460 46 shì to show; to reveal 何故不揀示識心為境
461 46 shì Kangxi radical 113 何故不揀示識心為境
462 46 shì to notify; to inform 何故不揀示識心為境
463 46 shì to guide; to show the way 何故不揀示識心為境
464 46 shì to appear; to manifest 何故不揀示識心為境
465 46 shì an order; a notice 何故不揀示識心為境
466 46 earth spirit 何故不揀示識心為境
467 46 shì teach; darśayati 何故不揀示識心為境
468 45 reason; logic; truth 一曰理乖
469 45 to manage 一曰理乖
470 45 to pay attention to; to take notice of; to regard others with a certain attitude 一曰理乖
471 45 to work jade; to remove jade from ore 一曰理乖
472 45 a natural science 一曰理乖
473 45 law; principle; theory; inner principle or structure 一曰理乖
474 45 to acknowledge; to respond; to answer 一曰理乖
475 45 a judge 一曰理乖
476 45 li; moral principle 一曰理乖
477 45 to tidy up; to put in order 一曰理乖
478 45 grain; texture 一曰理乖
479 45 reason; logic; truth 一曰理乖
480 45 principle; naya 一曰理乖
481 44 shū book 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
482 44 shū document; manuscript 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
483 44 shū letter 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
484 44 shū the Cannon of Documents 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
485 44 shū to write 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
486 44 shū writing 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
487 44 shū calligraphy; writing style 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
488 44 shū Shu 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
489 44 shū to record 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
490 44 shū book; pustaka 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
491 44 shū write; copy; likh 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
492 44 shū manuscript; lekha 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
493 44 shū book; pustaka 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
494 44 shū document; lekha 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
495 43 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
496 43 míng Ming 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
497 43 míng Ming Dynasty 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
498 43 míng obvious; explicit; clear 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
499 43 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
500 43 míng to illuminate; to shine 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1258

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 380 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
2 380 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
3 380 guān to display; to show; to make visible 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
4 380 guān Guan 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
5 380 guān appearance; looks 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
6 380 guān a sight; a view; a vista 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
7 380 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
8 380 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
9 380 guàn an announcement 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
10 380 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
11 380 guān Surview 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
12 380 guān Observe 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
13 380 guàn insight; vipasyana; vipassana 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
14 380 guān mindfulness; contemplation; smrti 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
15 380 guān recollection; anusmrti 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
16 380 guān viewing; avaloka 圓宗觀道曠遠深絕
17 290 zhī him; her; them; that 必須稟宗匠之開決
18 290 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 必須稟宗匠之開決
19 290 zhī to go 必須稟宗匠之開決
20 290 zhī this; that 必須稟宗匠之開決
21 290 zhī genetive marker 必須稟宗匠之開決
22 290 zhī it 必須稟宗匠之開決
23 290 zhī in; in regards to 必須稟宗匠之開決
24 290 zhī all 必須稟宗匠之開決
25 290 zhī and 必須稟宗匠之開決
26 290 zhī however 必須稟宗匠之開決
27 290 zhī if 必須稟宗匠之開決
28 290 zhī then 必須稟宗匠之開決
29 290 zhī to arrive; to go 必須稟宗匠之開決
30 290 zhī is 必須稟宗匠之開決
31 290 zhī to use 必須稟宗匠之開決
32 290 zhī Zhi 必須稟宗匠之開決
33 290 zhī winding 必須稟宗匠之開決
34 188 also; too 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
35 188 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
36 188 either 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
37 188 even 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
38 188 used to soften the tone 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
39 188 used for emphasis 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
40 188 used to mark contrast 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
41 188 used to mark compromise 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
42 188 ya 遂使圓談法性錯為直顯心性而廢光明玄之廣本也
43 141 jìng boundary; frontier; boundary 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
44 141 jìng area; region; place; territory 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
45 141 jìng situation; circumstances 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
46 141 jìng degree; level 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
47 141 jìng the object of one of the six senses 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
48 141 jìng sphere; region 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
49 137 wèi for; to 輒定一念為真
50 137 wèi because of 輒定一念為真
51 137 wéi to act as; to serve 輒定一念為真
52 137 wéi to change into; to become 輒定一念為真
53 137 wéi to be; is 輒定一念為真
54 137 wéi to do 輒定一念為真
55 137 wèi for 輒定一念為真
56 137 wèi because of; for; to 輒定一念為真
57 137 wèi to 輒定一念為真
58 137 wéi in a passive construction 輒定一念為真
59 137 wéi forming a rehetorical question 輒定一念為真
60 137 wéi forming an adverb 輒定一念為真
61 137 wéi to add emphasis 輒定一念為真
62 137 wèi to support; to help 輒定一念為真
63 137 wéi to govern 輒定一念為真
64 137 wèi to be; bhū 輒定一念為真
65 136 yún cloud 法智遜云
66 136 yún Yunnan 法智遜云
67 136 yún Yun 法智遜云
68 136 yún to say 法智遜云
69 136 yún to have 法智遜云
70 136 yún a particle with no meaning 法智遜云
71 136 yún in this way 法智遜云
72 136 yún cloud; megha 法智遜云
73 136 yún to say; iti 法智遜云
74 136 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若隨文致詰
75 136 ruò seemingly 若隨文致詰
76 136 ruò if 若隨文致詰
77 136 ruò you 若隨文致詰
78 136 ruò this; that 若隨文致詰
79 136 ruò and; or 若隨文致詰
80 136 ruò as for; pertaining to 若隨文致詰
81 136 pomegranite 若隨文致詰
82 136 ruò to choose 若隨文致詰
83 136 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若隨文致詰
84 136 ruò thus 若隨文致詰
85 136 ruò pollia 若隨文致詰
86 136 ruò Ruo 若隨文致詰
87 136 ruò only then 若隨文致詰
88 136 ja 若隨文致詰
89 136 jñā 若隨文致詰
90 136 ruò if; yadi 若隨文致詰
91 127 xīn heart [organ] 心屬非真非妄
92 127 xīn Kangxi radical 61 心屬非真非妄
93 127 xīn mind; consciousness 心屬非真非妄
94 127 xīn the center; the core; the middle 心屬非真非妄
95 127 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 心屬非真非妄
96 127 xīn heart 心屬非真非妄
97 127 xīn emotion 心屬非真非妄
98 127 xīn intention; consideration 心屬非真非妄
99 127 xīn disposition; temperament 心屬非真非妄
100 127 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 心屬非真非妄
101 127 xīn heart; hṛdaya 心屬非真非妄
102 127 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 心屬非真非妄
103 126 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 堅讓不免故
104 126 old; ancient; former; past 堅讓不免故
105 126 reason; cause; purpose 堅讓不免故
106 126 to die 堅讓不免故
107 126 so; therefore; hence 堅讓不免故
108 126 original 堅讓不免故
109 126 accident; happening; instance 堅讓不免故
110 126 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 堅讓不免故
111 126 something in the past 堅讓不免故
112 126 deceased; dead 堅讓不免故
113 126 still; yet 堅讓不免故
114 126 therefore; tasmāt 堅讓不免故
115 119 in; at 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
116 119 in; at 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
117 119 in; at; to; from 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
118 119 to go; to 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
119 119 to rely on; to depend on 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
120 119 to go to; to arrive at 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
121 119 from 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
122 119 give 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
123 119 oppposing 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
124 119 and 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
125 119 compared to 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
126 119 by 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
127 119 and; as well as 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
128 119 for 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
129 119 Yu 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
130 119 a crow 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
131 119 whew; wow 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
132 119 near to; antike 於是四明尊者惜乎正教慜於來蒙勉與梵天昭師問答往復各及五回
133 115 otherwise; but; however 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
134 115 then 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
135 115 measure word for short sections of text 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
136 115 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
137 115 a grade; a level 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
138 115 an example; a model 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
139 115 a weighing device 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
140 115 to grade; to rank 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
141 115 to copy; to imitate; to follow 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
142 115 to do 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
143 115 only 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
144 115 immediately 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
145 115 then; moreover; atha 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
146 115 koan; kōan; gong'an 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
147 109 meaning; sense 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
148 109 justice; right action; righteousness 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
149 109 artificial; man-made; fake 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
150 109 chivalry; generosity 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
151 109 just; righteous 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
152 109 adopted 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
153 109 a relationship 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
154 109 volunteer 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
155 109 something suitable 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
156 109 a martyr 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
157 109 a law 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
158 109 Yi 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
159 109 Righteousness 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
160 109 aim; artha 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
161 104 this; these 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
162 104 in this way 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
163 104 otherwise; but; however; so 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
164 104 at this time; now; here 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
165 104 this; here; etad 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
166 100 wén writing; text 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
167 100 wén Kangxi radical 67 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
168 100 wén Wen 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
169 100 wén lines or grain on an object 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
170 100 wén culture 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
171 100 wén refined writings 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
172 100 wén civil; non-military 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
173 100 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
174 100 wén wen 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
175 100 wén ornamentation; adornment 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
176 100 wén to ornament; to adorn 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
177 100 wén beautiful 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
178 100 wén a text; a manuscript 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
179 100 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
180 100 wén the text of an imperial order 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
181 100 wén liberal arts 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
182 100 wén a rite; a ritual 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
183 100 wén a tattoo 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
184 100 wén a classifier for copper coins 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
185 100 wén text; grantha 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
186 100 wén letter; vyañjana 今之十義書者撮彼五回之文而集大成者也
187 97 xiū to decorate; to embellish 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
188 97 xiū to study; to cultivate 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
189 97 xiū to repair 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
190 97 xiū long; slender 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
191 97 xiū to write; to compile 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
192 97 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
193 97 xiū to practice 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
194 97 xiū to cut 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
195 97 xiū virtuous; wholesome 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
196 97 xiū a virtuous person 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
197 97 xiū Xiu 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
198 97 xiū to unknot 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
199 97 xiū to prepare; to put in order 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
200 97 xiū excellent 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
201 97 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
202 97 xiū Cultivation 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
203 97 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
204 97 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
205 91 already; since 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
206 91 both ... and ... 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
207 91 to complete; to finish 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
208 91 preverbal particle marking completion 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
209 91 not long 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
210 91 Ji 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
211 91 thereupon; tatas 譬如破竹初節既破餘節皆去不難也
212 91 zào to make; to build; to manufacture 共構難詞造二十條
213 91 zào to arrive; to go 共構難詞造二十條
214 91 zào to pay a visit; to call on 共構難詞造二十條
215 91 zào to edit; to collect; to compile 共構難詞造二十條
216 91 zào to attain; to achieve 共構難詞造二十條
217 91 zào an achievement 共構難詞造二十條
218 91 zào a crop 共構難詞造二十條
219 91 zào a time; an age 共構難詞造二十條
220 91 zào fortune; destiny 共構難詞造二十條
221 91 zào suddenly 共構難詞造二十條
222 91 zào to educate; to train 共構難詞造二十條
223 91 zào to invent 共構難詞造二十條
224 91 zào a party in a lawsuit 共構難詞造二十條
225 91 zào to run wild; to overspend 共構難詞造二十條
226 91 zào indifferently; negligently 共構難詞造二十條
227 91 zào a woman moving to her husband's home 共構難詞造二十條
228 91 zào imaginary 共構難詞造二十條
229 91 zào to found; to initiate 共構難詞造二十條
230 91 zào to contain 共構難詞造二十條
231 91 zào made; kṛta 共構難詞造二十條
232 90 so as to; in order to 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
233 90 to use; to regard as 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
234 90 to use; to grasp 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
235 90 according to 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
236 90 because of 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
237 90 on a certain date 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
238 90 and; as well as 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
239 90 to rely on 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
240 90 to regard 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
241 90 to be able to 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
242 90 to order; to command 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
243 90 further; moreover 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
244 90 used after a verb 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
245 90 very 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
246 90 already 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
247 90 increasingly 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
248 90 a reason; a cause 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
249 90 Israel 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
250 90 Yi 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
251 90 use; yogena 今為訂正重上梨棗更揭忠師科於文上以代學人合寫之勞
252 90 final interogative 為能觀觀耶轉計即墮負矣
253 90 ye 為能觀觀耶轉計即墮負矣
254 90 ya 為能觀觀耶轉計即墮負矣
255 89 not; no 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
256 89 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
257 89 as a correlative 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
258 89 no (answering a question) 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
259 89 forms a negative adjective from a noun 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
260 89 at the end of a sentence to form a question 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
261 89 to form a yes or no question 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
262 89 infix potential marker 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
263 89 no; na 況初學後進不入邪徑殆希矣
264 86 yòu again; also 又法智引重明陰境難之
265 86 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又法智引重明陰境難之
266 86 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又法智引重明陰境難之
267 86 yòu and 又法智引重明陰境難之
268 86 yòu furthermore 又法智引重明陰境難之
269 86 yòu in addition 又法智引重明陰境難之
270 86 yòu but 又法智引重明陰境難之
271 86 yòu again; also; moreover; punar 又法智引重明陰境難之
272 84 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 十義書之所由作者
273 84 suǒ an office; an institute 十義書之所由作者
274 84 suǒ introduces a relative clause 十義書之所由作者
275 84 suǒ it 十義書之所由作者
276 84 suǒ if; supposing 十義書之所由作者
277 84 suǒ a few; various; some 十義書之所由作者
278 84 suǒ a place; a location 十義書之所由作者
279 84 suǒ indicates a passive voice 十義書之所由作者
280 84 suǒ that which 十義書之所由作者
281 84 suǒ an ordinal number 十義書之所由作者
282 84 suǒ meaning 十義書之所由作者
283 84 suǒ garrison 十義書之所由作者
284 84 suǒ place; pradeśa 十義書之所由作者
285 84 suǒ that which; yad 十義書之所由作者
286 82 三千 sān qiān three thousand-fold 於陰心顯三千性
287 79 上人 shàngrén supreme teacher 上人粗有性靈
288 79 上人 shàngrén shangren; senior monastic 上人粗有性靈
289 78 shì is; are; am; to be 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
290 78 shì is exactly 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
291 78 shì is suitable; is in contrast 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
292 78 shì this; that; those 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
293 78 shì really; certainly 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
294 78 shì correct; yes; affirmative 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
295 78 shì true 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
296 78 shì is; has; exists 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
297 78 shì used between repetitions of a word 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
298 78 shì a matter; an affair 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
299 78 shì Shi 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
300 78 shì is; bhū 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
301 78 shì this; idam 從是今宗境觀大壞亂矣
302 76 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 輔成師義共廢廣本
303 76 chéng one tenth 輔成師義共廢廣本
304 76 chéng to become; to turn into 輔成師義共廢廣本
305 76 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 輔成師義共廢廣本
306 76 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 輔成師義共廢廣本
307 76 chéng a full measure of 輔成師義共廢廣本
308 76 chéng whole 輔成師義共廢廣本
309 76 chéng set; established 輔成師義共廢廣本
310 76 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 輔成師義共廢廣本
311 76 chéng to reconcile 輔成師義共廢廣本
312 76 chéng alright; OK 輔成師義共廢廣本
313 76 chéng an area of ten square miles 輔成師義共廢廣本
314 76 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 輔成師義共廢廣本
315 76 chéng composed of 輔成師義共廢廣本
316 76 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 輔成師義共廢廣本
317 76 chéng capable; able; accomplished 輔成師義共廢廣本
318 76 chéng to help somebody achieve something 輔成師義共廢廣本
319 76 chéng Cheng 輔成師義共廢廣本
320 76 chéng Become 輔成師義共廢廣本
321 76 chéng becoming; bhāva 輔成師義共廢廣本
322 75 color 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
323 75 form; matter 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
324 75 shǎi dice 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
325 75 Kangxi radical 139 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
326 75 countenance 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
327 75 scene; sight 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
328 75 feminine charm; female beauty 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
329 75 kind; type 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
330 75 quality 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
331 75 to be angry 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
332 75 to seek; to search for 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
333 75 lust; sexual desire 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
334 75 form; rupa 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
335 75 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 昔者慈光恩師
336 75 zhě that 昔者慈光恩師
337 75 zhě nominalizing function word 昔者慈光恩師
338 75 zhě used to mark a definition 昔者慈光恩師
339 75 zhě used to mark a pause 昔者慈光恩師
340 75 zhě topic marker; that; it 昔者慈光恩師
341 75 zhuó according to 昔者慈光恩師
342 75 zhě ca 昔者慈光恩師
343 75 wài outside 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
344 75 wài out; outer 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
345 75 wài external; outer 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
346 75 wài foreign countries 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
347 75 wài exterior; outer surface 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
348 75 wài a remote place 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
349 75 wài maternal side; wife's family members 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
350 75 wài husband 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
351 75 wài other 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
352 75 wài to be extra; to be additional 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
353 75 wài unofficial; informal; exoteric 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
354 75 wài role of an old man 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
355 75 wài to drift apart; to become estranged 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
356 75 wài to betray; to forsake 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
357 75 wài outside; exterior 嗚呼因山外之邪說觀心正義翻顯昭代其猶猪揩金山風益求羅耳
358 74 內心 nèixīn inner heart 亦是義例內心
359 73 wěi yes 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
360 73 wéi only; alone 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
361 73 wěi yea 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
362 73 wěi obediently 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
363 73 wěi hopefully 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
364 73 wéi repeatedly 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
365 73 wéi still 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
366 73 wěi hopefully 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
367 73 wěi and 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
368 73 wěi then 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
369 73 wěi even if 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
370 73 wěi because 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
371 73 wěi used before year, month, or day 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
372 73 wěi only; eva 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
373 68 tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument 各具千如
374 68 to possess; to have 各具千如
375 68 measure word for devices, coffins, dead bodies, etc 各具千如
376 68 to prepare 各具千如
377 68 to write; to describe; to state 各具千如
378 68 Ju 各具千如
379 68 talent; ability 各具千如
380 68 a feast; food 各具千如
381 68 all; entirely; completely; in detail 各具千如
382 68 to arrange; to provide 各具千如
383 68 furnishings 各具千如
384 68 pleased; contentedly 各具千如
385 68 to understand 各具千如
386 68 together; saha 各具千如
387 68 a mat for sitting and sleeping on 各具千如
388 63 method; way 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
389 63 France 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
390 63 the law; rules; regulations 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
391 63 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
392 63 a standard; a norm 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
393 63 an institution 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
394 63 to emulate 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
395 63 magic; a magic trick 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
396 63 punishment 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
397 63 Fa 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
398 63 a precedent 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
399 63 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
400 63 relating to a ceremony or rite 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
401 63 Dharma 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
402 63 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
403 63 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
404 63 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
405 63 quality; characteristic 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
406 60 what; where; which 何先何後
407 60 to carry on the shoulder 何先何後
408 60 who 何先何後
409 60 what 何先何後
410 60 why 何先何後
411 60 how 何先何後
412 60 how much 何先何後
413 60 He 何先何後
414 60 what; kim 何先何後
415 58 yǒu is; are; to exist 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
416 58 yǒu to have; to possess 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
417 58 yǒu indicates an estimate 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
418 58 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
419 58 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
420 58 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
421 58 yǒu used to compare two things 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
422 58 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
423 58 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
424 58 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
425 58 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
426 58 yǒu abundant 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
427 58 yǒu purposeful 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
428 58 yǒu You 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
429 58 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
430 58 yǒu becoming; bhava 有宋景德之前光明玄廣略二本並行於世
431 57 fēi not; non-; un- 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
432 57 fēi Kangxi radical 175 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
433 57 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
434 57 fēi different 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
435 57 fēi to not be; to not have 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
436 57 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
437 57 fēi Africa 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
438 57 fēi to slander 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
439 57 fěi to avoid 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
440 57 fēi must 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
441 57 fēi an error 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
442 57 fēi a problem; a question 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
443 57 fēi evil 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
444 57 fēi besides; except; unless 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
445 57 fēi not 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
446 57 néng can; able 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
447 57 néng ability; capacity 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
448 57 néng a mythical bear-like beast 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
449 57 néng energy 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
450 57 néng function; use 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
451 57 néng may; should; permitted to 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
452 57 néng talent 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
453 57 néng expert at 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
454 57 néng to be in harmony 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
455 57 néng to tend to; to care for 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
456 57 néng to reach; to arrive at 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
457 57 néng as long as; only 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
458 57 néng even if 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
459 57 néng but 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
460 57 néng in this way 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
461 57 néng to be able; śak 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
462 57 néng skilful; pravīṇa 後學精讀此書勤勤綣綣則能解釋宗教通達觀道自在無礙
463 56 one 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
464 56 Kangxi radical 1 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
465 56 as soon as; all at once 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
466 56 pure; concentrated 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
467 56 whole; all 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
468 56 first 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
469 56 the same 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
470 56 each 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
471 56 certain 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
472 56 throughout 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
473 56 used in between a reduplicated verb 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
474 56 sole; single 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
475 56 a very small amount 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
476 56 Yi 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
477 56 other 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
478 56 to unify 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
479 56 accidentally; coincidentally 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
480 56 abruptly; suddenly 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
481 56 or 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
482 56 one; eka 一披此書非惟往復始終灼然可觀
483 54 no 不意翻成有觀無教
484 54 Kangxi radical 71 不意翻成有觀無教
485 54 to not have; without 不意翻成有觀無教
486 54 has not yet 不意翻成有觀無教
487 54 mo 不意翻成有觀無教
488 54 do not 不意翻成有觀無教
489 54 not; -less; un- 不意翻成有觀無教
490 54 regardless of 不意翻成有觀無教
491 54 to not have 不意翻成有觀無教
492 54 um 不意翻成有觀無教
493 54 Wu 不意翻成有觀無教
494 54 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 不意翻成有觀無教
495 54 not; non- 不意翻成有觀無教
496 54 mo 不意翻成有觀無教
497 54 shì matter; thing; item 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
498 54 shì to serve 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
499 54 shì a government post 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣
500 54 shì duty; post; work 亦夫定境修觀託事附法妙解妙行唯色唯心凡觀道之晦于時者燦然明矣


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. guān
  2. guàn
  3. guān
  4. guān
  5. guān
  1. Observe
  2. insight; vipasyana; vipassana
  3. mindfulness; contemplation; smrti
  4. recollection; anusmrti
  5. viewing; avaloka
  1. jìng
  2. jìng
  1. the object of one of the six senses
  2. sphere; region
wèi to be; bhū
  1. yún
  2. yún
  1. cloud; megha
  2. to say; iti
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
  1. xīn
  2. xīn
  3. xīn
  1. citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality
  2. heart; hṛdaya
  3. Rohiṇī; Jyesthā
therefore; tasmāt
near to; antike
  1. then; moreover; atha
  2. koan; kōan; gong'an

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
本论 本論 98
  1. this book; main part of this book
  2. On Principles
  3. On Principles
波旬 98 Pāpīyāms; Pāpimant
不二门 不二門 66
  1. Non-Duality Gate
  2. the Gate of Non-Duality
  3. Non-duality gate
法归 法歸 102 Fagui
法华玄义 法華玄義 102 Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra
法界次第 102 Sequence of the Boundaries of the Dharma
法句 102 Dhammapada
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
改则 改則 103 Gerze
广明 廣明 103 Guangming
广智 廣智 103 Guangzhi
华严 華嚴 104 Avataṃsaka sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
慧日 104
  1. to have illuminating wisdom like the Buddha
  2. Huiri
  3. Huiri
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
继忠 繼忠 106 Ji Zhong
嘉禾 106
  1. an excellent crop
  2. Jiahe [reign]
  3. Jiahe [county]
今文 今文 106 New Text Confucianism
景德 106 Jing De reign
净名 淨名 106 Vimalakirti
荆溪 荊溪 106 Jingxi
孔子 107 Confucius
会稽 會稽 75 Kuaiji Mountain
来义 來義 108 Laiyi
龙安 龍安 108 Longan
妙法 109
  1. Wondrous Dharma
  2. the wonderful Dharma; the wonderful truth; saddharma; the Dharma; the teachings of the Buddha
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
起信论 起信論 81 Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna; Dasheng Qixin Lun
七月 113
  1. July; the Seventh Month
  2. seventh lunar month; āśvayuja
如观 如觀 114 Ru Guan
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三义 三義 115
  1. Sanyi
  2. Sanyi
十不二门 十不二門 115 Ten Gates of Non-Duality
十方诸佛 十方諸佛 115 the Buddhas of the Ten Directions
十界 115 the ten realms
十月 115
  1. October; the Tenth Month
  2. tenth lunar month; pauṣa
四明 115 Si Ming
四明十义书 四明十義書 115 Siming's Letters on Ten Issues (Siming Shi Yi Shu)
四魔 115 the four kinds of evil
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
唐山 116
  1. Tangshan
  2. China
天台 116 Tiantai; T'ien-tai
文中 119 Bunchū
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
88 Xiong
阴界 陰界 121 the five skandhas and the eighteen dhatu
永嘉 89
  1. Yongjia
  2. Yongjia
  3. Yongjia
圆顿止观 圓頓止觀 121
  1. complete stopping and seeing
  2. Complete Stopping and Seeing; Great Concentration and Insight
圆行 圓行 121 Engyō
昭公 122 Lord Zhao
  1. Zhejiang
  2. Zhe River
遮那 122 Vairocana
知礼 知禮 122 Zhi Li
知事 122
  1. to understand
  2. Zhishi; Clerk
  3. Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master
重兴 重興 122 Zhongxing
  1. Zhu
  2. India
  3. bamboo
  4. relating to Buddhism
  5. India


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 221.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八相 98 eight stages of buddha’s progress
八不 98 eight negations
表法 98 expressing the Dharma
别教 別教 98 separate teachings
不变随缘 不變隨緣 98 remain unmoved while following the conditions
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不思议 不思議 98
  1. inconceivable
  2. inconceivable
刹那 剎那 99
  1. ksana
  2. kṣaṇa; an instant
常坐 99 constantly sitting in meditation
常住 99
  1. monastery
  2. Permanence
  3. a long-term resident at a monastery
  4. permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
诚谛 誠諦 99 truth; bhūta
初心 99
  1. the initial mind
  2. to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta
垂诫 垂誡 99 admonition; admonishment
垂示 99 chuishi; introductory pointer
大教 100 great teaching; Buddhadharma
德本 100 virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
等观 等觀 100 to view all things equally
谛观 諦觀 100
  1. to observe closely
  2. Chegwan
二根 195 two roots
二观 二觀 195 two universal bases of meditation
二明 195 the two sciences; two kinds of wisdom; mastery of the two sciences
二三 195 six non-Buddhist philosophers
二师 二師 195 two kinds of teachers
二种 二種 195 two kinds
二门 二門 195 two gates; two teachings
二义 二義 195 the two meanings; the two explanations; two teachings
法体 法體 102 essence of all things; spiritual body
法相 102
  1. Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
  2. Dharma Characteristic
  3. notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
  4. the essential differences between different teachings
  5. the truth
法鼓 102 a dharma drum; dharmadundubhi; dharmabheri
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
法门 法門 102
  1. Dharma gate
  2. dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
方等 102 vaipulya; vaidalya; vast; extended
法智 102
  1. understanding of the Dharma
  2. Gautama Dharmaprajña
非想 102 non-perection
非心 102 without thought; acitta
非我 102 selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
佛界 102 buddha realm; buddha land; buddha country
佛性 102 Buddha-nature; buddhadhatu
佛果 102
  1. Buddhahood
  2. Foguo
观佛 觀佛 103 to contemplate on the Buddha
观门 觀門 103 the gate of contemplation
观心 觀心 103
  1. Observe the Mind
  2. to contemplate the mind
观行 觀行 103 contemplation and action
观法 觀法 103 techniques for insight; vipaśyanā
广破 廣破 103 vaipulya; vast; extended
观智 觀智 103 wisdom from contemplation
过现 過現 103 past and present
合相 104 co-occurrence; simultaneous existence; sahabhāva
互具 104 interpenetrating unity
慧日 104
  1. to have illuminating wisdom like the Buddha
  2. Huiri
  3. Huiri
假观 假觀 106 contemplation on provisional truth
见者 見者 106 observer; draṣṭṛ
加行 106
  1. Special Effort Applied Toward Practices
  2. prayoga; preparation; syllogism
  3. determination; vyavacāraṇa
结跏趺坐 結跏趺坐 106 sitting with crossed legs; to sit in the full lotus position
解行 106 to understand and practice
金光明 106 golden light
经疏 經疏 106 sūtra commentary
静室 靜室 106
  1. meditation room
  2. a quiet place
净心 淨心 106
  1. Purify the Mind
  2. a purified mind
久修 106 practiced for a long time
己证 己證 106 self-realized
俱空 106 both self and all things are empty
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空无 空無 107
  1. Emptiness
  2. śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
理观 理觀 108 the concept of truth
理具事造 108 the inherent nature of phenomenal activities
立义 立義 108 establishing the definition
料拣 料揀 108 to expound; to explain; to comment upon
了知 108 to understand clearly
理具 108 inherent things
理实 理實 108 truth
六即 108 the six identities
立宗 108 proposition; pratijñā
妙觉 妙覺 109
  1. self-enlightenment to enlighten others; wonderous awakening
  2. Suprabuddha
妙理 109
  1. a suble principle; a wonderous principle
  2. Miaoli
妙色 109 wonderful form
妙行 109 a profound act
妙乐 妙樂 109
  1. sublime joy
  2. Miaole
内法 內法 110 the Buddhadharma; the Dharma
内识 內識 110 internal consciousness
内观 內觀 110 vipasyana; insight meditation
能破 110 refutation
念念 110 thought after thought; successive moments of thought
念处 念處 110 smṛtyupasthāna; satipaṭṭhāna; smrtyupasthana; satipatthana; foundation of mindfulness
破法 112 to go against the Dharma; destruction of the dharma
请法 請法 113 Request Teachings
罄无不尽 罄無不盡 113 total and exhaustive
权实 權實 113 the expedient and the ultimately true
全修在性 113 total cultivation is within one's own nature
染净 染淨 114 impure and pure dharmas
任运 任運 114 to accomplish something by letting it occur naturally
入不二法门 入不二法門 114 entering the gate of nonduality
入不二门 入不二門 114 Enter the Gate of Non-Duality
入室 114
  1. to enter the master's study for examination or instruction
  2. to enter the master's study
入心 114 to enter the mind or heart
若尔 若爾 114 then; tarhi
三道 115
  1. three paths
  2. three realms
三德 115
  1. three virtues
  2. three modes of nature; three guṇas
三等 115
  1. three equal characteristics
  2. three equals
三谛 三諦 115 three truths
三法 115
  1. three dharmas
  2. three aspects of the Dharma
三科 115 three categories
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三障 115 three barriers
三转 三轉 115 Three Turnings Dharma Wheel
三观 三觀 115 sanguan; threefold contemplation; three insights
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
色心 115 form and the formless
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
上根 115 a person of superior capacity
上人 115
  1. supreme teacher
  2. shangren; senior monastic
摄事 攝事 115 means of embracing
生法 115 sentient beings and dharmas
生佛一如 115 sentient beings and the Buddha are one
胜法 勝法 115 surpassing dharmas
生佛 115
  1. a Buddha living in the world
  2. sentient beings and the Buddha
十法 115 ten rules; perfecting of the ten rules
实教 實教 115 real teaching
十门 十門 115 ten gates
识心 識心 115 the controlling function of the mind
识阴 識陰 115 consciousness aggregate; vijñānaskandha; viññāṇakhandha
事用 115 matter and functions
世谛 世諦 115 worldly truth; conventional truth; relative truth; mundane truth
十二入 115 āyatana; ayatana/ twelve sense bases; twelve sense-media; twelve bases of cognition
事相 115 phenomenon; esoteric practice
实相 實相 115
  1. reality
  2. dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
事造 115 phenomenal activities
受想 115 sensation and perception
四念 115 four bases of mindfulness
四念处 四念處 115
  1. the four bases of mindfulness
  2. The Four Bases of Mindfulness
四运 四運 115 the four phases of thought
四种三昧 四種三昧 115 four forms of samādhi
随缘 隨緣 115
  1. Follow Conditions
  2. to accord with conditions
  3. to act in accordance with causes and conditions
随缘不变 隨緣不變 115 to follow conditions while remaining unmoved
所立 115 thesis; property being proven; sādhyadharma
他生 116
  1. arisen from external causes
  2. future life
体性 體性 116 svabhāva; intrinsic nature; original nature; intrinsic existence; essential nature
同居 116 dwell together
外法 119
  1. external objects [dharmas]
  2. outside teachings
外境 119 external realm; external objects
万法 萬法 119 myriad phenomena; all things
妄法 119 delusion
妄心 119 a deluded mind
唯识 唯識 119 vijñaptimātratā; consciousness only; mere-representation
唯心 119 cittamātra; mind-only
无门 無門 119 Non-Existing Gate
无念 無念 119
  1. No Thought
  2. free from thought
  3. no thought
  4. tathatā
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无始 無始 119 without beginning
无始无明 無始無明 119 innate nonenlightenment; basic ignorance
五阴 五陰 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
心法 120 mental objects
心净 心淨 120 A Pure Mind
心数 心數 120 a mental factor
心心 120 the mind and mental conditions
心作 120 karmic activity of the mind
行门 行門 120
  1. teaching in practice
  2. Buddhist practice
心观 心觀 120 contemplation on the mind
信解 120 resolution; determination; adhimukti
心所 120 a mental factor; caitta
修善 120 to cultivate goodness
修证 修證 120 cultivation and realization
一尘 一塵 121 a grain of dust; a single particle
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
一佛 121 one Buddha
一境 121
  1. one realm
  2. singled pointed focus
一门 一門 121
  1. one gate
  2. one gate
一念 121
  1. one thought
  2. one moment; one instant
  3. one thought
一念三千 121
  1. Three Great Multiverses Are Contained Within a Moment of Thought
  2. One thought contains the three thousandfold world system
一识 一識 121 one perception; one knowledge
依止 121
  1. to depend and rest upon
  2. to depend upon
依报 依報 121 retribution resulting from the dependent condition or environment of one's past
一句 121
  1. a sentence
  2. a single verse; a single word
一明 121 a dhāraṇī; a dharani; a mantra; an incantation
阴魔 陰魔 121 evil that works through the five skandas
阴入 陰入 121 aggregates and sense fields
应知 應知 121 should be known
因位 121 causative stage; causative position
一品 121 a chapter
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
一往 121 one passage; one time
依正 121 two kinds of retribution; direct and conditional retribution
义宗 義宗 121 doctrine
有相 121 having form
有性 121
  1. having the nature
  2. existence
圆教 圓教 121
  1. perfect teaching; complete teaching
  2. Yuanjiao
缘理 緣理 121 study of principles
缘事 緣事 121 study of phenomena
圆融 圓融 121
  1. Perfect Harmony
  2. yuanrong; interdependence; consumate interfusion; interpenetration
缘生 緣生 121 dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
缘中 緣中 121 the place at which the mind is centered
云心 雲心 121 a clouded heart
真性 122 inherent nature; essence; true nature
正报 正報 122 direct retribution
正观 正觀 122 right observation
证法 證法 122 realization of the Dhama; practice of the Dharma; adhigamadharma
证果 證果 122 the rewards of the different stages of attainment
真净 真淨 122 true and pure teaching
真妄 122 true and false; real and imaginary
知惭 知慚 122 Sense of Humility
止观 止觀 122
  1. Cessation and Contemplation
  2. calming and contemplating
  3. calming and insight; calming and contemplation; śamatha and vipaśyanā
执心 執心 122 a grasping mind
中道 122
  1. Middle Way
  2. the middle way
重担 重擔 122 a heavy load
众生心 眾生心 122 the minds of sentient beings
中阴 中陰 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸如来 諸如來 122 all tathagatas
诸事 諸事 122 all things; everything
诸天 諸天 122 devas
转识 轉識 122
  1. Transforming Consciousness
  2. evolving mind
专修 專修 122 focused cultivation
自说 自說 122 udāna; expressions
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
纵任 縱任 122 at ease; at will; as one likes
作佛 122 to become a Buddha